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Everything posted by mlcantin

  1. mlcantin

    Light dimming

    All companies that make alternator should have one that is the same size as your stock alt. The reason they push out more amperage is the technology they put in them. Accidentally put my response in the quoted material
  2. mlcantin

    Light dimming

    130 amp alt is not big. You SHOULD NOT be bumping at idle anyways. It is rude and bad for your car.
  3. mlcantin

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    I love you guys
  4. So today i turned on my car while leaving class and decided to bump on the way home. Well i couldn't because my sub wasn't working. It was working before class. I got home and hooked up my other working sub which i decided to upgrade from (VIBE slick) and that did not work either. I know for a fact that the vibe isn't blown and my amp tells me when a sub is blown, wired wrong etc. The amp said everything was fine. So i hooked up my old amp (a kenwood) and that amp didn't work either with both subs. I can't stress enough that the VIBE is a good working subwoofer. I checked all of my fuses under the hood and none of them are blown. Neither are the fuses on both of the amps. I took a multimeter to check ohms and my ground was way less than half an ohm resistance which is good. I don't understand why nothing is working. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be the problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Matthew
  5. mlcantin

    F/S 4 15" Skar VVX's

    I say that price is fair
  6. I really like the look of the newly released Kandy Kable but the thing that is dissapointing. CCA wire . 90% aluminum 10% copper. Turned me away automatically
  7. I would try a 25, 000 watt and and go from there
  8. mlcantin

    My new Harley

    Wow that was fast
  9. Then buy a ticket chief! done Thanks
  10. Almist midnight bump! We still have prizes left!!!!Buy tickets so you have a chance of winning one!
  11. mlcantin

    Bass in freezing air

    Well according to the article we should all give up on car audio like he did. What are we thinking guys? pshh
  12. mlcantin

    '02 ranger "tremor" system video

    I didn't know they sold bass setups in cars that old. Learn something new everyday
  13. mlcantin

    HAHA! one ghettooo ass system

    I bet he just feels horrible.
  14. mlcantin

    Dorrough Get Big!!!

    It is actually about the dallas mavericks but whatever
  15. mlcantin

    Dorrough Get Big!!!

    Don't particularly like the lyrics (talks about money the whole song like all crappy rap) but the bass is insane. Pick it up on itunes or wherever you download your music.
  16. Just wanted to know the opinion of someone who owns one. I am thinking about this or the dc 2k so input would be much welcome. Sincerely, Matthew