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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Need Your Advice

    Of these 2 choices I say caddy. The CTS is awesome. I would find the most recent used one with nothing for miles and go with it. If you can look around and wait a bit you will find some guy defaulting on his '09 cts soon enough and I would swoop that up toot sweet, and pay a good chunk under and no new car/gas tax... I don't knwo if that applies in canada but here gas tax can be killer.
  2. dem beats

    tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

    Nice whip man. Not at all my style.... But I like it! I want to put marble floors in mine Since you roll the way you do here is some tips sir. Anyway, say no to a search next time, and every time. I am near straight edge all the time, and I won't let them in my vehicle for anything. It's too easy for them to make you a victim than to catch the real criminal. You are a target, respectable kid in a CLEAN car will attract the police every time. They don't want to hassle some junker where who knows what might be hiding under a box of dirty dishes. When you roll like that they think they will either catch you on a small wrap, or get luck and find out you slang ya to the tri county area and for some reason had it all in the ride that night. What they don't want is some guy trying to be on the come up who shot 5 people last week with nothing to loose. It's just like any other job, they will take the easiest way out, and that's asking permission to break what is otherwise banned constitutional laws. It's more hastle everytime. Your best bet is to call a local hungry new lawyer, get a business card and keep it in your wallet. When they pull you over be ultra polite, never cocky, untill they ask to search, say no you feel uncomfortable and have been harassed before here is your lawyers card. If they continue ask them if they are intent on detaining you, and that if so you would like THEM to call your lawyer. they don't want to file paperwork and their cheif doesn't want that in the papers.
  3. dem beats

    I got suspended form school today.

    hey bro. I'm going to be another one of those guys who learned the hard way. I grew up with some bad chit at home... I had $$$ though a lot and a high income. I purchased a house. I was all hyped about tax credits. I have always had a great finance mind. I was making 50-70k a year with nothing. I went in and got my GED, hung over because I thought it was funny. 1 year went by, company changed I took about a 15-20k a year pay cut, lost my home. Gas was way up, and I drove and extra 40 miles a day. Now mtg laws changed. I couldn't have even purchased a home if I wanted to! What I next had to see, was some of my friends who took my advice and stayed in school, they could get a non sales non retail job. Even with student loans they had invested from the get go and have loans defered. Ones in information tech and buisnes, he had a job offers at him faster than he could fill out apps at 70k plus profit bonus a signing on 15k there. My other budy will be done with his PHD in otpthamology in 2-3 years. Starting for him dependign on regon is upwards of 500k. Believe all of us who are telling you that you need to take care of you first, and if you want to follow the car audio dream I commend you, but do it as a side business. As for fighting, man you guys must have gone to school with emo kids.... lol I'm 6'2 280, everyone wanted to take a shot, and I let them I got tapped in the mouth 2 times by a kids. I never once threw back, not once because none of them were a threat to which I would be hurt seriously. The one sitting down and he stood over me and rapped me.. it hurt bad, but what ever. If you take it punch bishes like that don't know what to do with you they puff up and think they are all that. They are all in prison now. I know I checked...... Do everything you can do fight this battery charge. Get it dropped to something anything. Do not come away with a felony. Lawyer up good if they do charge you and pay they lawyer. It's worth every penny. If you get the med bill dumped on you, and they say pay this and it's all over makes them sign a document that there will be no criminal charge. Be very careful. I have the benefit of living with an lawyer, who has helped me much, but even if I didn't I ALWAYS have one I can call in case of a situation where I had to defend myself. Something big guys NEED to learn is passive conflict resolution even if you may take a shot or two. You can be hurt, shot, cut up anything and if the scum bag who you hit once and then got gutted by says he was defending himself and his 4'9 girlfriend who lies for him. you will look like a monster every time. I wish you the best of luck man, sorry for being long winded. I know everyone has their own story, to tell you and that's good you NEED to listen and be a success we tell you because we care about someone who may remind us of ourselves or someone with a common interest or otherwise.
  4. dem beats

    Car security

    I feel the same way.... I will not put rims etc on the vehicle. Off road lights or a lift, but more north woods than pimpin down the street if everything. I go often to some property up north and it's nice to have some fun in the dirt. Kick, Yeah I do worry. Insurance is fine I'm covered as can be. I'm most just concerned about someone fookin around with an instal. $$ isn't the real issue. I park in safe places, but I'm just realistic about the fact anytime anywhere someone can be a jack a$$. Even the nicest gated burbclave isn't safe.
  5. dem beats

