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Everything posted by cougarballa2k5

  1. cougarballa2k5

    2 12s or a Single 15

    Which would be louder? Yes this is a stupid and somewhat hard to answer question, but which do you *think*. Two 12s, each getting 600 rms One 15, getting 1200 rms. Of course, SI Magnum D2s....
  2. cougarballa2k5

    12" Magnums for Burps?

    In the 2.0 cubic foot recommended box, how much power can they stand for burping? At what point does the added power stop increasing SPL? I am wondering the difference in 600 wat per driver to maybe 2000 per drive on a burp . Which may be somewhat "extreme".
  3. cougarballa2k5

    2 12s or a Single 15

    I know it is one way. What is your point? EDIT: I didn't mean that disrespectfully, I'm just saying, my calculations and assumptions were on it being one way..
  4. cougarballa2k5

    12" Magnums for Burps?

    "theoreticly" there is a 3 db increase when you double power correct? I may try ~1500 per driver.
  5. cougarballa2k5

    2 12s or a Single 15

    You have to look at that in terms of SD A single 12 is .05 sq M of SD, so .1 for the air A single 15 is .08 sq M of SD Then you have to factor in xmax (this is for general displacement purposes) The pair of 12s is 2.4 and the Single 15 is 1.92 Now, the question lies in are the 12s reaching Xmax off of 600 per driver? The 15 assuredly is reaching it off of 1200 watts. The 15 could very possibly be throwing farther than the 12. And the gap is closed somewhat. I'm sure the two would be very close in terms of output. I would like to say the 12s would inch out ahead, since that is what I am going to be using . EDIT - Both in their respective recommended ported applications.
  6. cougarballa2k5

    THE BIG 3

    Concerning the 3rd wire and not increasing its size. If you are not increasing it solely because you don't want to unhook it, just add the big wire, and remove the old stuff...constant connection. www.weldersupply.com I think .... for really cheap wire. Might be www.weldingsupply.com
  7. cougarballa2k5

    Interest in pre-ordering 8's?

    It could have been my box, but for the life of me I could find nothing wrong with it... It just wasn't dynamic enough, very peaky...I was tuned to like 35 hz. I should have tuned down at 30, thats probably my problem. When they were peaking though it was LOUD.
  8. cougarballa2k5

    Interest in pre-ordering 8's?

    Will these out perform the RE8s. I had 6 of those and was left, less than enthused. I wouldn't mind giving these a shot for fun though. The REs sounded fine really, they weren't as amazing as I had been led to believe is all. Alex
  9. cougarballa2k5

    What if I could...

    Is Stereo Integrity located in North Carolina, I'm in SC. Might give you guys a visit. Alex
  10. cougarballa2k5


    Found you guys while readin signatures at termpro :-p. Also found stereo integrity and gnome audio . Good to meet you all.
  11. cougarballa2k5

    Just Found Out About You Guys

    Hey! I just found out you guys existed :-p. I was just taking a look at the Magnum 12s and I they look like they might be for me. Would a MA Audio Hk402sx be a good amp for a pair? 1800 RMS @ .5 ohm. Thanks! Alex PS. probably go with a gnome audio box :-p