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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    DAAAAAAAAAMN. I'd like to try some BIBs with those, but seeing that I haven't built my Dayton Full Range BIBs, I doubt I'll do it.
  2. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lawl on your cheep books. My W just had to get a 250 dollar book. She always buys used now though. Here is a great web site for fair price and fair resale price. http://www.alibris.com/ Ill look into that next semester. I just looked on amazon, and books there aren't all that expensive when compared to schools.
  3. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Absolute WIN. Holy Good God What are those!
  4. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fuck College bookstores! My $170 textbook is work 42 dollars? WHAT THE FUCK. I had 3 books that cost between 60 and 80, they offered me $2.50, and 10 for the other two. I ended up keeping most of them.
  5. todd.brust

    Found this on my porch

    Nice, the xCons sounds very good ! But you gotta get Modern Warfare 2. No more of that world at war stuff!
  6. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Great news! our apartment started to leak last night. At least it wasn't my room.
  7. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Congrats on 250K! And yes, i agree. 7 mm is a tiny ass hard drive.
  8. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, I am starting to get sick. Time for some dayquil and all those other fun medicines!
  9. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any of you guys ever heard of Definitive Technologies? WE carry them at the store, and we just got a HT room all wired and tuned up. Great for BluRays.
  10. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Never watched it. Heard its great though. I finally caught up with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Trailer Park Boys. I might have to watch some Dexter on Netflix.
  11. todd.brust

    Thanks AA for my new Viper 5901 remote start!!!

    At the shop I work at, we charge 550 for complete install, bypass modules and labor. That's locks, power trunks, heated seat, automatic doors. All the fancy stuff. WE installed that same unit in some guys Bobcat Toolcat utility vehicle. That thing was sweet, full stereo minus sub and a remote start. Some people just have too much money.
  12. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    250k coming up soooon!
  13. todd.brust

    Thanks AA for my new Viper 5901 remote start!!!

    Holy fuck!!!! Nice score on that one. What kind of vehicle do you have? That's gonna be a spendy install for that shop. Between the whole system and bypass modules, that guy is probably looking at around 3 hundo.
  14. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Doing laundry....damn machines at the apt building are broken, now I can spend twice as much money to do the same amount of laundry.
  15. todd.brust

    149.9 (Outlaw) with one 8" Sundown SA-8

    Damn impressive if you ask me! Keep up the good work over there at Sundown
  16. todd.brust

    Man, I am impaitient and never satisfied!!!! Reguardin

    That's the name of the game, experimenting and compromising. You'll never get what you truly want, but you can get damn close.
  17. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Working the car audio desk for about another half hour. Been here for a half hour and talked to one customer. God this is easy right now!
  18. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's ME!
  19. Sounds like a bad HU, with some goofy stuff going on internally. It could be internal wiring that connects the remote turn on lead to the accessory when the switched power is on. Who know but chances are, the HU is bad and not worth fixing.
  20. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Time to shower then go to work. Been working in service all week, delivering stuff or helping old people with the fancy equipment. I love it when a salesman sells a harmony remote for the simplicity of system, and some people still can't use it!
  21. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Blackout friend top ^
  22. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got a call from a friend this morning, She woke up on someones couch and had no idea where she was until she looked out the window. The things people do in college.
  23. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Understood and agreed completely. Still hard everyday. Part of the reason I always multi-task and am on here all the time. If I focus only on what I am "doing" I get pissed off, I need to do 2 things at once all the time. I have the same issues. My mind is always racing, and sometimes when I talk, I just mumble or stutttter. I've learned to live with it and try to control it. I am always multi tasking too. I'll be on here, doing homework, downloading music, and talking to people in the same room all at the same time. I do everything I need to do, just not as fast as it could be done if I could concentrate on a single task. ADHD ftw!
  24. Not to point out the obvious, but the HU is messed up or the wiring is. Fist check all the connections. Get a DMM and check for constant 12 volts on the power lead and a switched 12 volts on the accessory. Plus we could use some more info. Did you actually check the continuity of the fuses?(they can look fine but indeed be blown.) Is the Remote for the amps hooked up to the remote lead off the back of the HU or is it elsewhere? Does the HU illuminate at all or do anything when the power is turned on?
  25. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate it! Snow good. Cold bad! Cold without snow is SUPER bad. Agreed. I heard this winter is suppose to be pretty mild. Lets hope so, last winter was beyond Fucking Cold.