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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    #1 is Atkins. Best method that won't kill you fast. #2 DNP. Just kidding fam. Don't do that. Not man enough. #3 Bang bad bitches. Combine any of the above methods with resistance work outs and mild cardio like walking and you will be as thin as you want in no time.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Impossible. Only not enough dedication.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What are you working on?
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    At least you know where you are Mike!
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You can gain so much from test alone. Just be prepared to want to fuck anything that walks. I've never been on any kind of juice. I've only begun to think about it as I accelerate towards 40.Depending on your natural production, even HRT through a physician could be enough to see a bump in performance. Androgel did basically nothing for me, the shots helped however.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It's hot fire. Also a felony. :-)
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I think it's more to do with not sleeping and blood sugar issues. That would make anyone a real McAsshole.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Tren can have some serious side effects so you'd never start with the enanthate ester since it'll last longer in the body, instead use acetate ester since it has a much shorter half life, once you know the dose and sides are fine then switch to enanthate. It's kind of nuts but there's tons of stories about people getting divorced / breaking up with their girlfriends while on tren. Why is that?Lots of people associate tren with agression. I don't believe it so much.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Listen...... I have no defense.. Them bitches is so gooooood
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Stop making fun of me guys! I can't help it. I love them cheesey gorditas!
  12. dem beats

    Happy Birthday Adrian!

    Congrats on another trip around the local star!!!
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Means something different whether you are a jock or a pothead.I don't think I should spark a doob today.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Super bowl of sales today!
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I vote discount tire. I have always negotiated a better price on their stores than I could get online.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Biggie makes everything better.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If someone bloats when on tren it's probably a bad batch of fina. Estrogen like compounds are a muthafukka
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Tren can have some serious side effects so you'd never start with the enanthate ester since it'll last longer in the body, instead use acetate ester since it has a much shorter half life, once you know the dose and sides are fine then switch to enanthate. It's kind of nuts but there's tons of stories about people getting divorced / breaking up with their girlfriends while on tren.Teen is actually really mild. If you do not use an actual testosterone product it can make dudes emotional however. An ooooooold aquaintance made finaplex tren by the garbage bag full.I have been prescribed testosterone 2 times in my life and while amazing, it's not a thing I can keep up with right now. And Androgel was worthless. The injection worked but doses were so small the only thing I noticed was a slight drop in far and more night boners. ;-) Well I don't really have a leg to stand on, but from everything I've read that isn't exactly the case.I guess I should clarify by side effects, I don't think it's any worse health wise than most others, but you don't get insomnia, short temper, and night sweats from high test either. The concern with Tren would be HBP.I can confirm without any caviet that the night sweats, insomnia, and short temper have way more to do with food intake than the androgen itself. Tren can really mess with blood sugar. Nothing in the world will cause sense growth the same way as HGH and insulin, but tren will come closer than anything. Some of my lifting buddies have actually gone through gallons of the junk. Then why are there countless posts about people taking all the AAS under the sun without having "roid rage," or any of those sides for years then taking tren and having them? Same reason other rumors go all crazy. Mass hallucination. Honestly, the crabby part is because of shit diets, then it modifies how you process sugar. It also interupts sleep for many so you basically have sleep deprived glucose starved knuckleheads. Of course they turn into little bitches. If the person using would modify their diet and work on getting better sleep there wouldn't be a rumor.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I know what is out there and all the conversations around tren. While every human is different drol, dbol, and other androgens with a high conversion to other hormones.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Tren can have some serious side effects so you'd never start with the enanthate ester since it'll last longer in the body, instead use acetate ester since it has a much shorter half life, once you know the dose and sides are fine then switch to enanthate. It's kind of nuts but there's tons of stories about people getting divorced / breaking up with their girlfriends while on tren.Teen is actually really mild. If you do not use an actual testosterone product it can make dudes emotional however. An ooooooold aquaintance made finaplex tren by the garbage bag full.I have been prescribed testosterone 2 times in my life and while amazing, it's not a thing I can keep up with right now. And Androgel was worthless. The injection worked but doses were so small the only thing I noticed was a slight drop in far and more night boners. ;-) Well I don't really have a leg to stand on, but from everything I've read that isn't exactly the case. I guess I should clarify by side effects, I don't think it's any worse health wise than most others, but you don't get insomnia, short temper, and night sweats from high test either. The concern with Tren would be HBP. I can confirm without any caviet that the night sweats, insomnia, and short temper have way more to do with food intake than the androgen itself. Tren can really mess with blood sugar. Nothing in the world will cause sense growth the same way as HGH and insulin, but tren will come closer than anything. Some of my lifting buddies have actually gone through gallons of the junk.