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Everything posted by shaven99ranger

  1. shaven99ranger

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    Here's another toy I got myself for the new install! Some wood for the new enclosure! Now down to some metal working....gotta get my battery rack DONE!
  2. shaven99ranger

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    Ok, lots of progress today. For anyone who didn't know, we ripped the old enclosure completey out. It just wasn't working and fitting like I wanted it to. So we are starting from scratch on the enclosure. I also found out when I started the project I'm gonna show you a picture of in a minute that one of my guys in the shop is a jack of all trades and can weld! So we got some major progress done today. One of the reason this has taken so long is because I have had a huge project here in the shop that's taken A LOT of my time! This beast will be the death of us! So I pulled that big bastard out of the way so we could get to our toolboxes and work. (ps...small plug for our xmas presents we bought courtesy of some reward certificates we got from CC) And I have another friend at a local F650 shop that is helping me with all my fiberglass work. My man Pete is awesome! Here's a quick shot of the back doors. No speakers, just filling in the window hole and prepping for paint!
  3. shaven99ranger

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    Totally forgot to mention the doors to Nick on the phone the other day Josh. Hopefully should have some early pics this week. You guys are gonna love the paint scheme on them!
  4. shaven99ranger

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    Thanks bro. I've made a lot of friends, contacts, etc. and such over the years....but you and Nick are two friends that I value. You guys have taken care of me since I signed on with you guys. Things have been a little wacko here for a few months....but I'm pumped and primed for the new season. I go back to work Monday, and the building starts then. pics and such to follow.
  5. shaven99ranger

    Toyota Corolla

    looking sweet.
  6. shaven99ranger

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    The 12's in the picture were for another car. the 15's will be in this project. and will be a single warhorse.
  7. shaven99ranger

    Tommy "Ho Problems" King of Bass Again

    when you're The King, everyone wants a demo!
  8. Holla at me if you are! AIM: shaven99ranger
  9. shaven99ranger

    hmmmm....did someone say DP's?

    hahaha, you wish! I see your UPS guys are nicer with your boxes than mine are!
  10. shaven99ranger

    db drag finals - indy

    Damn right! See ya there!
  11. shaven99ranger

    2007 Death Penalty's

    dayum....caught me!
  12. shaven99ranger

    2007 Death Penalty's

    Those have got to be the sexiest woofers I have ever seen! You guys ROCK! I can't wait!