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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    Not to mention M.2 speeds if you want to really get into needing a quick memory.
  2. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    Can you explain this to me? How can you possibly use that much RAM? Even when testing RAM I cannot get it close to that high. And I am at least 2 generations behind your rig. The Asus delux supports 64GB of DDR4. The chipset will ultimately allow you to get so much more done with less RAM anyway it won't matter much. For both productivity and games the x99 is so much better, uses less power, and is the same price or cheaper than the previous systems.
  3. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    None of the monitors you mentioned are smalll though...... Display link is one of the worst ways to run monitors. You have your reasons, I'm not gonna argue with the fact you made your choices for whatever reason. You could have extracted a lot more performance for less money with some small tweaks is all. Again your tower is a beast, it's just a really weird, hyper specific, yet not really specialized rig.
  4. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    No matter what you have a beast, just really odd choice of parts considering when you purchased in.
  5. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    As for the speed of DDR4 RAM 3xxx was available at release and that is the maximum I see from any DDR3. If you got a deal, cool man. But the argument that your choice was something other than price motivated doesn't add up. Even think with the CRAZY amount of extra power draw you will still spend nearly the same if not more over a few years. If you upgrade every year and want initial costs down.... Well then that's that.
  6. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    What monitors are not supported by GeForce? Also there isn't a moment when you will max out that much RAM. You could have got more processor with faster productivity anyway, and that would have made up for any theoretical downside to less RAM. If you got a smoking deal on the AMD cards cool. Unless your dealing with eyefinity, which you are not, the AMD argument is really really weak. One powerful GeForce would trounce it and then if absolutely needed because of your wild amount of displays you want to run you could even get a cheep discrete second card for just drawing desktops.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Also J if you haven't yet, read Dale Carnegie's lifetime plan for success. It's 2 books." How to stop worrying and start living", and the other one is "how to make friends and influence people." They are without a doubt the best 2 books anyone can read if they need a boost. If you want to sell stuff, read HTMFAIP over and over and over. Monthly. In fact I'm going to read it this weekend, as it's been way too long. If your feeling lost/helpless read HTSWASL over and over. Read both for sure, but refresh accordingly. It's a life coach in book form. No bullshit or Jesus either.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    haha, probably not. Well.... Good luck anyway. Is that city a suburb of Chicago?
  9. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    It took some serious getting used to. I'm not sure if it is the same on all variations, but on my razer nostromo, the keys are lined up square to each other and not staggered like a typical keyboard. The keys are also standard height keys. I love the shallow keys(laptop style) on my lycosa so that was another thing to get used to. Once I got the hang of it, I like it a lot. The razer software is pretty awesome, any key can be programmed to do just about anything you want. I'm sure other keypads have similar options though.Maybe I will grab one sometime..... I'm still getting used to the Cherry MX Red keys.
  10. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    Bro, you make no sense, but do what you gotta do. LoL
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Can you get me a deal on a skidsteer?
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Here is how you fix everything. #1 calm down. Everything is better than ok. Bills are paid and you are not some fuckface. #2 decide what you want, type it, or write it, and keep a copy close by. I have my short medium and long term goals in my briefcase. If you don't write it down and look at it, you probably won't see change. #3 allow yourself baby steps. $10/hour is not beneath you. It a not $10/hour either. It's folding jeans in a retail setting while training to tell others to do it. The manager at the buckle from the Mall of Americal was grossing nearly $100k a year. Under him I made $3.25 per hour. I got the extra .25 per hour because I interviewed like a fucking champion and had a good resume. I busted my Ass, drank coffee and sold a fuckload of denim. I left as one of the top sales people in the company because I put just got up and did it. Paid attention to my mistakes, and always tried new ways to make it better. That $3.25/hour was my best paying job in both real dollars and experience until I started selling beds. $10/hour isn't beneath anyone. #4 now that you have your goals written down and you have created momentum by doing something to make a bit of $$$, start planning steps and making your goals smaller. Start big, then whiddle them down into steps. You can't do this part until you have momentum though. You need reality of momentum and work to help you pace and decide your baby steps. #5 start crossing off things as you do them. This will make you feel better than anything you have ever done. It is literally the strongest dopamine release you can give yourself.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Despair happens at 30 for a lot of men today I think. The 30-40 used to be the super wealth accumulation time. That has switched to 40-60. Don't use your current situation as a barometer of your life achievements or future. In my current work I have made much much much less than $10 per hour. Thankfully I average more but as Ryan experiences, I work a Fuck shit ton. I'm sure however Sean comes quite close to making my hours put in laughable. He also stretches to make his life more secure and more comfortable. My roommate has a masters degree from an elite program at the U of M where he was trained in technology security by CIA, FBI, and Massad(sp) directors who council the white house at top level Red VS Blue games. He walks beat security, makes less than you did. If he applied himself, he would win at life. He refuses, so he rents from me instead of me renting from him. You get to choose what you want to do, and have the amazing parachute of your VA benefits. I'm super happy you did for our country what you did and you deserve the $$$. Now use that safety net to propel yourself.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Congrats, what will you be doing?
  15. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    Shizzon, I noticed you didn't grab the new haswell parts, what made you choose the old ivy bridge platform?
  16. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    Here is a couple shots of my Eyefinity setup I used to have. I forgot to list the Razer Nostromo in there and optical drives are what they are anymore. The Logitech Z906 is pretty badass too. I don't have any tower gut shots, but can get I just noticed the Belkin style grip for the left hand, what do you think about it?
  17. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    I'm significantly past 4k in pixels right now. And my old cards cry like babies. Even with a healthy OC I cannot run most games on higher settings with surround. That's 2 year old enthusiast cards though. 660ti x2 ain't what it used to be. :-)
  18. dem beats

    Your Custom Gaming Rig

    I'm just jaw jacking. But if you are not gaming I don't see the point in the dual AMD set up. You could have got much much much better editing speeds with a more purpose built card. Everyone does their own thing. I just can't find a reason to buy AMD unless you want surround don't mind the power draw and can't step up to the team green price.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's super cheap!
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Also... I wish I was a kid today. What an awesome tool to teach kids!!!!!!! http://littlebits.cc/bitlab
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's awesome!
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    For me the definitive marker for a cluster headache is it wakes me up. Impossible to sleep. A normal migraine I can take pills and sleep. Also normal migraines never made me think that hitting my head on a wall might make it feel better. :-) Much better today. Sweating out my meds a bit though. Gross.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Interesting. I have a migraine this morning as well. Fucking can't see SHIT. No idea what a cluster headache is but assume it is what I have x10Yup. Often go by the term suicide headache. It's a pain that I can't describe. Many people will actually loose control of half their face like a stroke victim. Before I knew they were a thing I called them lightning headaches.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    This is the second cluster headache this year. Cluster like at least. Last time I got them I was 23-24 or so.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I also grab my impact sockets for most everything now.