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Everything posted by mlcantin

  1. mlcantin

    Harlem Shake! Love this stuff man!

    If you go to youtube they literally have tons of them there videos mhm
  2. mlcantin

    Harlem Shake! Love this stuff man!

    I bet that must have been quite a sight to behold!
  3. mlcantin

    Harlem Shake! Love this stuff man!

    That is awesome! Do you know the video they are in?
  4. mlcantin

    Harlem Shake! Love this stuff man!

    Was it for a competition or something?
  5. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    The price of the rec one also depends on all the options you put on the refine but here is the link:http://store.ficaraudio.com/ssd-recone/
  6. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    The should cost you around $90 a piece so a total if $180 for both.
  7. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    Recones are not that expensive over at fi if I remember correctly. Cheaper than buying a whole new subwoofer anyways
  8. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    uh yea that haha
  9. mlcantin

    Sundown SAZ-1200D/2500D/3500D photo shoot

    Can't wait to see the pics. See how awesome they look
  10. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    He is saying the subs wouldnt move without a amp being hooked up. Wait what lol. I just took a test and my head hurts. Aren't subs not supposed to move if you don't have an amp hooked up?
  11. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    Pics would benefit all of us and diagnosing your problem may be easier if we can see what you are working with here
  12. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    Sorry I am exhausted you u mentioned both if those things haha. Did you take a multimeter to the speaker terminals on the amp to check ohm load?
  13. mlcantin

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    What ohm are the subs and how do you have them wired?
  14. She is the one with the big heart. I could literally go the to hospital just like five miles from myhhouse and what over these souls all day every day. If only I had the time ;(
  15. mlcantin

    Second Skin **New Product Photos**

    I have this in my jeep. Works like a charm gotta be honest
  16. mlcantin

    Sundown Audio E8v3 Photo Shoot

    Nice photos Mark! Look at the motor structure on that bad boy!
  17. Why are fuse holders so expensive! >:(

    1. shizzzon


      get the ring terminal ones, for ANL, only $7-8 a piece.

    2. altoncustomtech


      Could always build your own.

    3. mlcantin


      What I am planning on doing Alton

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  18. All of y'all have such big hearts
  19. All of y'all have such big hearts
  20. mlcantin

    I hate to bring up the past...

    At first I skimmed through his post and thought he was talking about things he did to his audio setup :/
  21. mlcantin

    Movies With Bass [House Shakers Only]

    One of my favorite movies of all time
  22. mlcantin


    If you type in resellers review on google and type in onlinecarstereo it will show that the site is full of con artists. I would stay away from them if I were you bro.