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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    fo sho. 57 is off the chain my man!
  2. dem beats

    98 expedition EB edition

    roflmao.. I even re read that to check if I made sence the second time... Yeah.. it's all about the size of my unit now add in the referance to second skin.... wow. I fail lol
  3. dem beats

    98 expedition EB edition

    I am going to be deadening my whole truck and SS keeps comming up as a quality brand. I was wondering how much you think I might need to do the entire vehicle. I'm really hoping to reduce road and wind noise and also stop as much vibration as possible for when I get around to installing some decent audio in there. LMK what you think would be the right amount and any tips you might have to maximize efficiency of deadening in such a big vehicle.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    if steak needs sauce I would normaly say it needs to be a better steak, but if I do need to add something I love the heinz 57 flavor I put it on low grade steak samiches even numnum num num num
  5. dem beats

    HBD Squeak!

    birthdays FTW
  6. dem beats

    98 expedition EB edition

    the material is the same only difference is in thickness the regular is Damplifier is 1.5 mm with a 3 mil foil and the pro is Damp Pro is 2.0 mm with a 4 mil foil yes yes but I need FEELINGS... does it give you the warm and fuzzys?? lol What I meant to ask was do you think there is a value in the price difference for the dollar? I could see some areas where I might use 2 layers of shiz, and others just the 1, but there is a significant price difference when you talk about the size of my unit. =P
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got the tippy top!
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have another 45 min... yuk
  9. dem beats

    SQ sub choices

    You have great taste as always Jim! =D They all look pretty nice. I think the Morel is just plain beautiful, I'm sure it sounds better. Who sells it? I have never even seen it before and if I buy a car this summer I think I know what might go in there muahahahah. I'm not sure I would get what I want from those though, most are only 12"s. I am skeptical that it would be enough to pressurise an expedition enough to really feel the bass as I would like. I wish SQ companies would get into larger cones... I started this thinking 18" for sure, but I have come down a long way as I don't know of any really amazing SQ 18's as in my case IB is not an option as it would be in HT. I was thinking about the CSS SDX 15", I think I would have to go with 2 then for the power handeling without any doubt, and then the wiring would be weird with them at 1.8 ohm dual vc. Sounds like a mess to me.
  10. dem beats

    SQ sub choices

    Are you saying for 2 15" mags or one? I thoguht the Icon was rated to be around 1000 watts, I would be tossing 1500 at it if I had it down to 1 ohm.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you gonna make it bro?
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I do
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I need to go to the range again. I never got to go when I wanted to take the fiance. Just picture FEGLI workers and get them the hot bullets of shotgun to die! I got to use that phrase 2 times today! woot
  14. dem beats

    Diet Pills

    #1 assumption is the mother of all screw ups. You could be totaly right though. It could have been ephedra. Although, I have a history of heart risk in my family, and obesity. Yet when I was on ephedra for 2 years cycling on and off steady I was fine. I had a full heard and blood work up as there was the whole ephedra scare. I had a resting rate of 50-55 bpm and low BP. Now I'm much more sedentary and have no motivation, got fat and weak. Now I'm have high BP and cholesterol. Thank god no heart issues, and before I get them I will losse the extra flab. When I do I hope there is still ephedra out there, so when I need an extra kick and help it's there. The FDA is just about the biggest scum of the earth and are far to funded by politicians and others who have interest in the rx drug market.
  15. dem beats

    Diet Pills

    thanks for that great info chad. these diet and fat loss pills should never be used as the sole source to lose weight. Rather they are SUPPLEMENTS that when used in combination with a good nutrition program and exercise regime can increase effectiveness safely. ---------------- Now playing: Jedi Mind Tricks Feat. Planetary - [Violent By Design #08] I Against I I don't know if you are being sarcastic, but I wont take anything back from what i typed. 2 months ago i was 10% body fat and now I am 6%. And it is a lot harder to lose weight when you are not overweight. So when people talk about how they go on a diet and how great its going and then a few weeks later you see them eating a $hit load of $hit and you just know in your head that they gave up because it was too hard. I can think of 4 people right off the top of my head. So I know there are more people out there. And now hearing about some guy who thinks that diet pills are the easy solution. All i do is shake my head ... again, he said when you have all your ducks in a row then add a supliment it will show much better results. Your blanket statement may work as a life ethic and policy for you but it doesn't have any basis in fact.
  16. dem beats


    if you stay hydrated the chanes of cramping go down quite a bit. Everyone I know has sworn by it for all sports unless you're prown to water retension and in a weight restricted sport.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think it sounds like a nice addition to my chilli recipe. lol I have used that 1 million or so scoville hot sauce. Good stuff when used right. lethal when not. Old practical joke was to spray about 1/4 ml of 50% diluted stuff onto beer bottle. just think when you run to go pee and pull out the old tally whacker... hehehehe peopel are evil and stupid.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank man. WHole life we faught but right before she passed I started to forgive, and we were pretty decent. Sucks as she was young and her parents had to see that. I'm ok for now though, save the retarded BS you have to go though.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    a friend of mine sprayed mace in his hand.. BTW he was drunk as a skunk... and sniffed it. Yeah he puked. Washed his hand then and didn't think much of it. Untill he slept with this chick and got it on both of their privates. Yeah we laughed.... he cried.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn man what you mean found like has in kidnapped or what? She passed away end of January
  21. dem beats

    98 expedition EB edition

    I agree. What about feelings on damp pro vs the regular damp? I am pretty damn sure this will cost me big bucks, but I have decided to keep the truck for a while and just touch it up. I have to re apolster the drivers seat, and then if I do the pass seat... it never ends. I'm cheep but have high quality tastes.... it's a bad combo.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sory you missread, 72 virginians - Robin Williams
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah fudge that chit yo <---has a few family members working for the government Yes Those rat bastard SOB dirt bags. I was put on hold mid senance yesterday and forced to spend my whole day running around trying to find a dang police report from when they found my mother. Everyone else I dealt with even the outsourced HR is half way decent, and they use met life to pay out, and they have been ok. But FEGLI gives you insufficient paperwork tells you 2 things yells at you when you do it and then says we didn't process it because they forgot to read the claim... THEEEEEN they say"oh well you should have sent in a police report" ...even though the damn ME report and Dcert shows the info detail by detail. fawk. I am super frustrated. I have had no less that 6 major screw ups so far and FEGLI is 2 of them, and theirs were not mistakes or errors but oversight and incompitence. Ok /end pity party
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    for sure. the board is flatline today. There is plenty of pron here. so much pretty pretty audio. =) BTW I hate FEGLI.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love SSA. This is the best board out there. =) i just had to express my feelings and whore post.