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About Pyro_By_Nature

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  1. Pyro_By_Nature

    Received a confusing label

    Ok, thank you. Sorry for being a dumbass! haha I took that label all too seriously, which deeply effected thoughts in my head lol.
  2. Pyro_By_Nature

    Received a confusing label

    Labels aren't my friends...............
  3. Pyro_By_Nature

    Need advice on BTL 18 box...........

    It's a Jeep grand cherokee (suv). I have plenty of room.A little over 8 cubes, after wood and port taken into account.I just need to know what I need to shoot for box size wise. I don't want the sub to bottom out, full tilt (so I'm leaning toward the smaller side) but I also didn't want to build this box and come out with sloppy ass sounding kick drums. I might just pull a number out of my ass and try building it though, like 6cf. tuned to 33hz.
  4. Pyro_By_Nature

    Need advice on BTL 18 box...........

    Anyone? I want to get the specs. so I can design it tonight, and build it tomorrow.
  5. Pyro_By_Nature

    Need advice on BTL 18 box...........

    Ok, so my fully loaded 18" BTL should be here on wed., I want to get started on the box in the next couple of days. But I have no hands on experience with this sub, and I don't like relying on a computer program. So, I need to know what size box/tuning I should be looking at for it, all info listed below. 18" Fully loaded BTL, powered by an MA Audio HK4000D @ 1 ohm, so roughly 3500ish rms. I don't listen to THAT much rap, but still want it to hit the lows.I listen to stuff with a lot of double kicks, which I don't want to sound really sloppy/mushed together. So, cliff notes. BTL 18, 3500rms, and lots of double kick drums Also, PLEASE do not reply if you do not know what you're talking about/have hands on experience.