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Everything posted by todd.brust

  1. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can't Fall back asleep because of this headache. I bet a smoke would help me out right about now, but I'm going strong so far. Almost 2 weeks cold turkey! Hoooray for better health!
  2. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WATCH IT! Found out it wasn't spaghetti Os either. Turns out I had the Flu. My room mate got just as sick as I did 2 days later.
  3. todd.brust

    Post your Desktops

  4. todd.brust

    New PG amplifiers

    Those Ti series amps look very nice.
  5. Just use the Subwoofer out you mentioned, and use a Y splitter. Then you can control whatever functionality that is associate with the sub out on the head unit. I'd just assume that that output sums the left and right sub signal.
  6. todd.brust

    electrical question?

    You don't need 0 gauge for the big 3 by any means, but there's nothing wrong with overkill.
  7. I wouldn't be that worried about tinned copper. Straight copper will be fine in the long run.
  8. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oo that is sexy Agreed. Looks very flexible too, and has a steering wheel interface! that's always a selling point for me.
  9. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just downloaded and watched the It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Christmas Special. If you're a fan of the show, I highly recommend it, even though it's a little late for christmas. :/
  10. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Snow?? No it is not snow . It was happening the other night too. It is being addressed. I've gotten it a few times, but if I refresh once or twice, Ill usually get the page to load. This place just has too much going on!
  11. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Curiosity Top?
  12. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What is the RTMS section out of curiosity?
  13. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No, but I'd like top get my hands on the same. I see them time to time at work. If I see one come through, Ill be sure to let you know,
  14. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Last night was one of the worst nights in recent memory. Food poisoning to the max. Puked from probably 11pm to 7 am. Spagetti Os are forever out of my diet after that experience.
  15. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Definitely not. Not out dated either. Either way, I'm fucked. Definitely food poisoning. I'm in for an awesome night!
  16. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I must have ate some tainted spagetti Os. Puking not even an hour after eating them. Thats what I get for eating shitty food.
  17. todd.brust

    factory tweeter and speaker question

    From what I've seen, especially with GMs is that they wire the tweeter in parallel with the woofer, sometimes with a Capacitor in line, sometimes not. With some newer systems, like some Monsoon systems I have worked with, they are bi amped and crossed over in the amp circuitry. Dumb if you want drop in replacements. This won't apply to you. I'd try to get something besides 4x6s to fit. They aren't the best speakers to be working with. You can eliminate the tweeters all together if you do put in new speakers. What is the speaker locations anyways for those? Top of the Dash?
  18. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He said it was a Beretta, Focal all around, Rockford amps and processing. Audio Designs, the shop I work at, had at one time the world record SPL car. 173.something dB. 48 10" Alumapro subs and 24 DEI 1100s, with who know what kind of electrical. The enclosure was like two clamshells stacked upright next to eachother. Concrete filled doors. This I have proof of.
  19. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :BS: I just was reading the SQ thread. Lol He was judged and based on their opinions...
  20. todd.brust

    dynomat xtreme or second skin

    I've always used Dynamat and have had no issues with it and it did just what I wanted it to do....but I don't pay retail on it either
  21. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We have a relatively new installer at the shop, we were talking today, and found out he had a World Championship SQ car in 2001. I'm interested to see his pictures
  22. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is the second time I've seen this posted and I laughed again.
  23. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    NP: Frank Zappa- Lumpy Gravy
  24. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just want to go public with this, the thought just came into my head, but... I think Scarface is a terrible movie. I don't understand why so many people love it. Terrible.
  25. todd.brust

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not thick. 6'7 215 36" waist, 36" inseam, 17.5"neck, 37.5" sleeve Yeah, I know I should have continued to swim competitively Holy Good God! you're 6'7"? Ridiculous. I'm almost a foot shorter than you are, and I thought 6 feet was tall