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Everything posted by Penguin4x4

  1. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Which is why I told them to jump on the deal. Granted, view distance is 11', but again, this is for my parents; they couldn't give two shits whether or not its 1080p
  2. Penguin4x4

    Shopping at American Eagle...

    My dress clothes are actually the only clothing that aren't ill fitting I seem to have issues with anything touching my neck; collar, necklace, tie, etc. Some sort of weird neurosis? Probably...
  3. Penguin4x4

    Shopping at American Eagle...

    You have American Eagle confused with Abercrombie & Fitch lmao Same shit, different asshole
  4. Penguin4x4

    Shopping at American Eagle...

    You mean overpriced shit quality, already worn out, teeny bopper wanna be clothes. I despise all stores similar and really don't understand the draw. Looking sloppy should not be something you aspire to. We are about the only country in the world where that is the norm and it is sickening. I guess that would depend on your definition of sloppy. T-shirts and shorts is about the most comfortable thing to wear for me; can't stand collars, long pants, or closed toed shoes of any kind. I think Ted Williams said it best: "Ties are just maxi-pads for your neck".
  5. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Unless you think you can find a 1080p Panasonic plasma in the 50-60" range for less than four figures? <---Doesn't electronics shop enough...does it show?
  6. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Actually I should clarify that while they are willing to budge on MSRP on the 1080p's, when shipping is added on its roughly MSRP
  7. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hope its a way better deal than listed there as that is what I paid for miine, nearly 4 years ago and it is a 1080p More along the lines of 25% off MSRP I also haven't seen any retailer, online or store, willing to budge from MSRP on a 1080p Panasonic plasma, which would end up being nearly twice the price of what we can get on the above mentioned 720 model. Still looking though
  8. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ALL the big monster tube tv's must die before I would waste a dime on a new tv. Would be a waste of money considering....... Well there is a pretty large sledge hammer in the garage...
  9. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hope its a way better deal than listed there as that is what I paid for miine, nearly 4 years ago and it is a 1080p More along the lines of 25% off MSRP
  10. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I finally got my parents to take the plunge on flat panel. They can get a pretty sweet deal on this Panasonic; now I know its not 1080p, but hey, its a Panasonic plasma, that's gotta count for something, right?
  11. Penguin4x4

    Shopping at American Eagle...

    Although, I've been wearing basically the same shirts since junior high, so maybe I'm not the one to be giving clothing advice. The fact I dress like Raoul Duke doesn't help my argument either. You know what? fuck it, you probably shouldn't be getting fashion advice from me
  12. Penguin4x4

    Shopping at American Eagle...

    Clothing that costs twice what I normally buy and is of no better quality? No thank you. I have a few other reasons why I don't shop there either.
  13. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    common sense...one of the worst oxymorons in the history of man
  14. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Based on recent events, I have updated my forum title
  15. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A dermal anchor has a small foot under the skin and an exposed top. Looks like a piercing, but theres only one entrance. A sub dermal implant is a silicone or metal implant that is completely under the skin. I can show you pics if you want? Nah, I always get those two mixed up for some reason. I'm assuming she wanted one in the belly button?
  16. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    HA! You didn't count on my loyal army of prostitutes, did you?!
  17. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Dermal anchor...is the the stuff people implant under the skin?
  18. Penguin4x4

    Sennheiser HD25-1 II Headphones what i would like?

    Always a good option; nothing worse than buying headphones that aren't comfortable
  19. Penguin4x4

    Sennheiser HD25-1 II Headphones what i would like?

    Sony's MDR-XB700 wouldn't be a bad choice, either
  20. Penguin4x4

    Sennheiser HD25-1 II Headphones what i would like?

    Check out HeadRoom; they sell a wide variety of headphones, with honest straightforward reviews and plenty of technical data The Senneheiser HD 25-1-II's would be an excellent choice for your application
  21. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I just broke the laws of physics I bought a pair of shorts last weekend, nice and loose and baggy, not even close to being tight; just now I bent over to pick up the tennis ball my dog plays with and they rip almost in two how in the fuck what is this I don't even...
  22. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    First you try to fuck it, then you try to eat it If it hasn't learned your name, you better kill it before they see it It's arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon
  23. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    an extra 10 pounds wouldn't hurt either That'll come with age, don't ruin her now. Not necessarily ruin so much as increasing her weight into the three digit range an adult woman shouldn't weigh the same as a 10 year old unless of course she is the same size as a 10 year old girl
  24. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    satellite radio subscription is far cheaper than a data plan
  25. Penguin4x4

    Welcome to the IHoP

    an extra 10 pounds wouldn't hurt either That'll come with age, don't ruin her now. Not necessarily ruin so much as increasing her weight into the three digit range an adult woman shouldn't weigh the same as a 10 year old