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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    Questions about Component speakers. opinions WANTED!

    I'd personally leave stock in the back and run that off of head unit power, then just amp the fronts. You will barely hear the rears regardless so why spend the money. This options saves you from having to buy a more expensive 4 channel as opposed to the 2 channel, and saves you from buying rears. That'll save you $X amount of money and put that towards your substage. I've done quite a few stereos like, and once you add the sub you'll never even notice.
  2. The Sundown SA8s are monsters! If you can use them, Go for it! They really are that good.
  3. todd.brust

    Few Questions About Marine Audio

    I would recommend Marine Grade speakers for 2 reasons. First off, they are made to withstand the elements. They are engineered to be water resistant and hold up outside. There is humidity in the air and being in direct sunlight will brake up a traditional speaker faster. 6 1/2" Alpine Type S Marine speakers cost just as much as Type S Car speakers so why not? Secondly, most marine speakers are designed to be used in applications with large rear chambers. Most of the time, when speakers are cut in, they have MASSIVE amounts of air behind them so they are usually designed for applications like that. As for the sub, will it be cut in or put into an enclosure? As for Marine Grade Radios and Amps, you can get away with any 12v product, IF they absolutely won't get wet. If you get a radio wet, that will absolutely void your warranty and same with the amp. Make sure you use a Maine cover on the radio too, and that it stays closed well. Keep a cover on the boat when you aren't using it.
  4. The JL is a nice speaker, but it is expensive, and I did hear it in a Stealthbox and I have yet to hear a bad stealth box. The Aplines could be promising, but I have no experience with them.
  5. Some 3M double sided industrial tape, or some 3M industrial Velcro. Either of those stick. The Velcro would probably be the better choice because it allows you to pull it back down. The Double sided tape is expensive too, especially if you have to replace it every time you pull it down.
  6. I've seen those but not seen them used.....hmmm
  7. todd.brust

    HSK165XL vs. Focal 165KR or 165v30

    Better post a build log when you go with something like those. My boss had the K2s in his Expedition with custom A Pillars made and those thing just rocked, but in his new X, there hasn't been any deadening yet so they sound mediocre, but soon enough, lots of deadening is going into that truck, so they will sound like they are suppose.
  8. todd.brust

    HSK165XL vs. Focal 165KR or 165v30

    The V30s are one of my favorite speakers. They are very comparable to the K2s, and that is coming from our Focal rep and I can agree. I cannot comment on the Hertz since I have never heard any, but I know Hertz generally uses soft dome tweeters when compared to focal using a Kevlar or metal domed tweeter. The silk tweeters may sound more smooth and not be as overly bright, but you can always adjust the tweeter attenuation down. Install is everything though. Door deadening is essential with any speaker of that caliber.
  9. todd.brust

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    Why laugh at mainstream brands? These brands all started off as a small business, a lot like Sundown and they have put out quality products and continue to do so, and that's how they become and stay mainstream. Quality products and good customer service. Sundown very well could become a mainstream brand because of those qualities, would you then laugh at Sundown because of their success?
  10. todd.brust

    No Love for Sundown!!!!

    You won't believe how many people come into our store with stuff they have bought online for us to look at and all we can say is that they are pretty much out of luck. Internet is why I stayed away from the so called "Mainstream" brands and started to support and buy my products from either "Authorized" online dealers or manufacturer direct. I give Sundown credit for supporting their "Dealers" by mandating a "Minimum Advertised Price". If a dealer is caught advertising below this they are automatically not a dealer and cannot get access to Sundown product. MAP is common with anything sold in shops. Sundown Is great and luckily for me and the shop I work at, we have been around for 30 years and have a good reputation. We have enough business to carry Sundown and it sells. People Eat up those SA-8 and 12s. But like previously mentioned, a lot of people are on a budget and for those people, $500 is a lot of money in the first place. That's why stuff like the JL Temporary Insanity Sale sells so well. When people come in and buy Sundown, they usually spend well over $1K between amp, speakers, wiring, and labor. I praise Sundown for making such awesome products but I can understand how it may be dificult for a small shop to carry a brand that isn't mainstream at the moment, but I am sure with the quality products that Sundown puts out, they will to continue to grow their customer base and be more easily marketable.
  11. Congrats! And here's to like.......a lot more years!
  12. todd.brust