    Car security

    I have been thinking about how I will work on my 98 expedition, and now that I put my deck in i'm getting nervous about theft. I had planned on throwing in speakers, but recent life events really put a crunch on funds and time. I just got done with the bulk of the tragedy but I still have some time before I can come back fiscaly. Which is why I want security for my vehicle. I actualy have it parked in a security monitered area at work now and in a high high traffic place. No more work theft I think, and it's parked outside my bedroom window at home, but I'm still skeptical if I end up somewhere else. I currently have a system of when I remove my face plate I have a sheild that I use to drop over the deck so no one can even see the fact that I have a deck, it's pretty nice now and I will be glassing everything en eventualy but I'm keeping things open for a carputer in the next few months, and I will be going active (thanks M5 and everyone the pio is an amazing user friendly deck). I couldn't find a solid recent thread about the ins and outs of car security systems, and I think it's something all of us should look into as a measure of safety. If they want it no alarm will stop them, especialy if they are pro, but it helps to have another layer of defence. Just like with my wireless a pro can get in but if they can get my 64 bit incryption or 64 character random pass and my IP to connect... well, they are pro and nothing I can do. Anyway, I want to know what your opinions are on the best systems, and why. Also I am not so sure I want automatic start. My expedition uses the pass system and I guess to use remote start I have to black box bypass the natural security in the truck with a blank. That makes me skeptical, whats stopping them from driving off other than the park? I have the car start on mine currently (no security system just locks and start) but with no box it just attempts to start 3 times and with no fuel dies. Also is the install possible for someone with minimum knowledge? I can get mch better prices online, but then I have to be the one doing the install and i'm pretty skeptical about my skills when it comes to that portion. Much different than speakers. What features do you guys feel are the most important, and what companies are the most trusted by everyone? Thanks for all the help.. oh and I know tint must be done, it will be. I just love the slightly reflective tint that came on my EB edition I hate to have it darkened it looks perfect as is to me.. but I will soon. Sweet I just hit post 100 with this WOOOT!
  6. dem beats

    Buying a meter

    One of my good friends brought a meter like that home from his work so he could become familiar with it. We had planned on testing my HT and doing some tests... this was all before I moved into an apt... anyway. Those high end meters are insane. I nearly had kittens there when he told me the 30k price tag and multiple thousand dollar different mic set ups. Well I guess when its your job you need that equipment, I was just happy to play with it and see the difference of a real aneoch chamber and really how loud the quietest room in your house was. All in all I know verry little about how these things work but I know one thing for an absolute fact. If the tech was as accurate as they say and in anyway at all reliable companies wouldn't throw hundreds of K at the other unit when they could just buy 50 of these disposable priced ones for their needs.
  7. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    you did. are you selling yours at a good price? =) i have been mapping that out, and it may have to be door mounted, no room at all on A pillar. maybe dash but damn that would be a big hole. thanks so much for all the help. i'll be cruising the forum for used speakers, but i may just get impatient and shoot to kill. lol
  8. From a lot of help from many folks here at SSA, M5, jim, neon and acidburn come to mind(thanks dudes), I decided to go active. I ordered my pio 880 here from SSA because in the end, i've been helped here more and would rather give my hard earned dollars to this place when they are an option. I will be deadening the whole vehicle at some point and doing the doors when I start on the speakers, I cant even figure out how to pop the doors off on this vehicle, and as it's cold as chit I haven't spent anytime on it yet. Future plans also are to add a car-puter, and bass at some point I now need help again for going active with the drivers for the front stage. Right now I am going to leave off even thinking about the bass. It's extremely important to me to have it, but to me without great mids, bass is nothing. The highs... well. Meh. I have an older v12 alpine amp to power them, but I have no clue what would be a nice set for the front stage. I'm going to be putting the install in my 98 expedition EB edition. It has a 2000 dash but shouldn't affect the speaker install much, just give more room for car-puter innards and HU. My goal is to have very very capable punchy full sounding mid bass that extends low and covers mids with authority. To me highs are more negotiable in the way I usually turn the highs down, more so in a car, as my ears seam hyper sensetive to shrill highs. I would also if possible like to keep the install simple, in that It would be nice if I didn't have to build an enclosure for the speakers. It can be done, but it doesn't sound like my idea of a good time to get all that to fit in the door. I could go with kicks, but I just don't think it will trip my trigger. my goal is to not go over 300. I would like to spend less than 200, but is there anything that can make that goal work for less than 200 for all 4 speakers? Thanks all
  9. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    I think I will wait on the excel's I think I will go with the CA18rnx's. Would the HDS still be an ok option? Those shipped from madi sound would be about right with each peice being about 70 bucks per. Any better prices around on those? EDIT: this is a big step for me I am the kind of guy who almost every time buys more than I can work with, and waaay more than I need. Thank you for the "sound" advice. Ok cheesy one liners done 4 me today. I can upgrade later.
  10. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    You explain things very well. With respect and information I'm probably going to go with the nextels. It will be my first install of it's kind for me where i'm putting SO much heart into an install. I want this to be mine and not just throw cash at it. What do you think for tweets? all clarity and NO harsh sound. Thanks again so much.
  11. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    you would pick it over the ones you have? also what is the difference in the e and the ex in the seas you have in the bmw. The Ex's would only be a few bucks more per speaker. I would have to save for a while longer... but I'm not installing untill summer probably anyway. I just like to buy everything peace by peace early and do it all at once I noticed you have significantly less costly models in the truck. Do those come even close? how would you compair them. I've never heard anything from seas before. My HT uses the energy RC series and uses the phase plus style woofer which look damn cool, and seam to sound different than your average dust cap style too. Thanks for so much help.
  12. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    sweet. Mine is a 98 with a 2000 dash. I'll look you up for sure when i'm ready. It's oooh... about a high of 0 right now in MN so I'll be holding off on that work.
  13. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    clarity. I can't imagine with that close of a near field situation where speakers in this range would be quiet by any means. Volume is important I supose, I want it to be louder than road noise, but I definately don't want 150 DBs from my mids at 2-3 feet away from my ear. And with a tweet that close... I gues I'm trying to say i'm not chasing numbers and I'm sure it will get plenty loud with any quality speaker sitting that close and clarity wins over loud every time. good question though. Size? Well, I think only the tweeters would be limited, as I don't knwo how I could mount a larger tweeter in the a pillar I have to deal with. Unless you think a dash mount would work. I'm open to any ideas. Also I just sold a car for parts so I have a little bit extra cash to deal with now which is nice, I can dedicate another 50-100 to this project. Again, the less I spend the better as I still have to matt the vehicle and fabricate amp and buy a sub and box... but I think that will be a long time out from now. =P Thanks so much for the help M-5
  14. dem beats

