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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I just use a hair trimmer. I know it's not shaved smooth and shit, but it takes five minutes, and I no longer look like an al qaeda. I usually do that too. Somewhere between stubble and beard. New job says clean shaven, so at least through training.And if I wake up late I can grab and go vs a razor needs water etc etc.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What part? I heard the rotary blades are a closer shave, but can irritate more. All I cared about was a kinda close shave with way less irritation. Since they have the 60 day money back I thought why not. It was expensive but I got it at 60% sticker.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My face is kind of sensitive and I needed a portable option for shaving so I picked up the Braun 760. So far only used it once with several days worth of stubble. Worked better than a razor because I could go against the grain. I read it gets even better as your face gets used to it, so this is nice!
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Looks funny Stefan. Probably go see it.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My new job will take me from the 30 days or so of vacation down to 10.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You never slow down!I will, it will just be a total stop. Hey you can always join me in August for my birthday.No vacation time stored up at the old/new job, and the last few weeks have shown why SSA cannot be run solo for more then a few days.Time to hire on another hand?J Hell I would work for free and get him some free time away, but the vacation think is the stopper I can agree with ya there Neal. I only ask because being able to work from anywhere would be great. Especially since I'm hopefully out in the next 90 days, and on my way to Florida. J Not a place I would go for opportunity as a first choice. Then again not sure what jobs you are looking for. Glad you are vetting out though.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Does it really clean out everything that well? Might try it on the firebird. See if it can help the fuel pump and shit run better.J Yep; you can use it in the fuel tank and/or the crankcase. Dissolves all sorts of nasty crap. Good for stabilizing fuel, too. Well pay day's coming. J NAPA has it on sale this month locally. I purchased a bunch for all the winter things than need to be winterized and for the summer stuff about to come out.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I can't sleep. Legs are just aching for no reason, and joints feel like hell. Cocktail time. Vodka soda and lime.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    that aint no shit... stewie was throwing up for some un known reason .. i changed his food, changed his drinking water, elevated his feeding bowl .. did everything i could think or read. so i took him to the vet. they insisted on taking xrays , so they had to put him to sleep for them, a shit ton of money later, they had no explanation or idea, other then i need to boil him chicken and rice every day .... FUCK THAT whats wrong with my dog!... no idea so a months worth or science diet can food assholes. and he was still throwing up.. it went away after a month or so after the vet,. then he caught kennel cough from the dog park. i toldem your gonna have to sit that out pal. Damn. My dog got into the trash Monday night. Tuesday afternoon she hadn't eaten, drank any water or taken a shit, and when I was going to leave was right up my ass, which is unusual for her. After a few calls I took her to the vet. X-rays showed what looked like a possible liquid blockage and massive gas. Blood testing showed nothing. They gave here about 800 ml of a fluid to help out. Yesterday we went back in the morning and I left her. More fluids and last night she finally shit a little bit, but still wasn't eating much. At least she was acting more normal. Today I came home and nothing eaten or drank again. Call the vet to see what they wanted to do, and they gave me some food ideas. Now she's eaten about what she usually eats over a half a day, and taken a shit three times today but just a little bit each time. I gotta call the vet tomorrow again and see where they wanna go. Might just be feed slow and see what goes things. Usually, I only take pets in for vaccines and if it seems life or death. To me if you aren't eating, can't shit and are acting like your world is ending, it's prolly worth the money to get you looked at. Plus, she's not just a dog, she's a member of my small family. J Jack is family too.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I haven't been. Compared to Travail it was....?
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    ATF huh? Verry interesting. Thanks for the feedback. Being a cheep fukker I just buy what is brand name and on sale. Peng have you been drinking seafoam?
