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Everything posted by creatormass

  1. Been a while since I updated anything, but we're up to 15 NESPL shows so far and should see a few more added before the end of the season. Not to mention any dB Drags shows we'll be hosting.
  2. One week to go before the 2009 season get's under way. We have a new format being introduced, Slammin Bass will be run at the first show of the season on May 10th. All the details of this new Format are on the website. If you like Street Beats, Bass Boxing or Bass Race, then this new format is for you. NESPL
  3. These shows will start at 7pm and will also have Sound Quality judging available.
  4. creatormass

    any showa...

    There are a lot of dB Drags shows in Cali, just not sure if they're all over Cali or in So Cal.
  5. creatormass

    What competition assocation do you prefer???

    I've done Slapshow, USACi and Db Drags so far and Db Drags is by far the best one out there. They are far better organized than any of the other major competition org's out there. IASCA died here in the Northeast long before I got into competing, so I never had the chance to compete with them. And like dbJunior said, I run New England SPL so I don't have as much time to compete anymore. I pretty much host all the dB Drags shows in New England along with my own NESPL shows. I'm planning to hit the TNESPL 2X and Db Drags 3X in NY in June, then I can say I've competed with another organization. They seem pretty well organized from the looks of their shows and their website, so we'll have to wait and see how good the shows really are.
  6. creatormass

    Your db Numbers

    car:2001 S10 Blazer Electrical:200 amp EA alt, 1/0 wiring, Kinetik 1800 up front, 2400 in rear Amps:MA Audio HK4000D Subs:2 Fi 10" BL's Box: around 1.6 cu ft Mic: TermLab Tone:51 hz Score: 149.4 at the glass and 150.1 on the floor, both sealed.
  7. creatormass

    Fi company's contact number ??

    Gotta say this is my only complaint with Fi, no customer service number for any of us to ask questions. Posting here works, kinda, but it stinks for those who don't know about the forums.
  8. creatormass

    Looking for some Fi Decals or someone who can make them

    You should have received a small one with the logo when you got your sub, and you can order another one by sending a SASE, drop a note in that it's for stickers. As far as large decals, you'll have to hope Scott or someone else at Fi see's this thread and can tell you how to pick one up.
  9. creatormass

    Fatmat is a hoax......

    Yeah, I think I picked up on that. But thanks anyway for stating the obvious. It's too damn cold to try installing it now, it's 16 degrees here. The next time it gets warm enough I'll be putting it in. It already looks way better than the Stinger Roadkill crap I bought before. That stuff fell off within a week, and that was with use of a heat gun and properly cleaned surfaces.
  10. creatormass

    Fatmat is a hoax......

    Noise-Killers is FatMat. Cool, then I guess I have no problems with them. I wanted to order it from the fatmat website but I've heard too many complaints about them in the fast few months so I decided against it. Just too bad they didn't have any of the Rattletrap in the Ebay store.
  11. creatormass

    Fatmat is a hoax......

    Pretty sweet, I ordered 100 sq feet of Fatmat on Monday and got it in today, only a couple days, no bad. Got it from an Ebay company called Noise-Killers, not from FatMat.
  12. creatormass

    Fatmat is a hoax......

    I used to do work with hazmat materials and chemicals, and from what I remember MSDS sheets had to be shipped with hazardous chemicals, and only with the initial order of regular non-hazardous chemicals. If you request a copy of it they have to provide you with a copy. But I've never heard of suppling a MSDS sheet for something that wasn't a liquid, gas or powder chemical. It dosen't make any sense to me that you would need one or even have one available for a sound deadening mat. So many things are made with chemicals, but you don't see MSDS sheets coming with packages of styrofoam coffee cups and those are made with chemicals.
  13. creatormass

    BTL ??

    Some companies recommend a break in period, but most of us think thats pretty stupid. Subs will break themselves in over time. They'll sound just as loud brand new.
  14. You'd have to have a good front stage to make up for the 40Hz-80Hz loss. I have my mid bass cutoff at 70Hz and the subs start at 80Hz with a cut off at 25Hz
  15. creatormass

    My first "real" system

    The BL's are a great sub, but those aren't designed for sound quality, hence the Q series. The BL's will pound a lot more than the Q's, but they may not sound as good depending on the music styles you listen to.
  16. creatormass

    Getting Quiet :(

    IF you made them to slide out of the box what did you use to seal them into the box?
  17. Where did you hear this? I've never heard of any enclosure with a cut off at 50Hz. Maybe an 80Hz cut off, but I've never heard of something that low.
  18. creatormass

    Getting Quiet :(

    I can't see how sealing off the trunk is going to help you with this. If the seats folded down then maybe. If you use aeroports like your thinking you might run into a problem taking the box out or putting it in. To flush mount the ports you'll have to seal any air leaks around the port tube while the box is in the trunk. If you mount the aeroports just below the opening in the rear deck you may be bale to remove the box if needed.
  19. creatormass

    BL SPL option

    I have a pair of 10" BL's and chose the SPL option when I bought them. I had no intentions of playing music with them, but now I wonder if they'll handle playing music for a short period of time. I was thinking of trying Bass Race in Db Drags next season but don't want to have to buy new subs in order to do it. Does anyone know if these subs with the SPL option will handle music for 30 seconds at a time at full power?
  20. creatormass

    Bl options

    All depends on what your actual plans are for this sub. Is this going to be used as a daily sub for playing music or for competitions where you're gonna play tones? I'd say if it's for daily driving them go with the flatwind coil, P Chamfer, and the universal option. I'm not exactly sure what the extreme lead option is for.
  21. creatormass

    Port Calculations

    maybe cause we both compete at Manny's place, and I use this name in the TermPro forums too
  22. creatormass

    BL SPL option

    I'd never play them for extended periods, but thats why I was curious about 30 second runs. I had no plans of trying Bass race when I bought these subs, but now I'm thinking of trying it.
  23. creatormass

    New to car audio

    Well that is good to hear! A couple more questions, will one 10'' fi be louder than my friends to 12'' kenwoods? I am sure that it will sound better, but i kinda what to be louder than him. Also, what is "BP power" when selecting options for a sub? without putting both enclosures on a meter you really can't say which is going to be louder. Being that he has a pair of 12's, that means more surface area so it should produce higher levels, but thats also assuming his are also in a sealed box with the same power as you. There are a lot of variables that increase or decrease sound pressure levels.
  24. creatormass

    Port Calculations

    Here are couple good links for ya, first one has calculators for volumes and other things, the second one has a great port calculator. volume calculator Port calculator The measurements you gave come to 8.56 cu ft. This is assuming your using 3/4" MDF, you should go with 1" and possibly double up the baffle to make sure it's stiff. With an enclosure that size your going to need internal bracing too. Don't forget to subtract the sub and port displacement when your calculating your final box size too.
  25. creatormass

    BL SPL option

    If they aren't going to work for Bass Race too then I'll most likely pick up some T3's instead. I'll hold onto the Fi's cause they do an awesome job and hit damn good. Only time and a lot of testing will tell which one's will be best.