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Everything posted by mlcantin

  1. mlcantin

    FI Audio Build (In Progress)

    That box is freaking legit bruh
  2. Anyone know of some good Android car audio apps?

    1. ssh


      New skar app.

    2. mlcantin


      It isn't on the play store

  3. mlcantin

    Secret for spl revealed

    Ain't that the truth.
  4. Big K.R.I.T. new mixtape is really solid. I cant wait to see and hear what his next album is like musically

  5. Just go to 1/0. Skip 2/0 if you have the money to purchase 1/0.
  6. mlcantin

    Audio Books, ect.

    Thanks for the link buddy
  7. mlcantin

    New Guy from Kansas City

    Sound good. Keep us updated on the system build!
  8. mlcantin

    Hey All

    Welcome to our fabulous community
  9. mlcantin

    Hi folks

    Hope you enjoy our little slice of paradise
  10. mlcantin

    HI from Australia

    enjoy the forum
  11. mlcantin

    new here

    welcome to the forum buddy
  12. mlcantin

    Letter/word frequencies

    What king of head unit do you have? What amp? And you could always go with a sound processor or a band eq but those can be rather expensive
  13. mlcantin

    Favorite Peanut butter

    I am one who is not attracted to either sex. So no I am not gay.
  14. mlcantin

    Favorite Peanut butter

    That's absolutely disgusting lol
  15. mlcantin

    Favorite Peanut butter

    Jiff is my shit. I take two tablespoons per and post workout. Really tasty stuff.
  16. Call them and ask for Matthew Logan. He will be more than happy to help you out.
  17. mlcantin

    99 lexus es300 alt

    Mechman has pretty much abandoned this forum so message them through their website or go to smd
  18. agree ditch the 6x9s if you are adding a woofer. Those speakers are primarily bass drivers and won't be of much use if running a subwoofer.
  19. mlcantin

    Zcon box sizing

    Give the drivers what they want and they will be happy. If you need help designing an enclosure let us know and we would be glad to help.
  20. mlcantin

    Comparing SSD to BD

    Quit asking everyone's opinion and try one or the other. You can always sell and buy the other. The only opinion that matters is your own.
  21. And do you plan on running active or passive?
  22. Take off the door panels and other panels on your vehicle to figure out the true size of the speakers. Never trust what someone else has posted. The tweets would be optimal on the pillars on each side of the door but you can keep them there (dash mounting). Measure the cut outs for the tweets in the dash and then check size provided by crescendo.
  23. mlcantin

    Zcon box sizing

    Optimal allows the driver to perform it's best. Always shoot for optimal. If you cannot fit optimal I always just go down a driver size so I can fit optimal for that driver.
  24. mlcantin

    18" Fi SSD $200 shipped

    I know you have a thread I think but what are your rates?