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Never gap a platinum plug... never. I wouldn't use Lucas in oil unless there is a problem. Zinc additives are beneficial, but steer clear of others. I use BG's MOA on every other oil change. Motorcraft Synthetic is perfectly fine. It does not break down any more quickly then any others. I do run Marvel (1/2 quart in the gas tank, 1/2 in the oil) once a year. I usually do this ~500 miles before the oil change is due. Most fuel additives will provide better cleaning, but today's fuels are loaded with cleaners. I do like the fact that Marvel will clean and lubricate the major fuel system components (like the fuel pump and injectors). Seafoam is also an excellent cleaner. I use it in my bikes, mowers, tractors and small engines once a year and use it to clean the injectors in my cars/truck (under pressure) every 30K. Seafoam is great. I use it in all my yard equipment and bike. The lucas products seem like it lubricates well. I will try the marvelous oil product. I figured the motorcraft was just as good and it was in my head. :-) Thanks again.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sounds like a squeeky turbo.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That is a loud charger..... still want one.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    They need to employ you at child services.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I think your mind is playing tricks on you.Could be. The fuel additives make an instand difference though. Audibly
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That and Wd 40 are magic for shitty frozen springs an levers. Never used it as an additive as it is supposed to.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    .....so I get a job... then the weather gets all nice. And I think I have a stomach bug. Afraid to lean over the engine bay this afternoon/evening. :X
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Do you guys use any oil additives in your vehicles? Or fuel additives? For a while now, I have always put in Lucas product in my oil, and at least 2 times a year through my fuel system. Do you think it make a difference or is worth it. I know I can tell the difference right away when I use it. Engine runs quieter, maybe smoother. I don't know if it is running any better though. I do see better MPG with the fuel additive, but I am not sure if it covers the cost of the product. If I go a little heavy by accident it can really slow down acceleration unless WOT. I use seafoam in the bike at the start and end of season, but in my truck seafoam never seamed to do much. For oil I have used full synthetic, usually buy what ever big name is on sale or Motorcraft. Motorcraft is cheep usually, but it actually seems to "wear out" faster. I don't know how to explain it, it just feel less peppy faster. I got the engine with only a few thousand miles on it so it has has full synthetic the whole time. What do you guys think?
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    that aint no shit... stewie was throwing up for some un known reason .. i changed his food, changed his drinking water, elevated his feeding bowl .. did everything i could think or read. so i took him to the vet. they insisted on taking xrays , so they had to put him to sleep for them, a shit ton of money later, they had no explanation or idea, other then i need to boil him chicken and rice every day .... FUCK THAT whats wrong with my dog!... no idea so a months worth or science diet can food assholes. and he was still throwing up.. it went away after a month or so after the vet,. then he caught kennel cough from the dog park. i toldem your gonna have to sit that out pal. I am to the point where I only go in if there is a quality of life issue for him. When he was limping I took him in because it took so long to heal. The GP vet was sure something tore. ACL or something. Ortho toom a look and said... hairline fracture at worst. Pain pills, and I held him and iced the swollen parts and held him for an hour so he wouldn't walk while cold. The meds helped but the ice and TLC did more for him. It took him a looooong time to heal up because he is big and jumpy. May stilk have a problem, but for now I just get meds from the vet and go. He has allergies so bad his nose dries and splits. No one knows why. Antibiotics help a bit but can't stay on them. Olive oil every day I remember does the best. Sometimss coconut oil as it stays on longer. Petroleum jelly if we are going to be outside and dry for a while, or really cold and windy.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Lucky duck.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Indeed j
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    One of the many "other shoes" to drop happened. W got results from an MRI that she should have done 3 or more years back. Osteoarthritis in a couple disks in not good places. She has been suffering with leg pain and spasms from what I guessed was a pinched nerve. Sure as shit, but not exactly where I thought the pinch was.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Had mine pulled a few months ago. Best 2k I ever spent. I still have an unused bottle of hydrocodone from when mine got pulled a while back. Probably should get rid of it. Not to sound like a prepper, but that shit can come in handy as long as you and no one you know is an addict.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Thank you for the recommendation on the NGK plugs. They didn't have the motorcraft plugs when I went in. The NGK have a super fine pole. Thank god they were gapped already. Looked breakable. I hope I can do this all today. It looks like it might get warm enough. My arthritis is extra bad today though and just driving made my hands lock up. I need some antiseize in my knucles and joints I guess.