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About Deadpool

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  1. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

    I didn't really mean to be snide, but it really IS irrelevant. What I mean is that the fact that you wouldn't pay that for them doesn't mean I wouldn't...or that I shouldn't--or that anyone else shouldn't. They're great subs. The cost doesn't in any way affect the performance of the speaker. In fact, as long as the money is within budget (and it was well within my budget), the cost is completely irrelevant. The fact that you wouldn't pay that much is also irrelevant because mine are already on the way. I get a great sounding sub that puts out plenty of volume, looks good, and is made by a reputable company that has very good customer support (spoken from firsthand experience). I also get to support a company where one of its employees (Manville Smith) went out of his way to help me when he didn't have to. I think that's a nice added benefit. And there's no doubt...the W6 is a great sub. Even the "JL haters" will usually admit that it's an awesome sub. They just say, "...but you can get a sub that's almost as good, or just as good for less money." Some even say you can get better subs for less money, and that's fine. But once you get up into the level of subs where you can compete in IASCA SQ events, the differences are probably small enough to not be noticeable for most daily use. v/r, 'Pool
  2. Deadpool

    Anyone with JL12W6v2 experience?

    Cool. I was thinking it should be, but every now and then, I hear how they are a bit power hungry. Thanks for the input.
  3. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

  4. I'll be running a pair of 12W6v2 in a sealed enclosure. I'm getting Alpine PDX amps for the system because they're great amps, I can get a great deal on them, and most importantly, they're SMALL. I'm not sure whether to run a single PDX 1.1000 to the subs, or run a pair of those amps, one to each sub. So the question is, should I just be running them at 500w each or 1000w each? It's a SQ system, but I guess LSQ is more accurate. The rest of the system (6", 3", 1" in the front, no rear stage) will be run by a pair of 4.150s.
  5. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

    I agree about the price for sure. I got them for just under $650 for the pair though, so that's not bad at all imo. I think they'll make me smile.
  6. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

    Thanks for the input guys. I ended up getting a pretty good deal on some 12w6v2s. I think those should do the trick nicely. Thanks again!
  7. Deadpool

    Fi Q sounds interesting...would this work out?

    Scott, Thanks for the reply. After all the indecision I got tired of going back and forth and ended up picking up a couple of 12W6v2s for a pretty decent price. I think I'll be happy with them. Thanks for all the input guys.
  8. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

    Yeah, I don't want to change the amp. Can you elaborate a little on your comment? I take it the Q sounds marginally better SQ-wise, but would be underpowered with just 600w each? If so, would a single Q, ported, with the full 1200w be a better option than a pair of Qs or SSDs in a sealed box? What kind of SPL difference would there be between those options? I know 2 12s sealed would be loud enough, generally speaking of course, but I'm not sure how close a single sub in a ported enclosure with twice the power would compare.
  9. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

    Thanks. I think I've settled on either the Fi Q or Fi SSD. Just need to get some solid input about which would be better in my application. Pair of 12s, sealed, 600w each, mostly rock and rap but also some jazz and blues.
  10. Deadpool

    Fi Q sounds interesting...would this work out?

    LOL damn you! I had just kinda "settled" on the copper core SSRs. So at 600w each, in a sealed enclosure, the Qs vs. the SSRs... Ugh. Shouldn't be so damn hard to make a decision that's not exactly life and death.
  11. Deadpool

    Fi Q sounds interesting...would this work out?

    Well, the baffle is not easily rebuilt. It couldn't take anything larger than the 8s anyway--the rear deck is pretty small back there and I'm done cutting on it. The front and back waves likley muddle a bit through the rear seat. I might be able to seal it off better. Not easily, but I could probably do it. Still, I probably wouldn't just replace those 8s. I really like the setup as is which is why I really don't want to significantly change it. It's great in many ways, but sometimes I just want quite a bit more SPL than those 8s can put out. Again, I don't want to swap out for other 8s. I'll try putting some kind of baffle between the rear seats and the trunk and see if it helps. Still, I really don't think the 8s will give me the SPL I'm looking for atm. Remember, I'm wanting to put in a box that I can remove later. It'll beef up my SPL a bit. So, no. I don't want to "go away from it" per se. I just want some more SPL for a while without changing anything permanently. But that doesn't mean I want to just throw in some crappy gear. It's still gotta sound good...just louder. Significantly louder.
  12. Deadpool

    Little sub help please?

    Sorry, I'm not familiar with either of those. I'll check out that link.
  13. I have a very nice SQ system already installed, but I'm going to work on the sub section to add more output. Intially, the sub/subs will just be in a standard MDF box in the trunk. I need help choosing a sub/subs for this project...that's where you guys come in. Here are some details so hopefully I can help you help me. - Civic Si 4 dr Sedan - SQ is important, but SPL out of the subs is a hair more important for this project. - Front stage = Hybrid Audio Legatia 3 way set - Front stage amps = DLS A4 and A3 - HU/EQ = Alpine IVA-W200/PXA-H701 - Sub amp = DLS A6 (870w@2ohm, 1200w@1ohm) - Sub has to be 12" - Can either be two 12" in a sealed box or one 12" in either a sealed or ported box - Budget is about $600 +/- So a pair of 12s would be getting 600w each, while a single 12 would get 1200w. I'm considering some Fi gear--maybe the Q or SSD lines. Also considering JL products like the 12w3 or a single 12w7, or possibly Image Dynamics IDQ 12s. The single 12w7 might be a problem though since it's a 3 ohm sub. Anyway, some assistance would be greatly appreciated. And the faster the better since I'll be ready to pull the trigger on the buy tomorrow. Thanks!
  14. Deadpool

    Fi Q sounds interesting...would this work out?

    Yeah I do have some concerns about the pressure of the 12/12s on the 8s. Would it be a major issue? If so, and if I really like the 12/12s, I may decide to simply remove the 8s. I could at least do so to see if it makes a big difference. That'd also give a nice open pathway for the sound of the 12s to enter the cabin. I thought about leaving the 8s just for midbass, but don't really want to add another amp. Not sure if your last sentence there was, or could, stand alone, but it brought me back to this question. Would a single Q12 in a well designed and built ported box, and running on 1200w... outperform two SSD or Q 12s in a well designed and built sealed box?