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Tren can have some serious side effects so you'd never start with the enanthate ester since it'll last longer in the body, instead use acetate ester since it has a much shorter half life, once you know the dose and sides are fine then switch to enanthate. It's kind of nuts but there's tons of stories about people getting divorced / breaking up with their girlfriends while on tren. Teen is actually really mild. If you do not use an actual testosterone product it can make dudes emotional however. An ooooooold aquaintance made finaplex tren by the garbage bag full. I have been prescribed testosterone 2 times in my life and while amazing, it's not a thing I can keep up with right now. And Androgel was worthless. The injection worked but doses were so small the only thing I noticed was a slight drop in far and more night boners. ;-)
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You really need HGH and androgens to make it really worth it.LMK if you find a good source. ;-) Lulz From I've gathered HGH doesn't actually do much. It's about the holy trinity. I haven't had the pleasure. The guys on all 3 were light years ahead of guys who were only using androgens as far as body comp. Insulin and HGH together kept some of the guys <10% while gaining insane levels of size. These dudes were already the .0000001% though. Basically pro worthy and didn't want to compete or had some hard problem holding themselves back. They made me and my 6 day a week regiment look like kindergarten.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I actually think I have developed a blood sugar problem,thinking that may be what is wrong with my feet.I can hardly walk in the morning until I get moving around.As long as I am moving they don't hurt that bad until I sit down then they throb.The longer I am off them the more they hurt it has gotten to be a fucking nightmare. I have always been able to deal with pain for the most part.Strong ass pain killers I have been taking will take the edge off but does no good "roxy 30's".and my lower legs itch like crazy for no reason I am constantly scratching till I bleed and they go numb at night while I sleep it will wake me up,I was complaining about this a while back if you remember.idk That is one reason why I have throtteled back my drinking but it seems to be making no difference yet.Get some blood work done, or at the very least check your fasting blood sugar level.I have a bio screening for my insurance coming up.last year for my bio screening after fasting my blood sugar was at 41 and I cheated drinking a quart of chocolate milk,I did not know I could not drink anything I was starving plus I was on antibiotics at the time so I wanted to put something in my stomach.They brung me back in to recheck the next morning after I ate a good meal and it was fine idk.They told you not to eat. The whole point is to not consume any calories. Really it's don't have anything other than water as anything other than water changes your system.If you are still on medication you might want to check to see if you should take any of that while fasting. getting blood work done is REALLY important IMO. There are so many things they can find out that may not even be bothering you at the time. Water intake can change BG too.... Not usually enough for a normal fasting test.A1C is the real sign. I'm nervous as my right eye is getting worse and worse. Hope I don't have to loose an eye to the beetus. Crap, serious? 99.99999% sure it's just looking it's vision faster than the left eye from lasic. I just need to got in and get an eye exam. Its not bad every day actually so it could just be excessively dry eye.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I know more about most medical issues than most doctors. That aside, go see a doc mike!
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I actually think I have developed a blood sugar problem,thinking that may be what is wrong with my feet.I can hardly walk in the morning until I get moving around.As long as I am moving they don't hurt that bad until I sit down then they throb.The longer I am off them the more they hurt it has gotten to be a fucking nightmare. I have always been able to deal with pain for the most part.Strong ass pain killers I have been taking will take the edge off but does no good "roxy 30's".and my lower legs itch like crazy for no reason I am constantly scratching till I bleed and they go numb at night while I sleep it will wake me up,I was complaining about this a while back if you remember.idk That is one reason why I have throtteled back my drinking but it seems to be making no difference yet. Get some blood work done, or at the very least check your fasting blood sugar level. I have a bio screening for my insurance coming up.last year for my bio screening after fasting my blood sugar was at 41 and I cheated drinking a quart of chocolate milk,I did not know I could not drink anything I was starving plus I was on antibiotics at the time so I wanted to put something in my stomach.They brung me back in to recheck the next morning after I ate a good meal and it was fine idk. They told you not to eat. The whole point is to not consume any calories. Really it's don't have anything other than water as anything other than water changes your system. If you are still on medication you might want to check to see if you should take any of that while fasting. getting blood work done is REALLY important IMO. There are so many things they can find out that may not even be bothering you at the time. Water intake can change BG too.... Not usually enough for a normal fasting test. A1C is the real sign. I'm nervous as my right eye is getting worse and worse. Hope I don't have to loose an eye to the beetus.