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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    who wants my idea?

    I have to say this kid is excited. I hope he can effectively turn that energy into something positive. If he learns to read and search first then keep some desire he could probably do somethign amazing. If he can listen and learn though... That's the hard part. He made a decent logic jump, powerfull magnets make for my power in a sub... use these Uber magnets. I don't know if at 14 I would have cared what was in a speaker.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i'm ready for a nap.
  3. dem beats

    Blowing up my car with pure sound (2 years to go!!)

    as Jim stated, 1 PR of the same type is not going to get done what is needed with 4 others of the same size. You won't listed, but take the advice of the folks here. Spend your time and money on women... or maybe a nice roth IRA.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    where and why?
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    need stimulants.... now... ack.. no coffee. I'm even willing to drink work coffee.
  6. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

    I get too fired up about global warming and gass/energy debates. It's going crazy with my fiance and everyone talking about it.
  7. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

  8. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

    You missed my point in it's entirity. I should just stay out of these things. ... correct people do not need gumballs, but I have seen crime commited for them. People need corn. The cost of corn has gone up more than gas, for the most common uses. Let me turn this around for a moment. How would you resolve our created and perpetuated "energy crisis". If you have an answer lets hear it. I really would like to know from you what those companies are doing wrong, and what can they do to fix it? Just how are they gouging?
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    there was a hard rain storm last night... and I was driving my newly Ram and foamed truck and I noticed something... not one drop of sound from the rain came through the roof. I was amazed. Sweetness and light! I also got the GF the new xsi camera. She was happy. I think she will be showing me her appreciation all this weekend, repeatedly I hope.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i didn't know the icons were out of stock.. when do you think it will be up and ready?
  11. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

    There's a difference between profit and gouging... The world needs gumballs, without it we could not chew, and that isn't an option. company x makes every gumball in the world. no one else does. company x decides to charge 2,000USD for a gumball. No one buys as many gumballs as they used to. Gumballs, diamonds... petrol, corn, widgets... it's all widgets. There are always more options. People complaining about it when especialy when in the US it's soooo cheep compairitavely.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it won't ever. That's what Sean was saying unless all the costs associated with owning that car are free, it would still be less to own oone car. I have had this same discussion with the soon to be W and go over the math every 3-4 months.
  13. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

    yet canadians get to work.... hrmmmm. I need to move up there, no one whines. lol
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Slightly less arousing than your avatar..... slightly.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol i do half agree with them,
  16. dem beats

    Passive Radiator Project

    Not a good idea. You would spend more for a proper AC to DC power supply than you would for a plate amp.-Robert x2 get a plate, or pro audio amp. You will be 100,000,000,000.3917% happier with the end result.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my penis is undersized.
  18. dem beats

    fiberglass enclosure ?

    That's silly.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm waiting on myself to make up my mind on my front stage and subs lawl.
  20. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

    Two words: RECORD PROFITS... amen and enough said about those companies. It's their right to make the profit though..... so what ever.
  21. dem beats

    Gas Prices, again...

    I'm honestly sick of this topic. 100% there are other types of fuel and other ways to get around. Bigjon I understand your issue as it affects your margins as a buisness owner, but the average "working man" should not be all that affected. I get 13 mpg in my expedition, so I drive something else if I am comuting. With inflation we are about the same price as it was in the 80's when gas was ZOMGWTF!!111! high then too. We don't pump all the oil we could. I don't know the real reasons, and that pisses me off, but the price isn't making me mad. I'm just a bit more conscious Nothing leaves as small of a "carbon footprint" (which I think is skewed BS too but that's a different rant) as oil. Almost 100% of oil is used when refined and the biproducts themselves are used too, and the left overs from those biproducts are also usefull. The USD is not worth very much at the moment, that is hurting us a heck of alot more than any short term, what I pay at the pump issues. Through the 90's the price stayed so flat, it was bound to catch up to us.
  22. dem beats

    Switching Shop Software

    I think the functionality will be the biggest part! you guys are doing a great job! I was acutaly freaked out a little bit because I couldn't find the forum link on the main page and the log in was to the cart not the forum. I was nervous, what would I do at work without SSA, work? =P
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the hop is definately not hopping, didn't do much last night either. Morning everyone.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP
