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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sounds interesting to me EE? Nope not engineering. I am just going for a Technical degree at the moment. Maybe when i am done next fall
  2. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol. I had to do it. No one wants to see the creepy guy in the background biting his lip! lol
  3. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what's confusing? The avatar or my posts? I'm guessing it's the avatar!
  4. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well I decided to do the project, Today's Lesson: Controlling current flow through a transistor using a microcontroller. Wow what fun
  5. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Listen to this BS. Some arseho backed into my car in the parking lot and cracked my tail light and messed up my bumper and drove off! Looks like it was a truck. The hitch must have gotten the light. Now i am sitting in school debating whether or not i want to do my weekly project or put it off and get another week behind?!?! C'mon spring!
  6. todd.brust

    subwoofer comparison

    See it was bound to happen! I heard a 15" HCCA at the local shop on the Orion 2500 and was more than impressed with the output in their sound room. The bass from that bad boy overwhelmed the XRs they had going and i have never heard that happen in that room before. But The HCCA might not be chit as far as some might be concerned. LB how is the HCCA as far as SPL?
  7. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't even know what sport you're talking about now, but hey, I'm a minnesotan (minnesotian?), go go MN! Hockey?
  8. todd.brust

    Q vs. anything

    Knob? Gain control or bass boost? Two completely different thing with different uses. If you want a genuinely overall good sounding sub, go with any of the above mentioned. (I'll say that i have not had personal experience with all of them, alot of them, however i have heard nothing but good.)
  9. todd.brust

    low bass output question

    If you are going sealed, I wouldn't use the SSF. But sealed is the way to go in my opinion. Superior FR when compared to ported. I am still trying to get time to build a nice sealed enclosure for my Brahma Mark II
  10. todd.brust

    Vinyl Cleaner

    I ordered some stuff off of ebay for like 15 bucks. I'll see how it works for daily cleaning. If it doesn't, oh well. I'll test it on some vinyls I'm not particularly fond of. And if it doesn't work it's only 15 bucks. For the deep down cleaning, I may make that contraption i posted above when i have some more money and time. Oh yeah here's the stuff. http://cgi.ebay.com/RECORD-CLEANER-Vinyl-C...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. todd.brust

    Vinyl Cleaner

    Well I am looking to get some good Vinyl Cleaner. I am listening to Pink Floyd-Meddle and damn does this record need some cleaning. I have just been using a microfiber cloth to get the dust off but doesn't always work the best. Any suggestion for a product in the reasonable price range or technique? I've seen people clean vinyls using wood glue bat that is far too time consuming and uses lots of glue. Thanks for any help here
  12. todd.brust

    subwoofer comparison

    Good explaination.
  13. todd.brust

    Good LSQ subwoofers.

    I'd say run two of either the Q or Havoc with one Sundown. Sell one to use towards buying these speakers or save one for when needed
  14. todd.brust

    Good LSQ subwoofers.

    They would both work in a sealed alignment. I modeled them out in BBP6 and the Q has a lower f3 point than the Havoc, however i think you either would work. Maybe a little EQing to "touch up" the low end but it wouldn't need it. I hope that helps. If anyone has any conflicting findings. Let me know, I am still learning BBP6.
  15. todd.brust

    i know audiobahn...

    ENGLISH MOTHERpucker! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!!? Sorry. I had to say it. Pulp Fiction is just so good!
  16. todd.brust

    2 Havoc 12" Install

    Looks good, but how does it sound though? I'll put my money on good.
  17. todd.brust

    AA Havoc 18s Build and preview for my 418s build

    This is turned out to be a thread I am excited to read and check for updates! Good Lyck and keep us updated!
  18. todd.brust

    Good LSQ subwoofers.

    From what i have read in a few posts, the AA Havoc one ups the Fi Q a little. I have never heard a Havoc but the Q is a very nice sounding driver, much like the xbl2 XXX, but probably not as loud. I would say one of those two speakers would be a good contender for what you want. However I just re-read your OP, and i see you want to run sealed. I don't know if i have really read anything about sealed Havocs but i have read and heard the Qs sealed and they do well. I am sure the Havocs have the ability to do so also. Hope this helps a bit.
  19. todd.brust

    updates on the mini cooper wall...

    Dang. It will wang! Box Specs? Do you plan on adding any internal bracing?
  20. todd.brust

    Vinyl Cleaner

    I had a feeling you would be one of the first to answer this post Not too many people i know of here who listen to Vinyls anymore. I saw this DIY record cleaner. Any thoughts JimJ? http://www.teresaudio.com/haven/cleaner/cleaner.html Oh i tried the glue thing on a completely fudgeed Joe Walsh album. Scratches Galore. It Cleaned it up nicely(got rid of the dust and added a nice glossy shine again) but DOES NOT repair anything. The record skipped in all the same places before where the bad scratches were, but the parts between didn't have as much popping and whatnot due to a lot of the dust being removed.
  21. You should already know my answer, but I'll say it anyways. I like the 9887 personally and I have been told that the Imprint sound processing works great for soundstaging/imaging. They Both have some type of EQ- The Alpine has the choice of 7 band Graphic or 5 Band Parametric, however the Pioneer has a 16 Band Graphic They both have time alignment, iPod Interface, Bluetooth capability, 24 bit DACs. Here are the differences that i noticed. The Alpine has the capability to run 3 way active. The Pioneer has active filters but only two way to split the sub to the highpass. The Alpine appears to be more flexible as active x-overs go. I could have misunderstood what i read. But the Pioneer also has something similar to the Imprint sound processing(didn't know that before i started my research) and the mic for that is included with the Pioneer. The Pioneer also has 5V preout compared to the 4V that Alpine has. The Pioneer also has a fancy color display but that means nothing to me. Still I would say the Alpine because of my previous experience with their products. And the Alpine seems to be a bit cheaper. It always comes down to the money at the end of the day.
  22. todd.brust

    updates on the mini cooper wall...

    Looks like you have some work to do but looks good so far. I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but what are you running it it?
  23. todd.brust

    hmmmm...something happened today.

    Oh yeah, I am dumb. lol You said mentioned the frontstage in a different thread. But about the sub. Do you have anything in consideration or is it completely up in the air?
  24. todd.brust

    My impressions of the next-gen SI Mag 12

    lol it's a shame isn't it I guess I'll have to wait for someone in the area to get one.
  25. todd.brust


    so wait? You are getting RFs now?