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Everything posted by khinds94

  1. khinds94

    Just wondering about different mid bass

    I don't understand. So a 2 way setup plays the midbass and frequencies above? While the 3 way setup just plays the midbass?
  2. khinds94

    Accurate sub

    So you want a 300 dollar sub that's 500 rms in a fourth order that's "accurate hitting"? I'm not trying to be an ass, but you need to know what you actually want so we can help you.
  3. khinds94

    XS Power XP2000 Unboxing

    I ordered an XS Power XP2000 on July 2nd and received it today on the 9th. Shipping only took three days and the battery came with absolutely no damages. It sits new at 12.8 and is going to be used as supplemental power for my Sundown 2000d. This battery is huge imo and its weight is no joke. Cheers to SSA again for the great CS. I'll let the pics do the talking.
  4. khinds94

    order #10184

    Hi I ordered an xp2000 about a week ago. It shipped a few days ago however the tracking number still isn't working. I know usually it takes a while for it to start working but usually it doesn't take a few days. Was wondering if the tracking number was wrong or something. Thanks
  5. khinds94

    order #10184

    I figured it had nothing to do with ssa. I guess I was getting impatient. And it does help hearing that someone had the same problem. I think I'll just wait. THanks
  6. khinds94

    Ethos and Trident preorder

    Man if only this was a year ago I would be running a 12" trident
  7. khinds94

    [WTB] Xs Power xp2000, 2500, 3000

    Found a battery. Can be deleted
  8. I am in need of a supplemental battery for my 2000d. I have looked on other sites and nothing has caught my interest. I am just looking for one used battery so It can be any of them. If you have any other batteries worth mentioning let me know. I may purchase one from the store, just looking to see if anyone has one lying around.
  9. khinds94

    Johnathan Price Demo of DSS Ethos

    How much you think your running to each one? Maybe like 2k? Sucks that you can't really fit more power back there. Still a damn nice build though.
  10. khinds94

    14.9v For Daily or For Comps Only?

    Its kinda hard to give you an amount of time. But i can almost assure you that you wont damage your batteries if you charge them a half volt above recommended charging levels for just a day. just an opinion though.
  11. khinds94

    alternator advice

    Theres something wrong with your build... you shouldnt have major voltage drop with an 80 amp alt w/ 2 batts. your probably pulling like 200 amps with both amplifiers lol. What kind of wire are you using?
  12. khinds94

    which Sub would u choose and why

    I'm running a mayhem on 2k but it's hard to give you an answer on what's best when nobody has done a direct swap or heard all 3 subs on adequate power. Most people just read reviews and choose whatever they find more appealing when it comes to decisions like this.
  13. khinds94

    Sundown sa? in 1.50 cubic feet box

    Yea that my b. 1.5 should be ideal for a 10
  14. khinds94

    Sundown sa? in 1.50 cubic feet box

    The sa-10 would perform better in that box. Although it is still on the large side
  15. khinds94

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    It's a shame DC creations fell through, and I am surprised that they put you off like that. Strange how some small businesses cant even provided good customer service. Anyway nice job on the build.
  16. Nice build man, Im tuned in.
  17. khinds94

    Future DSS Demo Vehicle

    I vote wall of 10" ethos. Maybe like 6 on 15k?
  18. khinds94

    WTB Sundown bass knob

  19. khinds94

    WTB Sundown bass knob

    Hi I'm looking go buy a Sundown knob. They are selling for 40 bucks plus ship on ebay and was wondering if anyone had an extra one they wanted to get rid of for a decent price. I think it also needs to be an older version knob considering I have a 2000d v1. I don't want a pac lc1 fyi. Thanks in advance.
  20. khinds94

    Huge difference with lower tuning

    So I purchased a 17 inch long aero off parts express and put in outside of my 2.5 cf box. makes a HUGE difference sound wise in my opinion. It dropped the tuning to about 26hz from 32hz and it peaks around 32 or so now compared to about 40,41 like it did before.
  21. khinds94

    Huge difference with lower tuning

    If you have any please send them. Im trying to find some good tracks in the low 20s that are clean.
  22. khinds94

    Huge difference with lower tuning

    I noticed with my SP4s when I put them in a box tuned to 24hz that it completely flattened out the sound, the high notes were even with the low low notes to the ear. peaked around 33hz.Most people wouldn't expect a sub to sound good tuned that low. Glad you got it to sound how you wanted, sometimes you just have to play with it. Yea that's what I meant, it seems to have less peakyness now and I lost hardly anything on the top end
  23. khinds94

    Huge difference with lower tuning

    It's way better. I think most people think you lose the 45+ hz range but you really don't when you tune that low.
  24. khinds94

    Huge difference with lower tuning

    It's way better. I think most people think you lose the 45+ hz range but you really don't when you tune that low.
  25. khinds94

    Huge difference with lower tuning

    It's way better. I think most people think you lose the 45+ hz range but you really don't when you tune that low.