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Everything posted by Tmax98

  1. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yup ass whoopin! WVU played well too!
  2. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Win! i bet your dad would love it!
  3. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's a good one peng lol
  4. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    went off shore with my buddy on saturday caught a good haul of snapper. So tonight i grilled some on the grill in foil, with a little tony's, butter and lemon. I must say it was damn good for pretty much my first time!
  5. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my dad smokes ribs low and slow for a couple of hours, then finishes them in the oven, they are always like candy and fall off the bone! delicious!
  6. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    which infers the But there is sooo many everywhere Can't wait for Halloween! Then pics for sure! Damn I need a clever costume that entices woman to take photographs with me.... Last year it was 3 6'+ tall oompa loompas... What to do this year..... halloween is always great lol
  7. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    which infers the
  8. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sorry to see ya lose again mike. Ya i picked a pretty good team this year. I was sort of worried this week with a couple of my ppl on byes, but i pulled it out lol
  9. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do not buy a house with someone whom you are not legaly married to. No matter what. In no way does it make sense unless you can afford to loose everything you put into it. As for a down payment, If you are not married there will be an issue with the down payment. Whom ever is the first name on the house would need to have the whole down payment from their earnings or else they will have to pay taxes on the money from the other person. This may work better if you're both equal holders in the house and have the EXACT same down payment though. Seriously, unless you're married or they are your parents, don't buy a house with someone. Oh, yeah, forgot to put that in. I'd definitely either buy it myself or we'd be married. Going to live together in a rental next year at least, if not two years. My story from my parents being landlords of a home....is that e had a renter he never really liked me or my brother...so he decides not to pay us 1 month of rent and my mom said nah we want this guy out....so he leaves without paying the rent...my parents didn't give the deposit because of his actions...me and my smart brother went looking for him and he gave us the money for the month....and we kept it and my mom didn't know so we had $1900 cash but it was after the problem was straightened out...we went 50/50 and yeah...that was my good experience... sounds like a winner. did u dance after that?
  10. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    gettin paid so u can play top^
  11. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    heck no!
  12. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    amen to that.. got it running on my pc as well. got it free too :woot: On a strong machine with just two drawings open, it will pull nearly a gig of ram. jesus!
  13. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Please don't be another one of the idiots who put them in the stock housings which were never designed for them and blind the shit out of me while I'm driving just because they think it makes their car look cool. lol no i want to do this right if im going to do it at all. first step would be to get a pair of projectors? im either going to hit a junk yard with a friend or order online.. any advice as to what to look for? i believe some projectors are designed for halogen while others are for hid bulbs? heres an online option. internetz check this place out http://www.hidplanet.com/forums/
  14. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ya Congrats! Sean is a baby making machine now!
  15. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^aaron is going to faint!
  16. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thats a sweet one. i was going to suggest using the symbol intergrated into an image. ie on a football, on a hat, with a collage of ohter football items. On your back or calve would be good places for a perfect circle. definately will be my back. I always want to be able to cover it up.
  17. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    while my brother drives us bact to Bro-mount!
  18. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    gansta! on the work computer with my verizon air card.
  19. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would not giet that on my back....there just a dissapointment..... how are 6 super bowl wins a dissappointment?
  20. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ya i remember him talkin about them...
  21. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i here ya. I didnt think u would go to PA. Ya the Yanks rub me the wrong way, with how they pretty much buy their team, and pay so much more than others.
  22. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    like this one
  23. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whatcha got in mind? somethin simple like this Perfect circles are VERY unforgiving. Exspecially on areas with alot of movement. Where on your body are you thinking? I would put it on my back on my left or right shoulder.
  24. Tmax98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im sure raven's fans aren't any better... GO STEELERS! u at the game?