Pleasure is all mine. You guys make each day worth it, really. Us service members appreciate the thanks more than you know. Well that's good to know. My dad was in the Marines, my cousin is a Marine and my step brother is going into the Army so I'm really appreciative of military members and the work you guys do. I look at it this way: we turn on the news constantly and see what the media thinks of us. Every now and then, we get a few good vibes, but most of it makes our job seem pretty thankless. You guys are like a beacon of light to some of these people that need a reminder what they do matters. I recruit right now, so my focus is bringing in new people to the Navy. We get people who've wanted to do this since they were tiny tots and some that never thought they'd ever consider the Navy in the first place. I'm not a salesman, just a realist, and apply that daily at work. Thanks to that mindset, we just walked away as LA's #1 medium station for FY13. Proof that if you take care of the people, the people help you take care of the mission. I extend myself out to anyone with questions about the Navy as well. I like to think I'm pretty unbiased and realistic and will answer whatever you would want to know within the limitations of my job since some things I can't talk about (public affairs issues).