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About evilbeaver

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  1. evilbeaver

    yamaha 661 and ep2500 help

    Ah good point I forgot about the rolloff. If you did end up with a cleanbox there's a pretty easy mod to fix it if you don't mind soldering. You have to replace two capacitors. There are details at the hometheatershack forums.
  2. evilbeaver

    yamaha 661 and ep2500 help

    I wonder if you would benefit from an ART Cleanbox or something similar.
  3. evilbeaver

    crazy amp deal 2400 watts

    A lot of people use Behringer 2500's for home sub duty (hometheatershack/avsforum). $200 is a pretty good deal for a new one, I paid $250 for mine. Compared to QSC or Crown amps most people using them at home for sub duty complain that they can get the Behringer to clip easier. If you get one you'll probably want to do a fan mod. The original fan is fairly loud. There are instructions on hometheatershack for the replacement. gluck
  4. evilbeaver

    Konaki recone kit

    I'm pretty sure they're triple stacked. motor is somewhere ~ 45 pounds.
  5. evilbeaver

    FI X T/S specs?

  6. evilbeaver

    UGH Subwoofer lost?

    ya to be honest, not sure how the tracer works. Just odd that my last name was the signature. I have yet to see a copy of the sig. But I am sure it aint mine. And I agree, they should question or talk to the driver. So we shall see! Well good luck I hope they figure it out. I know the frustration though, I just recently had a problem with FedEx. They were delivering my stuff to the wrong apartment complex!
  7. evilbeaver

    UGH Subwoofer lost?

    Do you know how this tracer works? Seems to me UPS should just contact the driver that changed the status to "delivered". I'm sure their system shows who the driver was.
  8. evilbeaver

    UGH Subwoofer lost?

    Did you call UPS? Its fishy that the tracking says you signed for it.
  9. evilbeaver

    tracking number for a recone?

    lol I posted this question on the forums hoping someone else could answer it instead of emailing (bugging) you again. I had the Massive DMX sent in and ordered the 15" Brahma recone kit.
  10. evilbeaver

    tracking number for a recone?

    Hey I was wondering if I'll receive a tracking number when my recone ships? I know you do for sub orders but do you e-mail one for recones as well?