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About daley05

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  1. daley05

    SSA vs RE SX

    so if i wanted something for good daily puonding but no sq I should go with the sx, but if i want a little bit of pound i should go with the ssd icon.
  2. daley05

    SSA vs RE SX

    If you put 2 12's in the same box same power which would sound better? I know its going to be kinda biased but i am debating between these two subs.
  3. daley05

    (ICON 15'S) 149.8db @ Prescott

    I wound what the tweleves will hit
  4. daley05

    SPL box for Icon 15

    what put kind of numbersdo you think you will put up?
  5. have you got it metered yet?
  6. daley05

    12" ICON's in S10blazer

    what kind of numbers are peoplr putting up with icons?
  7. daley05

    mag 15's

  8. daley05


    Hello how is everyone doing