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Everything posted by Yang

  1. Yang

    SSA ICON Series out of stock

    any status update on the iCon
  2. If you have to ask... I think it's better to go a different route.
  3. go here http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/downloads/frontpage/1.html?category_id=0 searching is your best friend
  4. I was just browsing the wooferetc website and I found that they are having a really great deal on the kicker war horse amp... http://www.woofersetc.com/p-6814-warhorse-wx100001-kicker-1-ch-20000-watt-amplifier.aspx seems like a really great price for 10k watts. Just throwing it out there for you guys that want a lot of power.
  5. Yang

    Bravox Audio PXW 8D D2 BLOWOUT

    got the last 2...
  6. I have a 100.4 and mli 65 and SEAS Prestige 27TFFNC tweeters. What is a good starting point for my cross over settings. Thanks in advance
  7. Yang

    Speaker terminal screw for a 1500D

    ok, how can i order one? the top of the head basically split in half so i had to drill a small hole in it, this way the screw driver was able to go in a bit further and have enough "grip" to unscrew it. For pics it will be hard since it was throw in the garbage bin right after i removed it.... The same thing happened to me
  8. Yang

    I want to play a game....

    i'm guessing 954?
  9. Yang

    RE SE 15d4

    talk to Fi or Ia i think they will do recones for you.
  10. Yang

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    my brother gots these and he's been wanging this away for about a year and a half now and it's still going. only issue he's had was one of them is suffering from tinsel slap, it's in the trunk of his car so you can't hear it till you pop the trunk and put your head next to it. very good subs for the money. Yang.
  11. Yang

    SAE Amplifier Specials

    how many do you have left of the sae 1000d? any benefit from jumping up to the saz 1000d? besides matching my sax 100.4?
  12. you can try sears parts direct...
  13. Yang

    2-12's or 1-12?

    $175 tops for subs. IA Lethal Injections are on sale for $162 I think I'll go with those. Where would I put another battery? Inside my truck!? (Tahoe) Isn't that what the caps are for? Why does it show caps in every car audio diagram then? the IA Lethal injection are 152 right now for the black and blue sale... I would go with those
  14. i second johnecone you just gotta remember you still need the source of your video to be broadcasting 1080p to get the full picture and don't skimp too much on the wire connecting them two together but don't over pay for it too. get projector 2... and a nice blu ray player
  15. as in title... j/w cause the size of the two amps are the same and fuse rating are also the same. I also recalled Jacob saying something like the 100.2 was going to get a name change.
  16. Yang

    Fi Q 10 or AA Havoc 12

    if you didn't have the 2 ohm requirements i say you should also looking into the new Stereo Integrity Magnum...
  17. Yang

    Pre-Order Updates

    i don't get mine till the 4 of december
  18. Yang

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    i just got my last minute order in too dual's ftw...
  19. Yang

    box design for single ported E8

    aero outside's gonna look fulgy...
  20. any help would be appreciated. Thanks Yang
  21. Yang

    box design for single ported E8

    it's not giving me enough options to tune the box down to 30 hz with the slot ported box at .6 ^3ft. any help would be appreciated with dimensions and pictures thanks. Yang
  22. Yang

    SAX-100.4 D Revision Pre-Order OPEN

    placed my order today... can't wait