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blue fury

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Everything posted by blue fury

  1. blue fury

    HBD Mark (ssaudio)

    Holy chit I'm late on this one.. but better than never. Happy birthday!
  2. blue fury

    Friday was the best day ever.

    FOSHOOO So you bought a 3000 watt amp and 2 Nightshade's to be quiet? He probably did it for his enjoyment and his hatred for his sense of hearing (lol), not to solely make people turn their heads as he drives by.
  3. blue fury

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    Done... For now.
  4. blue fury

    Very Happy, completed system today!

    Good for you! But no neon. Please.
  5. blue fury

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    For the past couple of weeks, I've been working on finishing the electrical in my car- one of the most major steps to this is mounting the second battery. Taped off ( no foil ), first layer and second layers The few pics below are of the anchors to keep the battery mold securely in place. 6 in total, only used 4. Since I used tape for the FG, it was a huge pain in the butt to get out. I tried delicately at first with just my hands and backing off when I heard little cracks, but it never budged for about 45 minutes. It took a crowbar to get it out with really small damage to one area and negligible damage a few inches to the side. And after I got it out, it took about 2 HOURS to get maybe 85% of the adhesive left from the masking tape off of the metal. I was NOT happy. It looks bad but I call it minor since it wont affect anything and that part is hidden. Anchors bolted in from the bottom Actual batteries in the bags. What you can't see is a 1/2" wood platform on the bottom of the common side for the batteries to share and rubber supports on each corner where battery meets FG. For some reason, I thought 1 can of expanding foam would be enough. I emptied it and ran to home depot for another 2 cans. Batteries out, now you can see the platform and rubber supports. Top is cut to almost flat I had some 1/2" mdf laying around.. perfect for an aesthetic top. Yes it's on concrete, but only for like 15 minutes to hold the material until the glue got tacky. 2.5 bottles of silicone to bond the top to the mold 0.5 bottle for the low spots It's still drying in my car.. fumes from the silicone and all! While that was drying, I started making some terminals. The cheapest price online was like 1.80 for 1. There were bulk deals, but I don't need 100 of them. I made 31 in all- +9/16" inner diameter, 1 7/8" length, flared end. I was bored so I made like 4 kinds. The one on the very right is a mix of the left and middle one. Haha again, I was bored. Test shows it fits like a glove! I forgot to mention that I plan on rounding off those corners on the terminals when I drill the holes, but I'm tired now.
  6. blue fury

    Fight me anyone

    I made one for one fight and lost interest because you just watch them fight. yippee
  7. blue fury


    It's not a stupid idea if you know you can make it work. I'm stuffing pretty much all you listed and more in my trunk, but it is taking a LOT of work and a lot of creativity. I forgot to mention. 4000rms is going to take a hefty electrical system. Don't forget to factor that in with a couple batteries in the trunk too. Give us a budget.
  8. blue fury

    How backed up are you?

    Ex-lax is for the little stuff. If you for some reason you have some really big poo to pass, you need this:
  9. blue fury

    ups shipping

    Maybe it went to their main distribution location and the route to get there crossed over for a little bit?
  10. blue fury

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    That's what I was thinking. I'm sure in about a days work you can rig something up with a couple shocks (from SUV rear windows or truck bed tops) and a frame to position and support them. I'm kind of considering this myself but I have so little time as it is, this being added wouldn't be beneficial.
  11. blue fury

    Rumors of my Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

    My neighbor was in an accident because some twat didn't want to obey a stop sign either. SOAB I hate bad drivers. Glad you made it out ok. RIP silver and your toenail.
  12. blue fury

    how bad does this look>?

    I made this kind of face at all the pictures
  13. blue fury

    XCONs are on the shop!

    Excellent! What about suggested enclosures per size? Like 12" = Xft^3 @ Xhz, 15" = Xft^3 @ Xhz, 18" = Xft^3 @ Xhz.
  14. blue fury

    Cutting plexiglass

    I was just wondering this because I have some 1/2" 1/4" lexan to make some cuts on. I already figured the table saw but wasn't sure.
  15. blue fury

    6"x9" speakers

    Since they are so common, please name a good pair. Something worth buying. Good luck. Those Boss or Diesel audio 5-ways.
  16. blue fury

    My BAD thread

    You should hold a blacklight to her smile. Then turn the light off and have your way with her.
  17. blue fury

    My BAD thread

    drop her like shes fat
  18. blue fury

    Build for acex3a

    Size constraints huh? I know I'll be dealing with that soon. What's the internal net volume?
  19. blue fury

    Build for acex3a

    Looks good! Any good reads on this type of enclosure? I don't know a whole lot about them.
  20. blue fury

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    In a nutshell ya
  21. blue fury

    My system --:]

    haha poor dog got startled when the bass on a millie hit
  22. blue fury

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    piece of wood and a router
  23. blue fury


  24. blue fury

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    I can't really do a whole lot until I get the 2nd trunk battery from the seller and relocate them both, make the fuse holders and terminals once I get the lexan from the other seller to put the all wiring in. Then once that's done, make the amp rack and put all the amps in and finally hook up the speakers. The thing I can work on is the temporary mounts for the speakers. So with that said... About an hour on the jigsaw got me these: I'm treading in unsure waters now, I couldn't think of an easier way to make a mount just a hair bigger than the speaker itself. I hope this clay idea works out. I used a rolling pin to flatten out some play clay to <1/4". Saran wrap of the speaker to protect it was about the only precaution I could think of. Damn it's ugly but looks weren't a concern of mine since a) it's the 1st layer and b) the are temporary. I figure one more layer of mat on the outside, then I'll remove the clay. After that, 2 layers on the inside to keep the outside thickness down. We'll see how it goes from there.