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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Water in bourbon? You're dead to me. Water in the sugar.....that then went into the whisky.... too much ice melted in the glass and it went limp. I refortified though. :-)
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Also, orange bitters.... Fuck yeah. I can see why you like it Seth. Orange bitters are orange rind in a bottle. That shit is great. Mine ended up watered down. I tried to get the sugar to mix with a few splashes of water. A bit more bourbon and squirt of Bernadine got me back on track.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have zero interest in methamphetamine actually. But by the books it will make you feel better than anything else possibly can, and for most people who have good stuff it a a huge sex tool. Viagra and amphetamines is a classic orgy drug for men, women get less from taking viagra than men do however.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    When you say crank do you mean crack cocaine? That's a universe apart from amphetamines. If you mean bathtub meth, yeah it would be horrible. Extremely high quality amphetamines are by the biological rulebooks the best high you can get. Unfortunately they do some damage. I'm not saying everyone does or would like amphetamines the best, personalities come into play, but the way it works on dopamine makes you feel like you have completed everything on your life's goal list times billion. It's getting a Nobel prize, your 38th gold medal in the Olympics, finally buying the dream car getting the business you started to enterprise status and seeing tours kids graduate get married and holding your grandkids all at once.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Nope. That is an insult. I see one similarity. When you start to get off there is a hard buzzing in your ears. Aside from that, I see no similarities. OOB flights through the universe to meet god sound a lot like salvia..... That and the art is similar to what I may have heard others saw.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I just ruined 4 oz of Woodford. SMH. Better make a few more....
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    DMT sounds a lot like salvia.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Perhaps if you were 15 and your libido insaneAmphetamines massively increase sexual desire in almost everyone. Just rough on the hearts for you old men.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You sent Mike thermal Dick picks and not me Seth? Bogus.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://www.chow.com/recipes/18787-bourbon-sour First one I saw. As usual find your own sweetness ratio. This is easily my favorite way to put back less than fantastic whiskey.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That sounds good, maybe a touch less agave as it's pretty sweet. Seth have you ever had a sour made with eggwhites?
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Agave is as close to flavorless as you will get next to white sugar. It would be almost impossible to tell the difference. The practical use and the mouth feel of agave appeals to me. As for club soda, that means carbonated water to me. It will just be water. Carbonic acid would be the only flavor I can think of. It might lift some of the Orange notes from the bitters as would the fizz.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Anything that can help you loose weight(amphetamines for example) will Fuck with your BG. I would be that it usually causes drops in BG as you develop a tic or move more so you burn more. But if you don't get active while it revved up the metabolism it may literally be metabolising fat into glucose and then if you just sit there, the glucose could then cause resistance. I have my own ideas about it too. I think stimulants can also cause an increase in cortisol directly or sympatheticly from average lower kcal intake and extra stress/exertion on the CNS and muscle systems. This is especially amplified if you don't stay in motion while the drug is acting on your CNS. Again, this is all theory, but in my experience lower stress resulted in better BG than meds and high stress. I'm also not in complete agony from my joints anymore.... So I feel better and probably move more. I'm eating like craps more however and BG is better.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm on my cell right now Stephan, but you can find meters that test in several different places. I think it's called the freedom that I have. You can test arms hand and I think thigh. Have to look at each ones specifics, but the freedom is what I have. It has a butterfly on it. The manufacturer and my diabetic counselor mention that it is less accurate the when you don't use your finger tips. I usually suffer through the finger pricks. :-( Try to be consistent with the spot you check I guess no matter where you decide, and make sure you clean it well, rinse it and dry it really well. Alchohol swabs, and some soaps will affect numbers and so can water or dirt.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Stephan, my guess as to why fat has a negative impact is that it puts extra strain and possible fat retention into you liver directly. I don't know. Protein has a favorable effect on your BG. Maybe because of the increase in metabolic function and or nitrogen ballance from protein. I think the "nitrogen" ballance plays a big role in diabetes and men. Most men with low T are at risk for type T. I would also guess that many men who have type 2 are never diagnosed but do have low T. I digress, that's a personal soap box of mine. Women can get damaging estrogen covered by health insurance, but a man wants to get his androgens on track and its like murder to even
