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Everything posted by F3RR3T

  1. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    well i purchased a 100.2 then plans changed a bit i should have got a 100.4 but im going to work with the 100.2 run down Vehicle: 1994 gmc sierra Subs: 2 SD1 12's V1's Amp: SAX-100.2 Comps: Image dynamics ctx65cs the dilemma running in tri-mode essentially runs the same frequency to the subs and components. i already have everything on a subsonic filter below 30hz. now i need to keep the subs from playing above about 90 hz and the comps from playing anything below around 60hz. i cant use the EQ that im using for a subsonic filter because when i try to filter for the comps its just going to kill the bass. so im going to have to make some crossovers i quess heres a pic of how tri-mode works I apologize for poor grammar and spelling and lack of punctuation but the keyboard im using is about the size off a 3x5 card
  2. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    i put this system together with chit i had other than the amp and subsonic filter budget was and is 200 bucks another amp will put me over and i do not see where you see 75 bucks in parts for a crossover. i can buy a complete crossover from P.E for 21 and all componets used in those i can get from the local electronics/aircraft supply
  3. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    not alot most can be made fairly easily and im willing to go that route
  4. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    ugh nvm i will just research making crossovers myself since the only answer i can get is to buy more equipment
  5. F3RR3T

    Visit RCBenclosures.com's new forum

    you "technically" broke it lol you installed the mods i just was trying to remove the broken ones
  6. Visit RCB's new Forum! Make your enclosure requests, view builds, talk with others about RCB's builds enclosure specs, theories and more. Just click it!
  7. F3RR3T

    Visit RCBenclosures.com's new forum

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ buy his moofers Yes, buy his moofers please. and his moofers
  8. F3RR3T

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    i may be able to help with testing if the insurance companies ever come through the plan since i ditched the e8 build is to run 4 3000's on 16v and 2 of these and of course im going to be a PITA and want them daily and slightly musical (as best as you can get it anyway)
  9. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    this is true what i was thinking was. (the reason im not upgrading amps is this a temporary system) the following i already have a subsonic filter that will go inline with the rca's that will keep everything from playing anything below 30hz now with the subs i was going to install a subsonic filter inline with them and run a inline highpass (bass-blocker) for the component set its by far not the best way to do it by any means but im only going to have this system in there till January or so (when my subs are appose to be in production) so im not trying to sink anymore money into this project. so far i have Team price on the 100.2 70 bucks in mdf (3 sheets) and 10 for a subsonic filter everything else i had laying around
  10. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    not a option
  11. F3RR3T

    100.2 dilemma

    or just buy a new 100.2 cheaper or 100.4 for just alittle more. (Im the Florida sales rep) lol buddy of mine said it cant be done so im going to prove him differently
  12. F3RR3T

    Visit RCBenclosures.com's new forum

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ buy his moofers
  13. F3RR3T

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    once the lawyers come threw ill have 2 3000's on 16v's to through at them maybe 4 depends on the check
  14. F3RR3T

    where to get custom enclosures?

  15. F3RR3T

    The big three questions

    a few inches of slack is good. seeing that the engine does torque side to side somewhat. and you dont want tension on the wires
  16. F3RR3T

    Sundown SD1 12 V1 xmax

    anyone know this off hand?
  17. remember jacob you still have to build me some subs thatll take 5200RMS daily for music
  18. F3RR3T

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    remember jacob you still have to build me some subs thatll take 5200RMS daily for music
  19. F3RR3T

    Happy birthday jacob

    as the title says Happy Birthday man hit the big 40 right?
  20. F3RR3T

    FisherCustoms + LFTNdesign = new website

    looks good bj. seeing your makes me want to give mark more $$$ lol its all your fault
  21. F3RR3T

    Happy birthday jacob

    nah lol mid 20's i was just fudgein wit him
  22. x2 dude learn to pucking type or gtfo
  23. F3RR3T

    18" Nightshade Pics

    when are you making my 2 lol remember i get the big boy treatment need 3000rms per sub
  24. F3RR3T


    you still have to build me a 8 using a NS motor
  25. F3RR3T

    E8 Pre-Order / Intro Sale

    Silly Rabbit!! we need vids