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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Given the right conditions, yeah. That's pretty damn cool. I didn't think a signal from one source could gor around the globe like that.
  2. dem beats

    Switching Shop Software

    Awesome look! Freaked me out when I first logged on! =)
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I never got into radio really. It all sounds interesting but just doesn't spark any desire in me. I like the science side of it is all I guess. What is the max range on your big one, literaly around the globe?
  4. dem beats

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    I think sealed or IB is always the way to go unless you have some ungodly sized room, or you are looking to get more boom in the room from less equipment. In car, you go ported to chace spl numbers and scare old ladies and cats.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^^^crazy bishes TOP I'm gonna be a TOPaholic today.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I should try driving the motorcycle around naked. I think I'm gonna put that on my own personal bucket list....
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What do you do with this amazing majic stick Jim?
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm all fired up. My moms life insurance folks sent out a flat denial after they offered me 50% of it. I read the denial and they said because she had alchohol in her blood at the time of autopsy that it was "forseable" one might drown, as she was above the "legal limit in MN". I emailed back asking what the legal limit for taking a bath there was, and also sited a few medical papers that show BAC post death means next to nothing in regards to at the time of. Not to mention she was only in the bath as the heat went out. Currently the full amount of life insurance is more than I make a year, and I don't pay taxes on it.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think M5 is saying find a differen't less expencive driver to handle the mb. I was going to go 3 way with a 10" in my door and mid and tweet in the kick, but it's begining to look like there is much much less room in the door than I thought before.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    new computer TOP ^ One of the best parts of that thing is the 28" monitor. only $550 too. Practicaly stealing that bad boy.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I really wanted to go 3 way.. but it's looking like it's not an option in the truck. The more I work on it, the less I want to modify the door and the more comfortable with something in the kicks I am.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I did get my new computer up and running though. I like the raid x system so far. I will be putting all my music onto it in the next week or so.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm working on dropping the flab. I got way too fat the past year.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    X2 It was 89 degrees in the house last night. So I slept in the Xterra. Folded down the rear seats and slept in the cargo area. Turn on the truck let it get really cold. Turn it off. Wake up when I got hot and restart the process eff!! no AC in the house?
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    .....anyway... I tell that story to lead into the fact that I now will be buying my girly camera soon, as the one we usualy use took a crap on us. So no pics. =/
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I put down 2 layers of rammat in the roof on the lows and 100% over the peaks, even behind the instrument clusters, stopped some metal rubbing and them layered 2 sometimes more layers of closed cell foam. The "trunk" floor pannel got one layer of deadening and 2 layers of closed cell foam. I even got one layer of ram on the drivers door done, and about 25% of the outer skin. I probably would have put a few more layers down of rammat on the roof in retrospect, maybe only above the front seats, but it's rock solid, and no roof noise. I did however take off the factory sheet of foam over the droors and now wind noise from the doors is up. One snaffu. I neglected to disconnect the batt and I was going to do the pass side door in Ram, but I had the door down. snapped in the window control onn and effed that right up. Took me 45 min to isolate it was in fact not a blown motor but a "circuit breaker" I never knew cars had those, and it looked like a fuse with a metal housing. Someone else had my manual and told me it was a different fuse slot that hadent blown. They missread it. Sent the old lady out at 2 am to wallmart, so I could actualy drive home with a working window, and the sweetheart came back with rockstar and beef jerky too! She's a keeper. Total time was about 10 hours to tear down install then put back together. That's with pizza time too. I could have really made that much faster if there hadn't been the fuse issue that gave me a heart attack.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    BUahahahaha! funny stuff.
  18. dem beats


    ATMOSPHERE.. THE SONG SOUND IS VIBRATION..... I USED TO LISTEN TO HIM ALOT WHEN HE WAS STRAIGHT UNDERGROUND... I didn't want to say atmosphere and then someone be like WTF is that? sweet. Home town PRIDE norf side (612) yo!!!! lol.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    everyone I bump into today seams to have a bad attitude.... I think something must be wrong with mine then. There is no way everyone on this plate has decided to be a prick to me today is there? Thing of it is I don't feel like I am in a bad mood, but boy if I haven't been laid into more times today than the past 3 months combined. I need a red breast
  20. dem beats

    New and First HT Setup

    7.1 Sweet, I wanted to know that for a really long time... humm... seems like I need 7 channels then lol You do not unless the room is HUGE, and I mean MASSIVE. In my apt with 12' celeings and a 16x14 or so room and it leakes into the hallway, the 5.1 set up is nearly worthless. You loose all realism with the rear speakers being so close. When I had a 22x 12 it was worth it. Yep, no way no how does it make sense in almost any house to have 7.1. It is a complete joke IMO. have you seen the Yamaha 11.x system? lol... great way to sell a ton more speakers.
  21. dem beats

    New and First HT Setup

    I would like to have a 5.5 system though... big sexy maggies or full range horns and an IB sub on ever speaker... teh sexy. I can PROMISE you that a 3-2 chan with a good sub, done well, will be better spent than any 5.1 in that room.
  22. dem beats

    The wall build

    Is that a sweet little Karmann in the driveway I see? nice clean box too BTW! Good skilz
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    looks might comfy vladd
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sweet. I'm trying to get out and pound some corners on my scoot, but I can't find many sand free twisties.