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seth, I think Sean is saying skip the sugar unless it's actually fruit that you need to smash up(muddle). The sugar granules help muddle the fruit. If you are not actually working to crush up a piece of fruit or leaf of some kind just use the agave nectar. I use agave myself. The texture is pleasant and its sweet without coloring the drink with a flavor like honey.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Next.... Testing. Test test test. Just approach it with a scientific look, not a patient look. Test 30-60-90 min after you eat. Test every morning before food OR WATER. Try different foods and see how you react. Learn what affects you. If you drink, stop. Booze fucks with your BG in ways we don't understand. It drops BG hard, then let's it race up. It's horrible on someone with uncontrolled diabeetus. It can be a problem if you are controlled. Weed is not a lot better but at least it's calorie free. I would avoid all other recreational drugs until you know how food works in you first. Some can actually make you diabetic while the effects are working. For non rec drugs avoid steroids like the plague. Special corticosteroids, but Arnold steroids could mask or make worse too. I actually feel that almost all androgens can help men who have diabetes massively but if you are on the juice, get off. Especially HGH. HGH can basically make you diabetic while using. So can many fat burning products. Almost all of them in fact. Even stuff as benign as ephedrine or similar can increase BG by burning fat. If you constantly are in a state of fat turning to sugar you will become diabetic based on resistance alone.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Onto living with... Type ones usually have better A1C because they use insulin and its predictable. While they don't make enough to live, they know what their basal rate is and adjust drugs accordingly. Type 2 diabetics get metformin and glipizide. Metforming is awesome. Asks your liver to stop making so much Damn sugar. Also has the effect of making less insulin do more. Glipizide puts the spurs to your pancreas. Makes it step up it's insulin making game. Those pills are enough for some type 2 patients. I hate them because I responded poorly, have horrible reactions, and my A1C was not different enough to notice. Right now I'm not medicated, I'm not working out as much, not watching my diet and my A1C is better than it has been in years. 100% due to reducing stress, cortisol and trying to increace testosterone and comfort level. This you won't like to hear..... I know more people who have a larger spike in BG levels when they eat fat rich meals than carb rich meals. They do their best to eliminate foods with fat and carbs together. Eat microscopic portions of everything and time meals. They also basically only have fat in the form of olive oil. They had to eliminate all fat that was not HDL containing. So just fish and EVO. This could be a liver thing, this could be that fat slows absorption and thus increases resistance. The facts remain that we don't know how resistance works really. All I can tell you is I have seen them eat a TBSP of sugar, and it made their BG go up a bit, but the insulin did it's job and boom back to normal. Then she had a TSP of butter and that shit was high for a much longer time. Almost an hour compared to 10-15 min high for the sugar.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Stephan, I'm not sure how much you know about diabetes. I'm sorry if this is redundant info. If you are not making enough insulin it's your pancreas. Shit is serious. That's type one. Type one is what we all think of as the serious version. Interestingly enough, type ones usually have better A1C numbers. Smart ones at least. Type 2 is a form of resistance. The insulin is not getting into your cells. We could also call this as your body not making enough, because with more insulin the glucose will leave the blood. However the root problem is that what should be enough insulin to shuttle all that sugar, is just not doing it. I like to think of it as receptor downgrade as it helps me to understand the process. The hormone you produce is just not enough. This could be because of a billion reasons. I assume your fasting BG was tested in the morning? I have what's called dawn syndrome. My BG is stratospheric in the morning. No food in me... My liver is making sugar all night for some reason is the best guess. That constant sugar bombardment(made from inside my own body) is probably why I am also insulin resistant. So does your one time measurement of high BG mean you are diabetic? Unless you are taking something that modifies your metabolism, or you are quite sick, probably. Best way to tell is to get a double gulp of any freezy you can stomach. Grab a BG meter and test before, halfway through right after and then an hour after. If you read above 110 at any point, you are diabetic basically. This isn't a big deal. To confirm get your A1C tested and see if your at a high level all the time. A1C is a better indication of health.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://bringmethenews.com/2014/11/03/wisconsin-governor-wrote-go-packers-on-steel-for-vikings-stadium/ Sean will like.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Like you, much of my family is diabetic. As I get older, my pancreas gets retarded. i go through bouts of hypoglycemia, then hyper, then fine, then repeat. They are never able to nail anything down. It's just as if my body goes stupid. I actually think this all goes back to my celiac disease, but I really have no clue. All you can do is prepare.Anyone with autoimmune is at a risk level for type one. My guess is he is type 2. Everything you said is absolutely valid though.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I will address this all with detail tonight or tomorrow in the morning. My fasting BG can be hundreds and hundreds of points apart. I have worken up to 325 before. That's nearly doctor visit time.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ha! I was in the 20% minority at my school as a white kid. Barely had any white friends growing up. I was an official Chinese person.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I don't understand the application and I feel that the efficiency is increased because of something I don't understand in the dynamics of that kind of machine. You guys are way more educated and experienced than I am. Want me to sell it? That I can do, want me to learn to design one? I'll need a few weeks and study materials.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Google AC induction motors in relation to locomotives.That isn't a hybrid system on the train itself from what I saw. Am I missing it?