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Everything posted by mikey5472

  1. mikey5472

    Cold weather on New Subs?

    I personally live in indiana and I know how cold it get I'm not worried about the subs as much as I am the boards in the radios or amps. Things become brittle when they are cold and when you start bangin on you're system things start to vibrate and then you crack a board and you amp or radio is toast.
  2. mikey5472

    A Team IAK CD Surprise at Carl Casper...

    Looks like I will be there to get one of these cds.
  3. mikey5472

    A Team IAK CD Surprise at Carl Casper...

    Ok just looked at the song list def going to need one of these cd's
  4. mikey5472

    A Team IAK CD Surprise at Carl Casper...

    I probably will not be able to make it to the show so could someone send/pick me up one pleasssseee? =)
  5. mikey5472

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I just noticed the skulls in the third one. They are all sick as hell I like em all. Which ever one we choose I will be happy with!! =)
  6. mikey5472

    Movie recommendations?

    I just watched middle men pretty decent movie. Salt was a decent movie as well, inception great movie. Downloaded due date yesterday going to watch it in the next couple days it looked pretty funny.
  7. Where is a good place to get anl fuses cheap. Been looking around on the web, I usually get them from a flea market pretty cheap, but the shop isn't there anymore.
  8. my brotha love you bro!!!!

  9. mikey5472

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    i really like the shirt idea with the skull that is my favorite one !!!!!!!!!! i defiantly vote that one ! =) thats my girlfriend lol
  10. mikey5472

    nitto 1320 legends

    My link
  11. mikey5472

    nitto 1320 legends

    Anyone here play this online drag racing game? I've been playing for awhile since august, wanted to see if anyone else plays it or has played it.
  12. mikey5472

    nitto 1320 legends

    My girlfriends grandfather drag races he has a 7 second 69 mustang natural aspirated 460 big block its sick lol he designs his own motors and races for big money, oh and he's a mechanical engineer for caterpillar so he doesn't worry to much about money lol
  13. mikey5472

    nitto 1320 legends

    Lol I wish I had a car fast enough to race in real life lol.
  14. mikey5472

    Fi BL 15" Fully Loaded vs. DC Audio XL 15"

    All install dependent. What car do you have? Any extra batteries to support the amp? What's the box going to be tuned to? There are lots of variables when building/designing a system.
  15. Broke as fuck but I am still trying to come up with funds. Ill be pissed if I miss this event again this year...
  16. mikey5472

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    New designs are tight I like em!!!
  17. mikey5472


    i use Adobe Fireworks.... never learned photoshop, wish i did.. lol but i have 13yrs (no kidding) tied up in Fireworks so i just stuck with it. That's cool I have been tryin to find something to do with my free time lately and I was wanting to try to make some banners or whatever lol thanks bro.
  18. mikey5472

    Glad to be apart of the FAMILY *IAK*

    Wlecome bro glad to have you. If you're friends of hove then you must be good people.
  19. mikey5472

    anl fuses

    I hate ordering them to, because of shipping cost. I'm going to go to a couple places on monday to see if they carry them.
  20. mikey5472

    help on choosing my new 12s

    I've heard both setups and built boxes and installed both setups, and on the right power in the right box they are both pretty good. You will not be disappointed with either brand. I personally liked the skars more they really like to dig deep and get pretty loud. And sounded really clean. Its all install dependent though so we can't tell you one will be better than the other that is for you to decide.
  21. mikey5472

    anl fuses

    I was looking at them earlier and stinger called them anl wafer fuses confused me a bit because I had never heard called that before either.
  22. This^^^ is a good idea!!
  23. mikey5472

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Ice, snow, ice, snow, ice, snow... When will it end!!!!!!
  24. mikey5472

    SSA Facebook page

    Pretty sure I've been a friend for awhile or maybe not I know I have audioque and sundown on mine I thought I had ssa aswell.