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Everything posted by ia2

  1. nice! I threw this in my 01 celica recently...
  2. ia2

    IA forum excitement.

    heres a new setup I did in my car....... DP 18 in 5.5 cubes with around 80" of port on 1500 RMS.......may look a little rough, but its knockin like Jehovah's
  3. ia2

    12 inch warden

    merged the 2 same threads into 1
  4. ia2

    Incriminator Lethal Injection 15

    ^^^^what he said
  5. ia2

    how does this happen

    The drilled holes you see in the top plate are where the bolts hold the basket and motor together. The rest is held by epoxy.
  6. ia2

    Sad sad day

    if you only have 10 cubes you do not need 2 21" DPs........you need something smaller for sure!
  7. ia2

    flat response for warden 12

    Good example of why we don't use box calculators for Wardens
  8. only the DP for now........no new LI for this moment
  9. and that tells us ?? That tells us that we need to go to books a million and pick up a PasMag if you want info before they are released When do they release? sooner than you would think
  10. ia2

    IA Downfall Shirt

    I dont see why it would be a problem. Email [email protected] for more info. Thanks!
  11. and that tells us ?? That tells us that we need to go to books a million and pick up a PasMag if you want info before they are released
  12. it has been in the last 2 issues of PasMag
  13. ia2

    12" Flatlyne Cutout Diameter?

    The website is wrong....I hope u haven't cut the hole yet...... J/k....website is correct
  14. ia2

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    2-3 cubes with 30-50" of port
  15. That box will be just fine.
  16. Im trying to gather more pictures for our social networking pages (myspace, facebook, website, etc.) and would like to get a few of you guys to post up some pics of your setups running IA gear......it can be old school, new IA stuff, or heck, even a pic of you wearing our shirt..........anything IA related. Thanks!!
  17. ia2

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    With a WT2 I'm sure
  18. ia2

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    and just so its clear........I dont even know what those numbers would equate to when you plug them in a box building program, but please continue to follow our recommended enclosure sizes when it comes time to build your box
  19. ia2

    Whats happnin IA forum

    looks like he was being pretty nice about it to me......IDK man
  20. ia2

    Parameters DP 21"

    On a project of that size, I would definitely recommend emailing Nick anyway......TS parameters arent going to design a box for 8 21" DPs....
  21. ia2

    New Build!!!

    I will kill you if you decide on 16 DP 10s........jus sayin
  22. ia2

    Post your IA installs here

    Steve is actually looking for a good installer if I'm not mistaken
  23. ia2

    Post your IA installs here

    Hell justin....that's just the start.....what about the 187s in the blazer, or the li 10s in the blazer, or the DP15s in the expedition, or the 2 DR12s in Amandas xterra......I'm sure I could go on
  24. ia2

    Whats happnin IA forum

    Glad you could join us buddy....how bout some pics?