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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Top whore!
  2. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have just about every Atmosphere on some format. CDs or vinyl. I am just missing the Lucy Ford EPs Did you get all the recent stuff? Sad Clown Bad season and strickly leakage. I know leakage is free and so was Bad Spring for a period of time. Not sure if it still is.
  3. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am home. I don't want to leave but I have work at two WAAAAAAAAAA Did you check out that new CD yet? That was you who said you liked atmosphere right?
  4. todd.brust


    As far as I know, I'm the only Todd. Whoo!
  5. todd.brust

    What motorcycle is this?

    That bike is tits. I'd probably last 3 hours on that kind of bike before they'd fine me all over the pavement. Bikes just aren't the thing for me. I'll stick to cars
  6. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like a good time to me! Well the drinking part. Mud football seems like too much work now
  7. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I keep mine. They seem to come in handy every once in a while. Yep, I keep some of my textbooks. Well I'm not an EE but a tech. Book all teach the same stuff though. I have all mine. Only difference with my book is that it is explained in electron flow(negative to positive current flow) vs. conventional flow(vice versa).
  8. todd.brust

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    I wouldn't mind seeing a new BTL at some point today.
  9. todd.brust

    Not a newbie, just switching sites

    Nice to see ya! Mike E. came over here and said that force is pretty much gone for good. No idea about CSO though. That site has been screwy ever since it went down the first time. It's bad timing when two of your most frequently visited forums go down within a week of each other. Well anyways again, nice to see you finally made it over
  10. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like them both but I've been addicted to vegas 2 for a while now. I'd suggest checking it out. Gran Turismo Prologue is out and I have been really anxious to play that! The GT games are regoddamndiculously good.
  11. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just got done playing some vegas two!
  13. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like the girls on the bikes on top/\/\/\/\
  14. todd.brust


  15. todd.brust


    From the album: todd.brust

  16. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hear ya. I have been sick with it for the last two weeks. I guess my smoking isn't helping it either. The way I have been adressing the situation is that it's better to be sick now than right after school is done and I am starting summer.
  17. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That doesn't seem right. Sorry to hear that. Insurance companies always try to pull chit like that.
  18. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah makes sense. Like where I used to work, there were machines that counted parts, possibly thousand an hour by dropping through an array of eyes and then packaged them. Pretty crazy stuff. Lock washers that were 1/4" in diam. and fell through the sensors and were counted. Not 100% accurate but accurate to +/-5%. Could use stats there given a certain batch and how accurate all the counts are. It made sense in my head. I'm going on little sleep and having an even harder time going to bed now fastenall? Holy chit how'd you know? But yeah it was Fastenal. Upstairs packaging at the Wino Hub warehouse.
  19. todd.brust

    Work... what ya do and for who?

    Master of custodial arts, A janitor if you want to be a dick about it. Clean classrooms at my school and mow lawns and work outside all summer. I also build ozone generators for some guy one the side
  20. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm out take it easy guys
  21. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I approve. But you don't want to buy beer in grocery stores here, its only 3.2%. I need to get a case or two for this weekend though so I'm gonna have to get the roomie to make a liquor store run for me. I'm not a big fan of beer, I guess its probably from a lack of drinking any beer other than coors light in my life. Big fan of southern comfort, most vodka's (not flavored) and black label Jack. I used to be a fan of So Co. Not so much anymore. Vodka's make for interesting nights from what I'm told. Usually blackout on Vodka. Lol last time I drank vodka, I blacked out and decided it'd be hilarious to rip the carpet off my buddies stairs, luckily for me it was a chitty basement! I went through a big Jager stage and now I stick to beer.
  22. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Beer 30
  23. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It sure is. *I'm in Kansas though if you didn't know* Party in MN......laaater lol At least you'll be here for summer and not the chitty winter! Eh, snow doesn't bother me to much, long as I don't have to go outside and work in it I'm happy. No snow sucks! I hate every aspect of snowfall. The cold, the slippery roads, having to start your car before you go anywhere, ice, cold everything lol I am just too damn picky
  24. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It sure is. *I'm in Kansas though if you didn't know* Party in MN......laaater lol At least you'll be here for summer and not the chitty winter!
  25. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I gotcha. IS that in the MN area?