    Help choosing active front stage

    I am not sure about the power. I will check that next time I go to my storage unit and check it out. It's the alpine v12 4 channel. I don't know if that helps. I want the mids and midbass to be the shining star I love to hear the strums of the guitar and bass and punch from drums. My favorite music deals with allot of rock/european metal sounds and older rock, Hip Hop a bit of rap, tons of techno. Much acoustic music and some powerfull classical. Mounting. Probably in door, I can fabricate any mount for the in door aplication and cut the pannell some no problem... I don't know if I want to build/buy kicks. I fear damaging the speakers if it's down there. The tweeters can go any where that sounds good. The retarded a pillar comes point in the expo though so it would be pretty diffocult, but I could cut and mount if the tweet is small enough
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bastage! I'll be in orlando next week. Fly down drive up. That's how I roll. When will u be back in I'm still going to hold you to that demo my man!
  16. dem beats

    active setup/processing help

    4 door tahoe with 2 night shade 15's that will be upgrade to 4 each on about 3500-4000 rms I think he was getting at the fact that with that many speakers you will have less sound quality than if you just went 3 way in each of the front doors. In most peoples eyes it is a waste of money because it will make the music sound worse with all those drivers. It can certainly look cool, but if you are going for acurate music or to me good sounding music you wouldnt want all that. I usualy cut the speakers in the rear of the car even on factory as it may get louder, but I hear less of the intended sound, and unless it's some kind of bass unit it won't provide anything positive. Even in my expO I'm thinking about going active and ONLY powering the front doors. The second row speakers would take away from the joy of true stereo and would probably fudge up my imaging. IMHO you could spend allot more on a GREAT set of 2 or even 3 way, go active and have much better output. even worse than you average ground pounder style car, an SPL car with a bunch of tweeters and mids with no low end really piss me off. I can understand bass, but why anyone would want to sent 160 DBS worth of 15000hz at their mellon.. well. I would rather get hit with a baseball bat. If you're doing if for the coolness factor or to show off you custome glass and install skills, rock on. If you care about SQ or IMHO SPL you could spend your $$ in much much much better ways than just a bunch of speakers.
  17. dem beats

    Shop just got an overhaul

    SS, I can say it beats the heck out of the majority. Plus the content here is much better. It's because you guys keep working to make the place better that it becomes better.
  18. dem beats

    Many new items being added to cart!

