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Everything posted by ia2

  1. Lol....haven't ever made any....or took any pics for that matter...maybe ill do that sometime soon
  2. I have a dp18 in my 2001 celica on an IA20.1, and it absolutely kills! I no longer have an interior roof light, or sunroof controls bc the whole piece fell off, my rear view mirror always hangs straight down, the sheet metal around the spoiler is ripped, and my tag is bent @ a 45 degree angle.....I think you will be happy with your decision
  3. ia2

    pic's of the IA flatlyne 15 coil.....

    Flatlyne coils are very dark from the beginning. Looks normal.
  4. We shut down production late yesterday evening to bear down and focus on redoing the website...hopefully we will be able to keep it more up to date from here on out. www.incriminatoraudio.com
  5. You can always use a cell phone camera, or a regular camera that takes videos....doesn't have to be professional, just original!
  6. Since we offered the old SBN poster for sale, I figured why not put the new one up as well......$10 shipped, paypal [email protected] and be sure to reference which poster you are ordering. Thanks!!
  7. ia2

    15" LI Reg Cab box help

    They would play in that sized box, but you may experience them being a bit "peaky" or "punchy", instead of the normal smooth flowing bass sound you would normally get. If you can handle sacrificing a small bit of spl, they will be much happier in a sealed box since you don't really have quite enough box volume to effectively go ported.
  8. ia2

    Wiring a Quad voice coil sub?

    Basically treat it as if it were 2 dvc subs. That should simplify things for ya
  9. Get them babys amped and it will be a night/day difference. Thanks for buying!
  10. I would go ahead and run a wire from the door to the back of your head unit....should help out alot
  11. Well, I guess let me put it to you like this....a v6 camaro and an SS camaro look very similar on the outside, and they weigh about the same. But, when you line them up at the race track, you know which one the SS is. With that being said, the dp and warden now have similar cooling features, and both come with the highest quality parts available. The differences are mainly motor and suspension based, and neo magnets are soo much stronger than ferrite, its almost scary. On the inside packaging of the warden, there is a warning sheet that we include just so that people understand the power of neo...(i.e. don't get near it with a knife, screws, another warden, etc.) Not to discredit the DP by any means, as it is a truly amazing subwoofer in its own right, but the warden is in its own class of what I like to call "superwoofers", sort of like supercars are in their own league when compared with average sportscars.
  12. ia2

    IA Recommended Enclosure Sizing

    Sealed 1.4 cubes - 2.0 cubes Ported 2.5 cubes - 3.5 cubes, 30 - 45 Inches of Port, 28-35 Hz I edited the original post to reflect this. Sorry!
  13. Make sure your head unit and amplifier settings are right. Those tweeters are generally very loud.
  14. Come out to Audio X and check out the MECA show that Steve Cook will be hosting. We will be there giving away a few things, and there will be lots of fun side games going on during the SPL and SQ competitions. If you need directions, PM me and ill get you there. Thanks!
  15. ia2

    New Products

    Maybe check out our facebook for a preview?
  16. Show has been cancelled due to the tornadoes that passed through our area. It will be rescheduled, and I will repost the date
  17. ia2

    Death Row in a Sealed Box?

    I meant lacking compared to the ported counterpart. In the 25-45hz area a sealed box has nothing on a low tuned ported box. Even with a large sealed box. I've done swaps myself with several 10" subs(even ones notorious for favoring sealed boxes) in a 1.25ft^3 at 28hz box and then plugged the port to make it a 1.75ft^3 sealed box. The ported setup would always have an advantage on the low end until you get down around 20hz, which you're not going to see any material that low anyways. Agreed....I just meant that as a general statement....i thought your post sort of made it sound like the low end would be non existant in the sealed box, and I was just trying to clarify that it will still be there, just not as loud .
  18. ia2

    Death Row in a Sealed Box?

    Just depends on how big the box is and how much power is used.....as long as the box isn't tiny, it shouldn't lack on the lows
  19. ia2

    Death Row in a Sealed Box?

    The only difference will be more cone control (better sq) and a loss of output. It will sound great and be plenty loud.....just not as loud as a proper ported box.
  20. ia2

    hello from b'ham Al

    Welcome.....we are based in AL also (shoals area)...just an fyi
  21. ia2

    King of Bass CD

    The guys from bass mekanik told me they felt like this was their best work ever. The cd is mostly loooong continuous, beat your brains in low bass, unlike most bass cds that sound more like party music. This is more like, cruise around and beat yourself to death music. oh, and there are also 7 tracks included that are geared toward bass race/bass boxing/park and pound, etc. All 7 tracks are the same music, but the bass note goes up a few hz each song
  22. ia2

    Flatlyne Coil?

    The short answer is no. We dont sell raw parts, only rebuild kits for our subs. Sorry
  23. Oh I got ya.....I was going to try and help, most set screws are about the same now days....but can't help on the power block...best email jacob