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Everything posted by XTRMEASURES


    amp for 2-12a

    what about the VHC1200 from lanzar has anybody played with this amp and is it reliable.... jamie

    I got an Idear :D

    good idea jamie

    Company forums

    they already have a RE forum jamie

    Welcome to the SI forum

    i 2nd that jamie

    Company forums

    what companys you have in mind.... i have a few good freinds that are reps for ELEMENTAL DESIGNS if that is one of them you had in mind the i can help with that one..... jamie

    W7 or MTX 9500?

    http://www.mtxaudio.com/caraudio/images/H2...woofers_600.jpg http://www.mtx.com/caraudio/products/subwo...thunder9500.cfm http://www.mtx.com/caraudio/headtohead/w7.cfm jamie
  7. CBC/Radio-Canada, Canada's national public broadcaster, and SIRIUS have announced that they will form a joint venture to bring satellite radio to Canada. CBC/Radio-Canada and SIRIUS also announced that the venture will soon file an application with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) for a license to provide satellite radio in Canada. "CBC/Radio-Canada is excited about the opportunity to partner with SIRIUS to bring satellite radio to Canada," states Robert Rabinovitch, CBC/Radio-Canada's president and CEO. "By expanding the choices available to Canadians, this new service will enable the national public broadcaster to better fulfill its mandate by extending its reach and enhancing its services to Canadians." This new, subscription-based, national service will give Canadians access to a wide range of programming and Canadian content. CBC/Radio-Canada was able to secure the distribution of two of its main channels, namely Radio One and La Premi


    The Sound Looks And Performance Association (SLAP) has announced that it will wrap up the 2004 Sound Looks and Performance Tour with its season-ending 2004 SLAPshow Nationals event Saturday and Sunday, October 9 & 10, 2004. The event will be held at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center Antietam Creek in Hagerstown, MD. SLAPshow enthusiast members earn points at SLAPshow Tour events towards qualification for the SLAPshow Nationals event. Held in conjunction with the SLAPshow Championship will be the SLAPshow OPEN, a separate event open for non-members to enter and participate. SLAPshow provides event-sanctioning standards and judging rules for three types of auto enthusiast events -- car shows, sound pressure level and sound quality competitions. The judging formats are known as SLAPshow-N-Shine, SLAPdB and SLAPdBq respectively. SLAPshow is managed by SLAPshow.com Event Management, which also coordinates the vast majority of SLAPshow auto enthusiast events in the US. The Clarion Hotel and Conference Center Antietam Creek is convenient to both Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC, as well as it

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    good choice... jamie

    Thinking about combining some of the forums

    awesome idea now will we lose some of the post and replys that aready been made.... jamie

    charging system

    this is what i was told get a isolator and run the batterys in parallel, that way you keep the voltage the same but increase your amprage... i will double check this i advice you do the same before hooking up anything... good luck jamie

    charging system

    this is what i was told get a isolator and run the batterys in parallel, that way you keep the voltage the same but increase your amprage... i will double check this i advice you do the same before hooking up anything... good luck jamie


    A guy was playing golf one day and he got lost. He saw a lady up ahead of him and went to her and said "Can you please help me, I don't know what hole I'm on." She told him "You are one hole behind me. I'm on 7; you're on 6."He thanked her and continued playing golf. On the back nine he got lost again. He saw the same lady and went to her again kind of embarrassed. "I'm sorry to bother you again but I'm lost again, can you please tell me what hole I'm on." She told him "You are one hole behind me. I'm on 14; you are on 13." Again he thanked her and continued playing golf. When he finished he saw her in the clubhouse. He went up to her and asked if he could buy her a drink for helping him out. She accepted. As they were drinking and talking he asked her what she did for a living. "I'm in sales." He replied "no kidding so am I. What do you sell?" She said it's too embarrassing to tell. But after he kept pleading to know what she sold she said she'd tell him if he promised not to laugh. He promised. She said, "I sell tampons". He immediately fell to the floor laughing hysterically. She said, "You promised you wouldn't laugh". He replied "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it. I sell toilet paper. I'm still one hole behind you." jamie

    My name says it all

    LOL welcome jamie

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    me like but its kinda looooooooooongggggg.....hehehehe jamie edit denim: length fixed

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    post up what you want in it and I might be able to put something together maybe something like the lanzar logo and a pic of the monster 8 from ED.... with EXTREMEMEASURES writen in the middle.... not sure yet but that would be the idea i have right now.... thanks jamie wow I did not know you like Lanzar that much, I will get working on them this weekend :thud: just the optidrive amps do you know the monster 8 im talking about.... im a optidrive/elemental design FREAK jamie

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    post up what you want in it and I might be able to put something together maybe something like the lanzar logo and a pic of the monster 8 from ED.... with EXTREMEMEASURES writen in the middle.... not sure yet but that would be the idea i have right now.... thanks jamie

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    how can i get one... :denim: jamie

    recone kits

    thank you djjdnap and everybody for your replys... i will call/email infinity next week and try to get a recone kit for my beta... but i still would like some other parts so i can make a few crazy subs... thanks again everybody oh and you to djjdnap jamie

    recone kits

    thanks everybody jamie

    recone kits

    is there any place or any body that i can buy parts from..... like recone's, coil's, basket ect ect...... jamie

    Decals for SSaudio

    if you can make them in silver ill buy a few... jamie

    Member Titles/Ranks

    i'm one of the gods there are many gods here..... jamie