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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will be putting ribs on in a while myself. I'm doing the same, minus the ribs. Hopefully the Vikes show up this week. 1 win out of the last 4 is bad, especially from a team who started the season so strong.
  2. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So you like the meaty girls, eh? Alba > Fox That's just me.
  3. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Great time. Got outta town and visited some friends up at the U. Had a pretty safe time too.
  4. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Long Day...Nothing a few beers couldn't fix. Time for bed.
  5. I think you got this kind of backwards. Class A is not high efficiency, at all. Class D is. Class As run much much warmer than any class D amplifier ever will. Hell, I've seen class A/B amps run hotter than any class D amp. I'm not sure what topology is going to need more heatsinking to run optimally, but I do know that every class D amp I've seen and heard, full range, or subwoofer amps, have generally run cooler than a/b amps.
  6. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Definitely didn't expect that close comeback, but a loss is a loss...
  7. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am legitimately mad right now watching football. The Vikings are fucking up! I don't even want to start.
  8. todd.brust

    Be honest!!

    Yeah and the guy with one quarter has less money than the guy with two dimes... Build a good setup and one 10 can hit some crazy numbers... A quick search here will find set up with a single 8 doing big numbers.
  9. todd.brust

    Username change.

    I will never need my name changed Unless someone wanted to change my name to turd.burst
  10. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is hilarious!!!
  11. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice, I am probably going to buy a pair of em then. I need some el cheapos.
  12. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hoe are the 25 dollar cabinets? I was wondering about those....
  13. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Merry Christmas to all! Everyone traveling, drive safe. I know the roads are shitty round here.
  14. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Doing Laundry. Fun shit. I had to look at a new Audi A6 today, what a nice car, but good luck getting doing anything aftermarket on it. Interesting day at work yesturday too. Did a Radio and a set 0f 4" alpines in the dash of a 75 GMC pick-up. After I was done, I went to re-adjust the mirror, and it snapped off. Not only did it pop that button off, but it took a chip of glass with it. The customer was fine with it since it was a beater and told asked us just to glue it back on. I went to pick up the adhesives, and when I got back, the shop manager was sitting over a grate with a telescoping magnet. He dropped it down there while I was gone. Long sotry short, took about 45 minutes to find that button in 7-8" of muck and water. Best part was when my boss tried to pull the grate off by sticking a hammer through and pull. Hammer got stuck too. Hilarious.
  15. todd.brust

    Mecp Certification

    I am not certified, and have been installing for over a year. Experience is the key like mention before a few times. The other 2 installers I work with are certified but nothing more to my knowledge. When I was offered the position, there was never a question as to if I was certified. But get the Master status and get a raise!
  16. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had an idea that's what it was. First thing that came up in a google post. And I honestly don't even know what you fixed.
  17. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what are said speakers? My BIB's that had 12" drivers in them. What kind of drivers were you using? Dang! I have 5" drivers waiting to do a BIB, never thought much farther than 8s.
  18. todd.brust

    subwoofer comparison

    You'll never get the answer you're looking for. Install dependent.
  19. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well took my car in for an Estimate on the front end. It doesn't look at bad, cept the grille, but the estimate came to 1800 bucks! Just want this fixed.
  20. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My roomate took his Storm 2 back for a Droid. I was set on getting the Storm 2 next, But I think it will be a Droid. I was looking at the Droid too, but I don't like how the keyboard buttons require so much pressure. On a droid right now. Keyboard seems fine. The display model buttons are terrible but the actual phone isn't too bad. Maybe that was the reason, thanks for letting me know. I used the actual droid, and while it wasn't terrible, I didn't spend much time typing to get frustrated either. I'm REALLY liking the TP2 now. I got a completely different user interface and it is awesome now. Its just a learning process at the moment, learning how to optimize everything. I can customize anything so its really nice. Just need to find a good turn by turn GPS. VZ Navigator is $10 a month, and thats really just too much. Actually with the android phones, there is free Turn by turn Navigation. Google Navigation. Works just like any other GPS. That is the main selling point for me to get a droid over another Blackberry.
  21. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Or a button for life? Ever heard of the Westboro Baptist Church? What a bunch of people who need to be shot.
  22. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Top! I hope these Vikings can get their shit together though. K
  23. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My roomate took his Storm 2 back for a Droid. I was set on getting the Storm 2 next, But I think it will be a Droid. I was looking at the Droid too, but I don't like how the keyboard buttons require so much pressure. On a droid right now. Keyboard seems fine. The display model buttons are terrible but the actual phone isn't too bad.
  24. todd.brust

    Went to a ""High End Shop" today, was an experience

    800 for an alarm?!?! WE will do, alarm/ remote starts for 550 Installed! That's to top end viper with lifetime warranty. Pretty much the only thing we don't cover are remotes. Thats kind of high, but that's not to say they don't do good work.
  25. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My roomate took his Storm 2 back for a Droid. I was set on getting the Storm 2 next, But I think it will be a Droid.