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Everything posted by Penguin4x4

  1. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    more Net Neutrality fodder: http://consumerist.com/5385791/att-asks-employees-to-oppose-net-neutrality
  2. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I should be but oddly I'm not...
  3. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    we all should
  4. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    being not busy makes Penguin4x4 a dull boy...
  6. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    methinks the "possible barrier" thread has run its course...
  7. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    show up at their house with a boombox? 80's movies are fun...
  8. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    House just near gave me a heart attack holy shit this is a great show
  9. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    its not just a big flush valve and big exit pipe though, the way its designed the water falls a longer distance so there's more force pushing it out of the bowl; pretty clever engineering for such a simple device, actually...
  10. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't think I've encountered a crappier (HA!) 1.6 model in my life, to be honest. I'm glad its gone... and the tank looks bigger but that's the camera angle; its a few inches shorter than the old one and makes up the difference in girth
  11. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Probably the same reason the morons in my subdivision have livestock. Would explain that shiny new truck with "Farm Truck" plates...
  12. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know I don't want to have any dealings with livestock for the rest of my life. My dad is trying to encourage my grandpa to get rid of his cattle. has been for like 5 years. They are easily the worst part of farming and take the most out of you. Having them calve in the winter like he does is especially hard. But for some reason my grandpa just won't fully get rid of them. But my dad says when he takes over the farm in a few years those damn things are out of there as fast as he can get semis in to haul them away. Various tax benefits/write-offs, I'd assume
  13. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Both are 1.6 gpf
  14. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    bullshit. baseball is the second most boring sport next to golf. fuck golf, fuck baseball, AND FUCK YOU FOX
  15. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    motherfucking baseball pre empting my motherfucking TV shows I DON'T CARE ABOUT MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL FOX
  16. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Saw this article and immediately thought of Sean http://jalopnik.com/5385125/fail-when-a-400-ton+haul-truck-tries-to-carry-600-tons
  17. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    fucker weighs probably twice as much as the old one too
  18. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    outlet pipe is equally massive, nearly 2 1/2" inside diameter
  19. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    New toilet going in in the guest bath. Been needing it basically since we've moved in. New American Champion 4 flush system versus the Universal-Rundle POS it replaces:
  20. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <-- has never applied for a job I haven't gotten. Which is exactly why I should go apply for something new, only to shoot the moon. Someone encourage me. Double dog dare you. Find one for me to apply to General Dynamics, Dell and Lockheed are looking for senior positions to fill down here in TX know if they're looking for any entry level positions? All the time Texas Instruments too Especially if you're an engineer; practically every company from every field are looking for engineers down here in Texas That's beacause if you aren't from Texas you don't want to live there I shouldn't have added the Texas part; right now healthcare professionals (nurses, doctors, etc.), engineers, and sales reps are the three most "in demand" job markets in the US, regardless of location
  21. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what do they build there? Currently they build Tundras there, and with the hiring of 850 employees they are expanding production to include Tacomas as well
  22. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Toyota's also adding about 850 jobs to their San Antonio plant
  23. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <-- has never applied for a job I haven't gotten. Which is exactly why I should go apply for something new, only to shoot the moon. Someone encourage me. Double dog dare you. Find one for me to apply to General Dynamics, Dell and Lockheed are looking for senior positions to fill down here in TX know if they're looking for any entry level positions? All the time Texas Instruments too Especially if you're an engineer; practically every company from every field are looking for engineers down here in Texas
  24. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ever see them refuel a nuclear reactor? That's what they're doing here right now; refueling and maintenance Will be nice when they get the two new reactors in, then my parents can sell this house and retire up by the rest of our family... I'll be at Sandia National labs today and tomorrow and Los Alamos on Wednesday. The home of the nukes. Coooooool
  25. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <-- has never applied for a job I haven't gotten. Which is exactly why I should go apply for something new, only to shoot the moon. Someone encourage me. Double dog dare you. Find one for me to apply to General Dynamics, Dell and Lockheed are looking for senior positions to fill down here in TX know if they're looking for any entry level positions? All the time Texas Instruments too