    I'm so glad you got that pio 880! It's still a bit over what I wanted to pay, but this is great guys! good work!
  19. dem beats

    Finals : 153.3db

    OMFG That is awesome. I'm going to start a medical supply company that uses "Harmonic resonance to clean an purify the colon" and then market it to pervs.
  20. dem beats

    New pistol

    if you described your hands correctly, you'll love the xd. and the transition isn't bad. i personally own a couple of polymers, jsut got rid of my 1911 (rusty sumbitch won't even get name mentioned anymore) and i never have any issues going from gun to gun. of course i'm a bit of a nut and will sit for hours cleaning, racking the slide, working the controls until i can flat do it with zero thought and effort. and a .40 in a light polymer gun (i'm assuming you have a goverment length 1911) is about the same recoil as a .45 in a 1911. it's firm, but it's very managable. a .45 in a polymer is a bit more then the 1911, but it's still not a handful. and if the grip fits better, recoil is easier tamed. justin, glad it fits, that's the key. but i'm with you, a sub compact should be just that, a sub compact. kinda like my keltec... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee You sold me. I'll try one out at the range next time I go. You sound like me. Sometimes if I need to zone I just keep taking the 1911 apart and putting it back together. I may have to try the XD then. Pretty much did describe hand right. I have shorter fingers and a verry wide thick palm and thicker fingers. "high volume hand" is the term in the glove buying buisness I guess. I think of them as fat sausages. The ladies love it. ha! =P
  21. dem beats

    Shop just got an overhaul

    Man, Now I look like a jerk. Oh well I was honest. The older one had more of a really nice boutique shop style. I actualy think thought this one loads and navigates better, So on form.. not my bag of chips, but it seams to function faster/better.
  22. dem beats

    Mobile 5.1?

    I'm new but listen to the other guys who have more experience. 5.1 = not good. I'm not educated enough to know why, but it just doesn't work well. Save that kind of bodaciousness for the HT at home. 2.1 FTW every time in a car. I don't even think I will have rear door speakers in my SUV, just fronts and subs. I'm almost 100% sure if I take my time and do it right it will sound better. Cramming more speaks in that area just doesn't work, and you will never have the same quality imaging.
  23. dem beats


    I agree. I think the BL falls to the side too often. I think I know why. People like to say they have a fully loaded BTL. Sounds cool, if you are in the know. It's like subwoofer 133+ I was highly tempted by the BL, but in the end I want way more SQ than it can offer, and I'll do a Ground pounder later.... besides I need to spend all cash on a deck mids highs dampening, and marble floors first. To the OP though, check out the BL or even the the Icon. Those are sexay looking woofs to me.
  24. dem beats

    Any new 2008 cars your excited about??

    Maybe. But since no one has driven the GTR yet, it's hard to say. They're also saying that it will start at over $80k. Power numbers are similar but I'll guess that the Vette is gonna weigh less and will definitely have less rotating mass because of the all-wheel drive. I hear what you're saying about the vette feeling a bit vague, but the fact still remains that its easy for the average driver to drive fast and the lack of feel doesn't keep a good driver from driving it really fast. It doesn't get scary when driven hard like the ass is going to pass the front but it still will let you tighten the line by powering up. It's not a pure driver's car and in light of that it really is pretty impressive that it places ahead of more raw feeling cars time and again in pretty much every comparison, both objectively and subjectively. I got to test drive one while my friend had a supercharger put in his 'lade, and the f'ed up the job, so they loaned him the vette. I would challenge that the vette is easy for anyone to drive. I drove the model prior to the z06, and I would take my Late model Jetta mkIII any day. I could feel and respond faster, and in a side by side I was off the line just a hair better with only wider large wheels and air intake. Now after oh say 3 feet, the vette would blow past and I would eat smoke, but this is a 10ish year older car and maybe 1/4th the price. Chev should cry about how they built that car. The interior was designed so claustrophobic(sp), but I didn't feel like I was in tune with the vehicle at all for all that cramped space. It's odd I felt more at home and comfortable in a TT a denan M3 and S4 than in this Big Icon of go fast when I am 6'2 and at the time 270 bills. It came down to how the car works with you. When ever I even see a vette it looks like a camaro that came out of the trailor park and put on a nice outfit instead of. I almost expect a gun rack. Don't take that as a burn, I think they can be tuned to be amazing wonderfull machines, and with just a bit of kit they can look better than some exotics... I just don't think with lambo and aston making cars at the under 100K Chev could step it up. Classicaly I love the old stingray styles, maybe the sexiest american vehicle ever made with the exception of some no longer in the biz companies. Any way this is about '08 I am all over the Nissan, err infinity GTR. I am a huge fan of the chrystler 300 series, but they are not what they COULD be. I'm honestly more interested in the big truck market and the new tech comming out from that comunity. As for Porsche I <3 them. Every one I have ever rode in or drove is like sexy on wheeles.