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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    The Elephant Box

    damn that thing is just wicked btw what is going into it already (don't recall!?!)
  2. todd.brust

    PS3 and Wii games

    vegas is badass on PS3....oblivion is about the only rpg game i know of of PS3...not a huge fan of it, but i'm not a huge fan of RPGs either Dirt is a great game for ps3...and Gran Turismo 5 when it comes out...holy chit...it will be the best racing game ever....period! Wii....Wario smooth moves is a good game if you have a bunch of people...besides that i haven't played many wii games
  3. todd.brust

    eD 13Av.2 Subwoofer

    lol the eDuh sub just got shot down i still remember the whole deal with JL possibly suing...can't believe they need to "borrow" peoples ideas to make a product and call it their own
  4. todd.brust

    From: It Is Up To YOU

    lol i need some motivation...i need to get my ass back in the gym...used to work out 4 days out of the week! soon again hopefully
  5. todd.brust

    soon an 18" xxx and tsunami

    is it the tsunami db1100? if so it's the same amp i have...very good amp, especially for the price i paid
  6. todd.brust

    New Mars Volta album, The Bedlam in Goliath, out today

    Most of the music I listen to never touched a computer in its original form actually a lot more music than you think is still recorded as an analog format, i'm not saying a mojority, just more than you think....i visited a recording school this summer(one of my buddies is going) and went on a tour and the guy said that many artists prefer to be recorded to tape instead of digitally but then again LOTS of music is recorded digitally...and the digital studios they had there were pucking nuts!
  7. todd.brust

    Box build for my Havoc 18s.

    damn....that's pretty wicked...i wish i had the ambition to learn and design TLs or the money to have someone do it for me...lol buck pucking sweet to say the least
  8. todd.brust

    ATTN: Frosty!

    wow.....i could use a few EL84s out of there
  9. todd.brust

    New Mars Volta album, The Bedlam in Goliath, out today

    i probably won't buy it...but i'll DL it sometime...if i like it enough i may buy it...i almost picked up fraces the mute on vinyl about a year ago...
  10. todd.brust

    Click to learn about the new Mag

    i've been getting lazy and just looked through this thread....do me a favor and get some proto pics and some t/s parameters...i didn't think i wanted to spend anymore money on my car set-up until i read this...maybe i'll have to get rid of the brahma or put it in a HT set-up any idea of the date the protos will be in? i am very interested in seeing the t/s params
  11. todd.brust

    LMS Ultra Testing

    WOW! that's all i have to say...just out of curiosity....are you the only person on youtube with the LMS ultras? with the CRAZY WINDOW FLEX?!?!!?
  12. todd.brust

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    wow that looks awsome...one of the best enclosures i have seen without it being permanent
  13. todd.brust

    Wheres my Product?

    yeah not to get OT but i have a 97 Towncar...pearl white with blue interior....except the seats are white...PIMPIN! it's the only way to drive...except in a Minnesota winter...that's a different story lol
  14. todd.brust

    Wheres my Product?

    no worries....it takes a lot more than that to defend me...but no way shape or form saying you don't have money for JL...i mean serious...you got the better towncar out of the two of us...you might have some more cash than i do
  15. todd.brust

    Wheres my Product?

    break what to me? Florida is in the US, right? Oh yeah it is...........sorry i had to do it i am chill...don't worry...i was just stating that there is no reason to bash a perfectly good reputable company for reasons i am assuming are their bandwagon and prices. And stated that most drivers are hand made to my knowledge...that's it....the reply was all in fun
  16. todd.brust

    Wheres my Product?

    you can't discriminate against any one company like that...and for the record...JL is all hand crafted and designed in the US...just because it cost more than what you are willing to spend doesn't make it any worse/better so if you want a hand built driver...i am sure just about anywhere you go, it will be hand built
  17. todd.brust

    new sub/box porn *lots of pics, dial-up users BEWARE!!!*

    very nice looking enclosure...more than i can say about most of my boxes...lol
  18. todd.brust

    What is the best 4x6 front speakers?

    i'll agree and say you would be much better off by DIY and getting some 5 1/4"s
  19. todd.brust

    Fi Q's in a CA&E featured car

    serious...let's see some...i haven't gotten to see the magazine in a while
  20. todd.brust

    Now Playing!

    talking heads-(nothing but)-flowers
  21. todd.brust

    Cheap Wall Build LOL

    wow...i originally saw when you bought the subs and i decided to read everything through...great built...post up some TL numbers when you get the chance to get it mic'd
  22. todd.brust

    Keeping songs from a used Ipod?

    get media widget...the best one i have used yet...theres a free trial and you just plug the ipod in, then it will list everything like itunes does than you select what you want and press select to itunes and it will organize it and and everything for you
  23. todd.brust

    One of the reasons why i love Audio

    i'll second that...but i don't know much about tubes right now...still learning, just got my first tube amp to restore/repair! you should get mikes over here from force...he's a big tube nut too but i got into audio after my first car stereos...2 12" Alpine S' in a sealed box with a rockford 4 channel amp running them1 and it's all history from there...my hi-fi obsession started with a stanton turntable and a kenwood receiver...and fro mthere it is history lol
  24. todd.brust

    Now Playing!

    Louis C.K. comedy central stand up oh and Joe Rogan's stand up album is one of the best i've heard in a while...yeah the fear factor guy!
  25. todd.brust

    Mileva build log.

    looks killer...keep us updated...can wait to see the finished product