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Everything posted by neo_styles

  1. I love my ICON. Takes a minute to get used to having this kind of bass in your car and the best way I can describe it is warm, full, and surrounding.
  2. neo_styles

    What is considered Sundown's SQ sub?

    I would have said the SD-2 as well
  3. neo_styles

    RMS on the icon

    Interesting question to ask as I'll be needing a similar question answered myself with a single 10" ICON being powered by 2 Zed Minotaur at 4ohms. Was going to aim for rated, then slowly bring things up until I started to see things get stressed. I will let you know what I find once the second Minotaur is in my hands and running.
  4. neo_styles

    Made my way over..

    Oh, man...not THIS guy.. No no...not THIS guy
  5. neo_styles

    judge woofer

    There's more factored into IA's pricing besides just the fact they can charge more. One is assembled with COTS components, one is basically done by hand. I'm sure you can figure out which is which. But comparing a ZV4 to a Judge is a one-sided fist fight and they really weren't intended to compete with each other.
  6. neo_styles

    what's wrong with my subwoofer

    Take a look at the Sundown SD-2. 4.75" mounting depth for you
  7. neo_styles

    My First ICON Experience

    Just went in and re-tuned both the front stage and sub using the test tones I made a while back on Audacity. Also set tones with the volume level at 40/50 vice 35/50 to hopefully bring RCA voltage up. I'm not going to go higher than 80% as of now just simply for the fact that I don't have a scope to verify that the signal isn't being sent clipped. What surprised me is that while, last time, I was able to bring my amp gain to match a voltage right at rated before the 0dB light came up last time, I was able to eke a good deal more this time around using a 50Hz@-6dB tone. Last time it was the same frequency, but a -5. Also, before, the protection circuit meant to ramp voltage down to protect the amplifier did not engage, even as I crossed the 750W threshold, but stayed at 750W just for good measure. At this point, the amp's gain knob is just below the 12 o'clock position. As for the front stage, I used a 1KHz@-3dB tone and again set for the amp's rated power of 125W@4ohms. The results, however, were both good and bad. While it feels like I lost sub output, I noticed the front stage was much more present and full. Methinks there's just a tradeoff here. I've also gained a shit-ton of volume out of the front stage, so maybe I have just been used to listening to a quieter front stage relative to the sub volume. Does that mean I've lost my bass entirely? Absolutely not. I still get that rich, low, environmental bass in its laid-back presentation. I think once the suspension starts to loosen up and I get the second Minotaur in there to feed the ICON rated power, I'll gain a bit more output. This all means I'm still reserving my final verdict, but so far it's pretty much still all positives
  8. neo_styles

    Did I buy the wrong Incriminator woofer?

    They just had a huge sale and probably got swamped with build orders. I ordered my 18" DP the first day of the sale and still haven't received it. I just know things like this take time. Don't want to wait? Lol buy Skar/Sundown.
  9. neo_styles

    Sub size choice

    Agreed Awesome, thanks for the input. Any 18s "better" than the evil? Something that could be powered by one BC5500d?Evil can. Could also look at the IA Warden and B2 XC
  10. neo_styles

    My First ICON Experience

    Lol neither did I until I had it in my hands. The Level 2 was only 20-something pounds, so this is almost double the sub. 2.5" coil to 3" and so on and so forth. Never knew what I was missing...
  11. neo_styles

    Did I buy the wrong Incriminator woofer?

    By the same token vehicle transfer fiction is going to change vehicle to vehicle so an arbitrary suggestion based on that unknown variable is going to be just as wrong as basing the enclosure on anechoic response alone.And the better solution to the TS problem is to publish both small and large signal parameters rather than none at all. Transfer function, right? Sorry, just making sure I'm not misreadingYes, I hate posting from my fucking IPad mini because I typo all the time......but it's so damn convenient. Same issue I have with the Galaxy S4
  12. neo_styles

    Sub size choice

    I would say the Evil, hands down. I see too many X coming up in classifieds to make me comfortable recommending them. My box builder is happy with his, but those X won't have a fair fight against the 4" coil Evil. Plus, I love single-sub setups.
  13. neo_styles

    Did I buy the wrong Incriminator woofer?

    By the same token vehicle transfer fiction is going to change vehicle to vehicle so an arbitrary suggestion based on that unknown variable is going to be just as wrong as basing the enclosure on anechoic response alone.And the better solution to the TS problem is to publish both small and large signal parameters rather than none at all. Transfer function, right? Sorry, just making sure I'm not misreading
  14. neo_styles

    New Component Speakers <$250

    Congrats! I have an almost 6-year old and a 2-month old, so I feel your pain. Proper budgeting of time will be needed and you will want a break every now and then, so now you have a project to distract yourself with. Good luck
  15. neo_styles

    Who use SSA subs?

    ICON 10 arrived this week. I'm all smiles
  16. Why? Because Volvo... Totally didn't realize this thread got pinned. I feel special, now Put my ICON 10 in today and I understand now...there's no way you can tell someone about this sub enough to prepare them for actually running one. Lowest, cleanest, most well-rounded sub I've run to date. And from what I keep hearing, it only gets better.
  17. neo_styles


    Really stout wire. I have 0ga CCA runs for my Big 3 wiring and it makes the 4ga runs of OFC I have going to the amps seem absolutely weak in comparison. It'll be even funnier when I do the next build with SHCA 0ga for the power/ground run and 8ga for the Zed amps...
  18. neo_styles

    First post. Question about soundqubed

    Shares board? Yes. Shares parts is where things get fuzzy. Haven't heard any complaints from people running a 2200, but what's your budget/power demand/desired ohm load for your project?
  19. neo_styles

    New on the forum

    Welcome, bud. Looks like you live where they're transferring me to next year. Maybe we'll run into each other at an event
  20. neo_styles

    New Component Speakers <$250

    Sounds like Best Buy in a nutshell to me.
  21. neo_styles

    The new Death Penalty

    Won't know for a while, but I have a new 18" DP that should be here any day now that I ordered right when the Black & Blue started up. From what I've seen, they're just as beastly as they were before.
  22. neo_styles

    RCA's recommendation

    Bingo. If you had ordered an hour ago, they would have shipped it today, too.
  23. neo_styles

    RCA's recommendation

    Forgive me. I'm on forums where people try to start flame wars because they haven't heard of a particular brand. Monster was basically like AudioQuest is now: one of those brands being pimped out by BestBuy and other Big Box stores. The quality is there, but the price point is far above what they're actually worth. Try not to get caught up in the game of the prettier the cable, the better it performs. I have those Monoprice Premium RCAs (cost me a whopping 6 bucks) plugged in my HT receiver right now. Zero noise, fat wire used inside and nice insulation, and the outer casing shows no signs of failure, even after five years of being installed. I have no reservations recommending them.
  24. neo_styles

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    Just a heads up: even a 29Hz tuning will cause the effects he was talking about. Plus, the lower you tune, the more top-end you sacrifice. I have a hard time going into the upper 80s right now with this tuning, but my mids play low enough to compensate.
  25. neo_styles

    RCA's recommendation

    Yeah...with a response like that, I'm out.