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Everything posted by Tmax98

  1. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    gottem coach
  2. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you can whore now!
  3. Tmax98

    Rumors of my Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

    wow man glad to see your ok! looks like u went for a heck of a ride. but not quite the one me, mike, and another one of our buddies did in mikes dads old truck! (insert pic mike)
  4. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pics? x2, i might be interested, if adrian doesnt get it I should be able to get some pics this weekend, it's at the (ex) gf's house and i'm going to pick it up along with a bunch of my shit. so u and the lil asian are no more?
  5. Tmax98

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    well break out of the pattern
  6. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol :bigclap:
  7. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    now time for sleep
  8. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    would of liked to see him kick the ones guys ass that would of been great
  9. Tmax98

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    little guys always get pushed away
  10. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. Tmax98

    97 Maxima Build Log

    here is may build log on the org so u dont have to search http://forums.maxima.org/audio-electronics...way-active.html
  12. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    seen it
  13. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SEAN!!! How's the pregnant life going? No troubles, she is not affected by most of the normal things at all. Definitely a relief since I have half the house torn out and by the end of this trip will have already logged 45k miles in the air this year. Totally nuts. In Japan right now visiting with hdd sub-suppliers. very good to hear sean! and glad u have blessed us with ur presence
  14. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i bet lol FREAKS
  15. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow i would really like to know what was in it that messed u up that bad!
  16. Tmax98


    congrats to the winners! damn u adrian lol and i say we have another give away
  17. Tmax98

    97 Maxima Build Log

    Are those the 7" seas that are in your sig? How do they sound IB like that? I'm thinking about doing that with my rear Tang Bands and Sundown E8s. My front set will be E8's in the doors and tang bands and tweets in kickpods, sealed. the seas sound really good, i think they would sound even better if i had some more power to em. i am running all front stage, no rear fill. do u know about maxima.org? i have a pretty extensive build log there
  18. Tmax98

    97 Maxima Build Log

    looks familiar eh(and a quick note stock speakers are gone) i have a 98'
  19. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    contacts top^
  20. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn! i usually wear my 2-3 weeks maybe 4 but when they start gettin fuzzy i just trash'em also got me a new pair of glasses so that helps alot! was using my first prescription glasses(from 4th grade now a junior in college) lol
  21. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    on the economy crisis my engineering economics teacher proposed this plan to get 5 families living in one house, and help that homeowner payoff their house. while the other 4 families houses are foreclosed due to them not making their payments. thus getting the bank to payoff the houses. and having the families in the one house save all their money in a safe in the house, so the bank cant get their money. sounds pretty interesting to me lol
  22. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    GM top^
  23. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Engrish Fail sry again engrish teacher
  24. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ur build sounds like a buddy of me and mikes 6' about 185lbs i would say and damn flexible he would always kick and try to get you with his legs. when that fails he just runs lol Engrish Fail x2 sry engrish teacher