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Everything posted by cougarballa2k5

  1. cougarballa2k5

    Free Bandpass Designs

    I've been researching and learning about bandpass design for the past few months and have gotten to where I feel pretty confident in my designs. I have access to many speakers and a lot of wood for testing but would like to get more designs in the streets to get feedback on. If any of you have been thinking about trying out a new box for your vehicle and would like to give bandpass a try please let me know what woofers, how much power (amp model specifically), and your desired goal. Also measurements for your cargo area with details such as does the depth given allow for a rear firing port etc. Hope to get a few of you to bite, I don't think I'll let you down .
  2. cougarballa2k5

    Click to learn about the new Mag

    So, let me get this all straight Nick. Same Output as a Current Mag but with a smaller box? Sounds like a winner to me bro...1.5 ported on the 12 will be very nice if they truly have the output of the current 12s.
  3. cougarballa2k5

    2007 Death Penalty's

    I can't find the t/s on the 12 or 15, if I overlooked it can someone point me in the right direction?
  4. cougarballa2k5

    Got my new toy to play with

    Nice flexing going on. Is that box by pete?
  5. cougarballa2k5

    Input on 8's

    So is this 8 going to be useable as a midbass or a subwoofer? I don't see a point in a driver that can do both because you are sacrificing part of each to make a happy medium. Either it needs to be a low cost authoritative midbass or a low cost ~35fs low vas high excursion subwoofer.
  6. cougarballa2k5

    Free Bandpass Designs

    Replied. Thanks.
  7. cougarballa2k5

    Atlas 15 Repair Possible

    I have an atlas 15 that needs a recone. Is it possible to get this done at all? I know they don't exist anymore, but is it possiible to fix? Thanks PS, this is funkypupsrule if you see this chad. LOL My buddy wants to pay to send it off and I'm going to give him the speaker.
  8. cougarballa2k5

    2 15" Fi SSDs w/ just 900 watts = LOUD AND LOW

    The box flexes? If a professional built it there shouldn't be visible flex..20hz MAYBE that is a fun frequency. I would go ahead and give them each 7 or 800. The extra power will help bring out the higher end where its lacking compared to 30 - 45 range. You can eq down the low end after adding power if its too much for them at those frequencies, or if its just uncomfortable loud for you :-p.
  9. cougarballa2k5

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    Im wondering how much port area yall went with in a 3.5ft^3 box......with a 52hz tuning I imagine it was around 60 - 80in^2 probably closer to 80?? If my job pulls through which it should. I'll be ordering one of these and a saz3000d with my first check. This is my first REAL job and the money is kind of mind boggling. I'm going to treat myself to some really nice gear. This single 12 should be stupid..... How does two saz3000 strapped on a pair of these sound? MWUAHAHAHAHHAHA
  10. cougarballa2k5

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    Mike can you tell us how much it will cost after the preorder because I know I won't be able to get in on that, bein as I don't start my new job for a month or two.
  11. cougarballa2k5

    SAZ-3000D Power Testing

    Am I nuts or are you saying that this thing does 3200 watts at 1.33 ohm (actual) at 10.75 volts? If I am reading that correctly, JESUS CHRIST. That kinda juice is well worth the price.
  12. cougarballa2k5

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    Wow I had forgotten about this driver completely. Is it worth getting for a sick loud daily driver? I am thinking of getting a saz3000d and a single 12" that will handle it daily. Then I saw this and its like damn thats perfect. Yes no?
  13. cougarballa2k5

    10" SSD Application Specific SPL Advice Question

    I was not asking for any spl numbers :-D I know better than that!! But, I was wanting to take a cheaper 10" but sitll good 10" driver and get it as loud as I could....is the SSD not a good choice? I should pony up the extra dough and get a BL? As far as that box I outlined goes, is it a potshot......should I cut down on volume? I thought it may be too big. I guess for a BL now.....since the SSD isn't up to the 20.1 challenge :-p. Don't be scared to give me a real opinion nick, I promise I won't hold you to it. I'm just looking for educated comments from people that know a thing or two. I won't get crazy if it flops when you said "build it I think it may work". I'm not an e-tard :-D EDIT - And I also know that my application and power will void warranty on many drivers, not scared of that either. Basically I'm wanting to fool around with some things.....and not roadmasters :-D
  14. Okay here is the setup. 10 inch SSD in a 1.7ft^3 enclosure w/ 6" Aero ~26" Effective The goal is to peak around 48 - 52hz. I have a 20.1 for power (D2 SSD). Vehicle is a 1998 Explorer TWO QUESTIONS 1 - Do you think it will be effective? Or a GOOD place to start? 2 - Do you think it will take the 20.1 for burps?
  15. cougarballa2k5

    Rl-p IA20.1

    If you are going with the 15s, the ideal box for you would be 2.75ft^3 w/ 35in^2 of port area per driver, tune the port to 33hz. I've ran the 15s like that and was very happy with it. I also currently have that amp and if you can give it voltage, it'll pump all 4 15s pretty well. Half ohm on that amp is 2400 watts. I had 1500 on a pair of 15s, so 2400 should do just fine.
  16. cougarballa2k5

    4th Order Bandpass -- Four 15s

    Well here is what I have setup... 240in^2 Port Area 8.5ft^3 Sealed 14ft^3 Ported @ 52.45hz 2000RMS I think that this is the best option for a serious 45 - 60hz ear burner and meter killer. What are your thoughts 80? Is the ported side too big for the power I will be running? I think as long as I don't play material too far 40hz I'll be okay. Think she will chit out a number? My vehicle peaks at 50hz.
  17. Currently I have four Kicker Comp 15s doing a pretty good #, really pounding for a street beater on such a low budget. In the vehicle, we have room for a 4th Order Bandpass. I used a calculator from www.carstereo.com to design one but doubt its accuracy. Can anyone aid me in designing a 4th order bandpass, or link me to a site with theory/equations for one? Simple calculators are hard to trust w/o knowing the math behind them!!
  18. cougarballa2k5

    4th Order Bandpass -- Four 15s

    4 Door Ford Explorer :-D Hey 80, what kinda of range is that box supposed to have, where is it supposed to peak? What tuning in the ported chamber? Are you sure the ported chamber is big enough? Sounds small, I was figuring closer to 8 sealed 14 ported.
  19. cougarballa2k5

    4th Order Bandpass -- Four 15s

    I kinda dropped this idea, but so you know, right now I have a 28 cubic foot box .
  20. cougarballa2k5

    dd vs. new re

    I didn't read this whole thread but I would put money on the new XXX taking out a solox on the lows any day of the week. Displacement is god at low frequencies. 54mm of xmax is god's right hand.
  21. cougarballa2k5

    INput about new driver

    Pretty sweet, are those 6" what is the model #? And what type of enclosure?
  22. cougarballa2k5

    Ohhhhhh Nickkkkkkk

    Two magnum 15s on credit? :-D. I got the box built today... 7ft^3 NET 98in^2 Port Area ~33hz tuning Got the amp installed also, IA 20.1 :-D I just need a pair of Mag 15s to appear at my doorstep
  23. cougarballa2k5

    Ohhhhhh Nickkkkkkk

    21 bucks a sheet Will you price match sean chad???
  24. cougarballa2k5

    Ohhhhhh Nickkkkkkk

    Caulk, $5 Screws, $5 Wood, $50 Actually having woofers to put into the box, Priceless
  25. cougarballa2k5

    Ohhhhhh Nickkkkkkk

    But teh box is teh ugly lol needs finishing.