    Help H/U Problem

    What he said. I had a truck in last week, and the radio would go into protect protect because the speaker was reading damn near a dead short. Check the speaker. And NEVER cut more than one wire at a time when wiring is live. Just presents the possibility of more problems than you need.
  13. todd.brust

    Building my first IB subwoofer setup

    Wow, you really aren't fucking around.
  14. I personally like the JL Cl-RLC for sum control. Just wires in line and ups the output voltage to 7.5 volts. And they are so flexible as far as placement. JL Audio CL-RLC CleanSweep
  15. todd.brust

    Longboard Island Lager

    I have been one a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale kick lately too. That has consistently been occupying the apartment fridge.
  16. todd.brust

    Home Bar Stereo

    So here's the deal, my roomates and I host get togethers at out apartment a lot and what we are really lacking is a a stereo in our downtairs kitchen/living room area and thats where we do most of out partying. In the coming month or so, we are going to construct a bar and I am planning on integrating the sound system into the bar. I want to keep as much space as possible underneath so I do not want to construct enclosures within the front of the bar, rather I'd like to have an open baffle type of alignment. The goals are to have it be somewhat efficient and party proof. By party proof I mean I want it to take abuse. I was thinking multiple 6.5" or 8" woofers on each channel(simple left and right set-up) and dome tweeter, probably titanium dome. Fidelity isn't the number one concern, and I would like to keep costs down so I plan to just use Dayton pre-made crossovers. Just want some feedback oh what you think about some suggestions. 3 of these per channel for a 4 ohm load Bravox WFR-06BV02S 6.5" Poly Cone Shielded Woofer 12 Ohm | Parts-Express.com and a set of these tweeters Dayton DC28FS-8 1-1/8" Silk Dome Shielded Tweeter | Parts-Express.com and these crossovers will work with the listed frequency response of the drivers without risking damage to the tweeters. Dayton XO2W-3.5K 2-Way Crossover 3,500 Hz | Parts-Express.com This is just a thought I put together real quick, but I am open to any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
  17. todd.brust

    Longboard Island Lager

    I've always wanted to try Arrogant Bastard but have never seen it anywhere to try!
  18. todd.brust

    Longboard Island Lager

    Never tried that or even seen it. What is it comparable to? I get my kicks from Pale Ale or IPA style beers. There's nothing like getting hop punched to the face by a good IPA. If you like the hoppy taste of beer, might I suggest Surly Furious, brewed right here in my home state, Minnesnowta! Sorry to butt in like that, I just LOVE beer!
  19. todd.brust

    Bromos Build Log

    I would love to try one of those amps. I like the 5/6 channel amps. Just picked up a Kenwood XR-5S yesterday, nice amp but no where near the flexibility of the Levathon X-overs.
  20. I'll be at Audio Designs Crank It Up on The 28th. Working of course Single best day of work throughout the year! Looking forward to seeing all that can make it!
  21. todd.brust

    Sub Comparison pics

    Jealous! What TC sound models do you have? Ever plan on selling any of them?
  22. Good luck trying to fit an 18" sub in a corolla. I did manage to get a 18" Bl into a trunk of a Accord with sufficient airspace inside the box but that was barely able to fit. A Corolla trunk opening is much smaller and the trunk itself has much less cubic airspace. Go with 12s and I am sure you will get plenty of bass.
  23. todd.brust

    Dash lights

    Probably blew out the dimmer switch. I messed up some wiring on a customers car when I first started on a Toyota camry and fried the dimmer switch. $35 mistake for me. Since then I never use Dimmers or Illumination unless specifically asked to or if its a screen install. As far as the antenna output goes, it has nothing to do with the interior lighting. What wires did you wire together anyways? I don't remember on those eclipses, but sometimes there is a positive and negative dimmer or illumination. If you wire and orange with black to any orange wire, that's a direct short and definitely blew out the dimmer switch. Check that out and see if that is the issue.
  24. todd.brust

    Home Bar Stereo

    Goood to know. I'll definitely keep those in mind for the tweeters. I just don't know if I should go with horns or if dome tweeters will be loud enough.
  25. todd.brust

    ghost hunting

    Lol thats great! I love Primus! Les Claypool is a God on bass.