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Everything posted by nothing13

  1. nothing13

    Test list..

    One of the best songs of all time, but good luck getting any bass out of it.. Unless you have some special mystery remix.. Someone better get some Chimaira through this thing!
  2. nothing13

    I got a newsletter today!

    Apparently you have yet to master it...
  3. nothing13

    mid bass....

    Dont feel to bad, they usually only go for around $120 on ebay, i cant beleive that one went that high. There was a black one a couple of weeks ago that went for under a hundred, but i was at work and missed it. So i know how you feel! I've been trying to get one of these for months now.
  4. nothing13

    mid bass....

    Yikes, all yours!
  5. nothing13

    mid bass....

    Ive been watching that auction too. Looks like your gonna be fighting over it with me!
  6. nothing13

    Ok ok, time to leak a little info

    Are you going to be keeping the bubble looking dust cap or go inverted again? Same question for the non-woven tinsel leads, though they do look massive! Glad to finally get some info on whats happening, when do you expect to have some specs for us?
  7. nothing13


    Any news on those 8's yet?
  8. nothing13

    what amp do you guys power your magnums with?

    Im running an Orion Xtrpro 1000. Class D, 1000 watts @ 1 ohm. Those Mmats amps are really sweet too.
  9. nothing13

    porting a D2

    2.5" x 12" is 30 square inches...
  10. nothing13

    Bonehead comment regarding SI comps

    Accually i also think the SI comps look like morel/dynaudio mids and peerless tweets... Go ahead... Slap away..
  11. nothing13


    Dont take the number for the cutout diameter too seriously either... The 12" says its 11 1/8", so i cut it to that and i bet it was accually closer to 10 7/8"... I have a few holes right on the edge with the T-nuts hanging over.
  12. nothing13

    IN SHOCK....

    I guess that because the Mag's arn't very common, especially the ones without the logo on the dustcap, it will be pretty obvious if a bunch turn up somewhere.... I hope...
  13. Well, after about 2 months of my 12" SI Magnum sitting in a box in the corner of the living room, i got around to building a box and getting it in the car. This sub is replacing my 3 10" Orion XTR's in a 3.1 ft^3 sealed box, some pretty big shoes to fill. The box about 1.3 ft^3 net, sealed, and stuffed about 50% with a mix of fiberglass insulation and cotton stuffing. The amp is an Orion XTRPRO 1000, running at 1 ohm for a full 1k output. Well, first impression. Wow, this thing is tight!! I listen to metal about %99.9 of the time so this was a big deal to me. This sub sounds flawless. I went through about 10 CD's, from Fear Factory to Lamb of God, and it has handles everything with ease. I cant get over how clean this sub is. Given it only has about 45 mins of play time. I cant wait to get this thing broken and start feeding it some power. Nick, I just want to thank you for a fantastic speaker at a great price. I know these "wow" posts show up all the time, just wanted to get mine in..
  14. nothing13

    My turn at a "Holy Sh!t!" post

    Just got back inside... At first, i had the Mag firing into the trunk. I just built a baffle that fits on the front of the box. Its now firing into the cab. Not as loud as before, but i think the difference in sound is gonna grow on me. It's definatly nice to be able to watch the 3D Magnum logo appear! I think im gonna try a ported box in a few weeks and see which i like better.
  15. got one for the 12" handy Nick?
  16. nothing13

    Poll: Text on SI T-shirts

    Do me a farvor, get at least one in black. I hate white T-shirts.
  17. nothing13

    SI 8 progress?

    Ive been wondering the same...
  18. nothing13

    Opinions needed.

    3 SI D2's??? Dont you think that might be a little overkill?
  19. nothing13

    So whats the deal with the 15's?

    Its just that read your review of the PBX the other day, and thought you had given up on waiting. Thats all. Im glad to hear you are still getting another one, your initial review on the Magnum was a major factor in my decision to buy one. BTW, i thought your review of the PBX was great, i might give it a shot myself. I also enjoy collecting audio gear, its nice to have a selection at your disposal, like the Mag 12" that i have had sitting in my living room for about a month now, and havn't had the time to build a box for it! :thud:
  20. nothing13

    So whats the deal with the 15's?

    I thought you just picked up a PBX?
  21. nothing13

    SI 8" pictures

    Looks good. Nice scabby hand you got there! Are you gonna be posted any of those response graphs?
  22. nothing13

    For those so eager....

    Coem on! Give us something here! Either that or i may end up picking up a set of Illusion Audio ND8's.. PICS DAMMIT!!!
  23. nothing13

    who wanted ppi art amps!!???

    cjj2d: A/D/S/T was the company that used to make Orion, PPI, and A/D/S/ before Directed Inc. bought them out.
  24. nothing13

    who wanted ppi art amps!!???

    I miss A/D/S/T!
  25. nothing13

    who wanted ppi art amps!!???

    I know how you feel, i have a small collection of Orion amps that just keeps growing ..