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Everything posted by mlcantin

  1. I can't take a picture. My phone camera lens is scratched so pictures are not an option right now I'm afraid
  2. So the rattling is perfectly normal even though I can hear it over the bass? Actually that's all I hear
  3. I said both cap and coil is hot not the cap is cool and no thanks I eat pussy. So you think the gain is off?
  4. I used -7.5 to be safe. I don't play slowed music or decaf
  5. if you don't wanna help go away
  6. The cooling is working because the dust cap is hot and when I touch the coil it is very hot to the touch. On 250 rms per subSome heat is normal. How do you know they are getting 250 a piece?rough approximate through mathematical calculations
  7. The cooling is working because the dust cap is hot and when I touch the coil it is very hot to the touch. On 250 rms per sub
  8. I had a sundown e12 and it slammed. Didn't sound that great though but it took abuse. The dcs sound way better but can't take power
  9. And what does this look like?
  10. they sound decent and are loud to boot. Cooling just doesn't work apparently
  11. I did both. Gain by eat and by dd1 and still rattling.
  12. mlcantin

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    Where is a link to them saying the above?
  13. mlcantin

    Problem with C1100.4 highpitched noise.

    I think they know a mistake was made on their end
  14. mlcantin

    help trunk build

    If you write in proper english we would be glad to help you
  15. mlcantin

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    That's one massive woofer. I wonder if it can handle 6500 rms daily though. Time will tell the tale
  16. mlcantin

    Problem with C1100.4 highpitched noise.

    Since this thread is entirely negative I think I will steer clear of their 4 channel for a while
  17. mlcantin

    My New Baby!!

    When I saw the topic I thought you meant a child... I was proven wrong. Motor still looks good though
  18. mlcantin

    KE Ported Enclosures HD Photos

    Actually it is priced quite well for the material, the quality, the detail and especially who is building them. There are plenty of options for high tuned, cheaply slapped together 5/8" MDF boxes on ebay. These are a much higher quality enclosure for customers who want a superior product, lighter material, better built and longer lasting with less peaky performance. Just like our SSA sub woofers, if you want the metaphorical Kia, get an Audiopipe, but if you want the metaphorical Mercedes, get the SSA, or in this case a Khaotik. In other words, a high end American made-to-order product for customers who want some of the best on the market. I meant no offense buddy. I just can build my own enclosure for less is what I am referring too
  19. mlcantin

    How to Carpet your Sub Box - Video

    Thanks for the upload buddy. Always love watching your videos
  20. mlcantin

    KE Ported Enclosures HD Photos

    That is ridiculously overpriced. Looks nice though
  21. mlcantin

    Dual DD1508 subs

    Ah, subjectivity. Amusing what the human body perceives without a comparison. SQ is FAR from the design criteria of the DD drivers. what do you considered sound quality then?
  22. mlcantin

    Dual DD1508 subs

    I heard a 1508 once and it sounded good. Mostly likely the box though
  23. mlcantin

    Dual DD1508 subs

    Nah dd makes great sq oriented drivers though