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Everything posted by mikey5472

  1. mikey5472

    Guess What I just Did...

    Haha you will..
  2. mikey5472

    Rockford 18??

    I was actually offered one of these awhile back. My buddy used to have a 12" XLC it was pretty decent...
  3. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    For some reason outside of my power my 08 Bl with cooling caught fire. I was on my way home from work about an hour and a half ago, i smelt something kinda like burning leaves so I turned the radio off and pulled over and opened the hatch of my jimmy and the sub was on fire. I could see this bcuz there is aplexiglass window on the front of my box... I have no idea how or why it did this, it was on fire at the spider btw. The amp wasn't warm nor the wires... The amp isa sundown saz 1500d. 0g wire, 12g speaker wire. Itwas only playing for about 5 min when it all happened. I think the warrenty is still in effect, but I'm not sure if that is even covered. The gains are all set low probably well below where they should be. I will post pics tomorrow when i get out of school. I took them tonight. In them you can see the spider still glowing red... Thanks in advance, Mikey
  4. mikey5472

    Graduated today

    I hope that it ends up being what it is made out to be. I also hope there is other "co-ed" colleges around their. I had my grad party today, lots of fun haha
  5. mikey5472

    Graduated today

    I got my diploma today. Great day filled with family and many friends I'll never get to see again. Now i am going to be in Chicago as of august. I am going to attend UTI. (Universal Technical Institute) That should be some fun. haha.
  6. mikey5472

    Graduated today

    Yea I can't wait to go to school. It should be a good experience..
  7. I'm not sure if i will even have a ride now, since my sub caught on fire. If i can sell the motor i will buy a xcon, and hopefully have a box and everything done by then. But I'm not sure if this dude wants to buy the motor, or how longs it will take to ship the xcon. the box is no prob thats like 2-3 days, but i will still be going no matter what.... Haha
  8. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    I had just taken the sub out the fire had just gone out..
  9. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    Damn haha. The box is fine nothing really happened to it, just the sub..
  10. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    I have no idea what it is worth. So make a offer i guess.
  11. mikey5472

    08 BL Model

    As of today i officially have a 08 bl motor for sale. Not sure of worth or anything like that, but I am sure that we can work something out, for i need a new sub...
  12. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    There's your problem...you MUST set your subsonic 2-3Hz below your tuning frequency of your enclosure. Otherwise..that happens. Standard 18" recones are $90..other options are more plus shipping. You can probably sell the motor on here if you want to sell it, there is a gentleman in the general section that is looking for a 08 BL motor. oooo Kewl that will be helpful... :bigclap:
  13. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2028.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2029.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2030.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2031.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2032.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2033.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2034.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2035.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2036.jpg http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/b...72/IMG_2037.jpg
  14. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    It wasn't any higher than it usually is. If anything it was lower. I was just headed home with it about halfway up. No setting have been changed since i have had the same setup. If it isn't going to be covered i don't really want to send it in, because that would just take money from me getting a new sub. But i really don't think that it was my fault i don't know how it would just catch on fire when i have ran more to it than this and it was fine. I'm not saying it is fi's fault, but maybe just a malfunction within the sub... We've never had a sub spontaneously combust, but it will happen if there is a loose nut behind the volume knob, gain knob, or subsonic filter knob. Read what shizzon said...he is dead on. The subsonic is on zero. I am not trying to get anything out of anybody or try to get a new free sub or anything. But i guess i was wanting a new sub anyway, I was going to sell this one though But wutever i guess. Il still post pic. I suppose i just have one big ass paper weight now. lol...
  15. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    It wasn't any higher than it usually is. If anything it was lower. I was just headed home with it about halfway up. No setting have been changed since i have had the same setup. If it isn't going to be covered i don't really want to send it in, because that would just take money from me getting a new sub. But i really don't think that it was my fault i don't know how it would just catch on fire when i have ran more to it than this and it was fine. I'm not saying it is fi's fault, but maybe just a malfunction within the sub...
  16. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    D2 sub wired at 1 ohm to the amp.... This has been the exact setup for over a month w/ no problems thus far
  17. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

  18. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    He said he will post tomorrow. But on fire? wow I kno i don't understand how or why...
  19. mikey5472

    Sub caught on fire?

    I cant post them rite now im on a ps3. Like I said I will post them tomorrow around 4p.m. when I am out of school... lol
  20. My mom grew up right around there too, but she went to Howe Class of 88'. Her name is Leandra Brattain, Also i meant that my dad graduated in 85' not 88' sry. You probably do kno him somehow. haha
  21. mikey5472

    From: fi q 18

  22. Like Chicagofan said it is prett well rounded.IMO its kind of a underratd event.
  23. Oh you went last year? I was there, maybe we saw eachother and didn't know it haha.. Yea he is kinda old lol.. You might have known him. His name is Mike Merriman
  24. Haha my dad graduated in 1988 from the same school. I was born in 90'
  25. Yea i actually used to live right by where slamology actually is. Off of Southeastern and Emerson, but now i am only about 40 or so min away. Basically all interstates. Its not to bad of a drive.