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Everything posted by valladon

  1. valladon

    Trunk is done..

    gonna be loud!!
  2. Run em off deck power. If there louder, something is up with you amp. If they are the same, buy some better components. Oh, and make sure your fader isnt to the back
  3. valladon

    RF or Sundown

    the sundown of course. Not really a fair comparision. The sundown puts out 1500 watts without breaking a sweat. The T10001bd will put out 1000 watts without breaking a sweat. Fosgate will put out more power, but will only reach 1500 watts in ideal conditons and higher distortion levels. Both great amps, but it comes down to how much power you want and what ohm load you trying to run. One benefit to the sundown over the RF is that you can run it at 16volt for more power output without have to mod it.
  4. valladon

    my friend is dumb

    Why are you trying to convince him there not good subs. They are great SPL subs for a cheap price. Yes there are alot of subs that are better, but for budget boom the type r are great. but nothing compares to the Funky Pup's
  5. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    This guy claims that these door panels are his http://www.carstereo.com/installs/photo_ga...&maxrows=12 When they actually belong to Steve Meade on the escalade install. The alternator pics also belong to another member on SMD What a Fheg
  6. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    He admitted he stole the pics and apologized. http://www.carstereo.com/forum/showthread....&maxrows=15
  7. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    I agree, I never go there except when someone brought this to our attention.
  8. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    its such a coincidence that he even named the door pics "hoopty" http://www.carstereo.com/images/installs/HooptyHighs%2Ejpg
  9. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    That true he could have used the same exact mids tweets and woofer in the door, arranged them the same way and took the trim and door handle off an escalade. Oh, and took the same exact pic that is on steves website with the same exact welder model in the background.
  10. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    That true he could have used the same exact mids tweets and woofer in the door, arranged them the same way and took the trim and door handle off an escalade.
  11. valladon

    WTF Dude stealing install pics

    You might if he was stealing your pics Heres his response. http://www.carstereo.com/forum/showthread....53421&fid=4
  12. valladon

    w3 vs type r

    The w3's have much better sound quality, but the type r's get whole lot louder.
  13. I had a 1606d in my accord and it made my RE SE10's slam. I put it in as a temporary amp, but after using it, I would probably buy on again. It ran hard and stay surprisingly cool. The only downside to the amp is that it didnt have good impact at lower volume levels. Mostly rock musics kick drum was a little muddy compared to my RD Audio 1750.1 But for sheer output and raw power, its a good amp for the money. Better than alot of low price amps on the market right now.
  14. The Fosgate doesnt run at 16 volts.
  15. I forgot to mention that the Sundown can run off 16 volt, giving more power output. I am not sure but I think the Fosgate can do that also.
  16. Price and Power and Effieciency. The fosgate is the highest priced but on a birth sheet will put out the most power. The Fosgate and the Sundown are more efficient than the kicker, Sundown being a little more efficient. All three will sound good and provide the power they are rated at and then some. Personally I think the sundown is the best value. Just my opinion.
  17. valladon

    Sundown Amps Made in America?

    I believe it has been said several times on this forum that the amps are made by Zenon MFG in Korea
  18. valladon


    Your on the right track with the eqiupment you are looking to buy, but If I were you I would read up on some basic electronics to help familiarize yourself with what you are about to jump into. http://www.bcae1.com/
  19. valladon


    The 66 volts is the output voltage of the amp, not the voltage of the car. You can put the ohm load at .5 ohms by wiring a 2 subs that are dual 2 ohm voicecoils and wiring them in parallel. That just means hooking all the positives together and all the negatives together.
  20. valladon

    Stupid question about setting gains.

    did you disconnect the subs from the amp when setting it with the dmm?
  21. valladon

    loudest daily driver with atomic 5000.1

    Equipment does matter, just like the install and build matters
  22. valladon

    loudest daily driver with atomic 5000.1

    Interesting. So you could make one of these: as loud as one of these: ? I'm not usually a smartass. Just in that mood tonight I guess. I would just modify that to say getting the loudest possible is almost all in the install and the box/sub mating combination. As I'm sure you know different drivers like different box alignments. I'm guessing with an amp of that nature your budget is pretty healthy? Any specific number or size you'd like? I didn't say that a Funky pup is comparable to an MT in the correct enclosure, and to be honest you're taking that to an extreme. I can for sure tell you, that an MT in the wrong enclosure will be no louder than a FP in the wrong enclosure. Yes, but the RE would still get louder in a crappy enclosure than the funky pup cause it will take more power. And the excursion is much greater, so even in a bad box the RE would walk all over the pup.
  23. valladon


  24. valladon

    FI vs SSA

    I was merely talking cosmetics. I know they are all different and made for different purposes. But aint no one made a drive yet like funky pup's