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Everything posted by mikey5472

  1. mikey5472

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Shit you should see the jimmy. Its a fricken pit lol. I need to clean it out today I have a lot of shit to do today. But the show is coming up fast!!!
  2. Its at marion county fairground on the southeast side. Indiana weather is dumb they say it rained all day the last 2 day and it has rained 30 min tops both days.
  3. mikey5472


    I have a bunch of bass mekanik cd's and I couple test tone cd's. If I come over this weeken I'll bring them. Then you can copy them to you're comp and burn a couple for everybody. No but I've been meaning to get it. Its hard to get new stuff anymore without internet on a actual computer haha. Do you have the latest album "I Rock Bass"? Its good
  4. mikey5472


    I have a bunch of bass mekanik cd's and I couple test tone cd's. If I come over this weeken I'll bring them. Then you can copy them to you're comp and burn a couple for everybody.
  5. mikey5472

    Argent Audio Tahoe

  6. I'm starting on jordans box tomorrow and my amp rack aswell. Should get kelseys box done by this weekend too.
  7. mikey5472

    Enclosure Build for Hove (One 18 Inch AA Mayhem)

    Can't wait to hear this!! Should be killer!!
  8. mikey5472


    You really should though. I bet ssa would pin it in the spl/sq fab section!!
  9. mikey5472

    New Family Member:The Ark of the Funky Pup

    Holy shit the sound check van!!! What's in store for it?? I must know lol
  10. mikey5472

    Changed my Username finally...

    Nah everyone know who you are haha.
  11. mikey5472

    Been out, now back in!

  12. Itskinda hard to miss a bright blue ford ranger that is flexing and setting off car alarms lmao!!
  13. mikey5472

    im just so proud.

    hell yea that son is the shit i posted the hook. haha
  14. mikey5472

    hole in subwoofer

    It wasnt the screws, that is always why you should use a guide when drilling a screw in whether it is your finger or the one attached to the drill(if available). I put a screw through my finger not that long ago. It is still messed up.
  15. mikey5472

    im just so proud.

    rappers smartass lol
  16. mythbuster sub!!!

  17. mikey5472

    im just so proud.

    Trae is the shit bump his shit all day!! "broke up with my foreign car.. Fell in love wit a Cadillac"
  18. mikey5472

    i would like to apologize to the fi forums

    x2!! and i gave you some + rep points!!
  19. mikey5472

    hole in subwoofer

    It will probably eventually tear in which you will need a recone... What sub is it?
  20. mikey5472

    install finished

  21. mikey5472


    As for tuning im not sure but yes be careful when bending it. I think i read somewhere that when you do a kerf you add length to the port. Not sure how much or anything
  22. mikey5472

    install finished

    lol at that, most people here know my GF...... At least I'm not the only one who hates you. Yours: Reputation: -25 Bad Mine: Reputation: +11 Good It's actually -36 now ahha as of now -52 haha
  23. mikey5472


    measure you're blade to 11/16" deep leaving about a 1/16 of an inch in the wood.
  24. mikey5472

    San Diego via USS Nimitz!

    O and welcome to ssa!!!
  25. mikey5472

    San Diego via USS Nimitz!

    Ummm sundown sa-8... Little pricier but well worth it.=)