At the beginning of the video, he states that "Piers Morgan called me a bigot. Because I believe what the Catholic church teaches with respect to homosexuality, I'm a bigot. So now I'm a bigot, because I believe what the Bible teaches. Now, that 2000 years of teaching and moral theology is now bigoted." Apparently he doesn't like to be called a bigot. Merriam-Webster defines it as: So yes, even though he doesn't like to be referred to as a bigot, or the Catholic church to be labeled as such, they in fact are. Sorry, 2000 years of teaching and moral theology can't change the fact that treating homosexuals with hatred and/or intolerance is bigotry. Strike 1. At 0:45 he states that legally allowing homosexual marriage will " will undermine the family. It will destroy faith in America...and will anybody go out there and make the argument as to why this is a good thing because it will happen. Make the argument why this is right." He's running to be the President of the United States. Whether or not anybody likes to admit it, the USA is a secular nation. Faith and religion should not play any part in electing the Chief Executive. Also, the student, while a bit arrogant, is correct in referencing the studies and court documents presented by the American Psychological Association, Canadian Psychological Association, and Australian Psychological Association that "make the argument why this is right." Strike 2. After scoffing at the student's rebuttal, he rebukes the validity of the APA, as well as the AMA at 2:12 when he states that "An organization supporting a position is not evidence". Uh, really? See Strike 1. Strike 3. Yup, he's definitely a douche. As to your original question: Only if you're seeking election to a public office. Someone on a message board or some random guy on the street? Just another random asshole. Nothing wrong with being either, mind you. I certainly enjoy being both.