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Everything posted by Truconcept

  1. Truconcept

    What's Cookin?!

    nice excuse, brown spots on your pants look like an inside job to me
  2. Truconcept

    What's Cookin?!

    I think I'm in trouble there was a sale on bacon so I froze a bunch of portions Now I'm eating a little bacon every morning
  3. Truconcept

    What's Cookin?!

    my neighbors think im crazy cause i grill when its snowing outside i like to swing the grease off my spatula onto the snow and make brown dots propane and propane accessories all the way
  4. Truconcept

    What's Cookin?!

    i sure do love filet mignon wrapped in bacon
  5. Truconcept

    Ready to pull my hair out

    the oldschool ppi a600? the one with the artwork? i would guess thats better than the earthquake amp
  6. Truconcept

    18 car audio questions! give em a try

    you do know that not everyone has been around car audio for 5 years+ that maybe for some people, forum is the 1st step out of walmart
  7. Truconcept

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    it does not matter how cold or snowy it is outside if i got work to do i can't wait if my sub amp goes, ill take any amp temporarily just for a little bump (walmart dual) i must play full tilt or i'm not happy even when it is 0 degrees and blizzarding, the windows are open 4 the bass the guy above (srnrox) said it perfectly, anytime i smell anything burning while driving i'm pulling over to check everything, so please take it easy on your clutch do not leaf burn
  8. Truconcept


    I will work for fi window decals
  9. Truconcept

    FAT Loss

    correct me if im wrong please, i heard that if you do the "eat barely anything" diet the first to go is your muscles because there is more protein in muscle this is why you have to workout + diet to keep the muscles up?
  10. Truconcept

    Eminem Freestyles

    this guys a genius
  11. Truconcept

    FAT Loss

    my problem is when i get hungry i turn into a real mean diva
  12. Truconcept

    1 brand whole system ??

    wow, impressive post i get the feeling i would have 2 know somebody who knows somebody 2 get one of those
  13. Truconcept

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    im sorry i did not see the most recent news
  14. Truconcept

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    the matching dash and green floor lights looks sweet! your woodcutting looks awesome! any plans to paint the truck oneday?
  15. Truconcept

    1 brand whole system ??

    headunits omitted now?
  16. Truconcept

    Sander's Civic EG from Estonia.

    tere eesti awesome car very nice I feel bad for estonians on islands, shipping prices must be crazy
  17. Truconcept

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    Infinite baffle = free air with a baffle separating the front wave from the rear wave. oh thanks
  18. Truconcept

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    nice build im jelly are you running your subs free air?
  19. Truconcept

    skar zvx 15 or fi bl 15??

    get a zcon instead
  20. Truconcept


    Any idiot can answer a phone and respond certain information to customers. I didn't say she needed to help them build the damn things. Do you have any idea how many emails/phone calls they get a day? Do you guys realize that if they rush your build times or rush your order, the quality that fi is known for will be compromised? Do you guys really want fi to hire some more people, I want my expensive subs built by the best guy at the shop, not some guy they hired and trained quickly for more production. With spring coming, Isn't this the busiest time of the year for "fi kind of companies"? How much more pissed would you guys be if fi stopped taking orders so they could catch up on their workload? And the guy who ordered the glue..... maybe they don't do the easy orders right away but go off a list of who ordered first and focus on them, even if it is a $4,000 sub order. poor fi, its tough being so popular my only question with them is, i see alot of "i just burnt up my new fi subs threads" could all these threads really be user error?
  21. does not need any deadener in this application. Deadener is the wrong tool to use for this application. Welding and bracing is the best/cheapest solution, which he is taking. Great job Tim! Looks dope man, can't wait to see the finished roof man, going to make a big difference I'm sure. While you're at it, you should definately do the same for the doors man. Pressure wants to escape, wants the roof has been treated, the doors will take a shit next. im not asking about using deadener to fix his roof. (idk what an application is) I don't understand not using deadener on any car with subs.... deadener can help you get 1-3 more DB on the dash? why would you not use it? OP himself said the roof is very thin, how much would deadening help the acoustic of the car? This is the first car i've seen that does numbers like that without any silver stuff I ask the noob questions that come to my mind so I can maybe learn something
  22. Truconcept

    My New Baby!!

  23. impressive. thanks for sharing thanks for all the pics and vids i don't see any deadener, did you decide not to use any?
  24. Truconcept

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    i have enjoyed reading through this and seeing jessica biel so much thanks