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Everything posted by subwoofery

  1. I am also interested in knowing the main advantage of going with a 1000W@4ohm amp instead of a 1000W@2ohm. Which will drain less current? and less strain on the electrical?
  2. subwoofery

    $7,000 Speaker Cable

    Well Tara Labs don't think so. Their most expensive cooper RCA is the "Zero" (as in zero noise). If I am not mistaken, it is the most expensive RCA in the world: around $14900.00 (1 meter - 3.3 ft) http://www.thecableco.com/product.php?id=414
  3. subwoofery


    Hope nobody in your neighborhood knows about FI or... You won't have any scarecrow left in the morning
  4. subwoofery

    Different cone "sound"

    Thanks a lot. I can now stop looking at cone materials for sound.
  5. subwoofery

    Different cone "sound"

    Humm... Interesting... So people saying that for example the IDMAX has a warmer sound than let's say a TC3000 has nothing to do with the cone material?
  6. subwoofery

    Tymphany LAT products

    Yeah I know, in their PLV subwoofer series. However, I don't see myself buying 4 pieces just to be able to use them IB lol Too bad, guess I will have to wait for a change or find someting else to play with...
  7. subwoofery

    Tymphany LAT products

    Hi guyz, Just wondering if someone has already used one of those? http://www.tymphany.com/products_Tymphany_LAT.html How big should the box be (sealed) for, let's say a LAT 700? Last question, and a stupid one, would those work in an IB alignment? seems like vas and qts are good enough (my guess)... heh
  8. subwoofery

    which amp

    It all comes down to whether you want less draw from your amp. Eclipse is a full range class D and the sundown an AB class So: However I do not know how much the Sundown draws, maybe have to check with people using it.
  9. subwoofery

    Tymphany LAT products

    If it is OEM only, then I cannot wait for one company to copy the design
  10. subwoofery

    Tymphany LAT products

    here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lGAdO9PTG0
  11. subwoofery

    Tymphany LAT products

    I saw on YouTube that they have fitted some in a plasma/LCD screen. Therefore, believe space shouldn't be a concern... Will try to get the link
  12. Just for your information, I noticed that you did a test with an ipod but... after reading this (http://www.machrone.net/mt/archives/digital_audio_players/apple/index.html), you will have much better results with a head unit. I read a better article on Audiojunkies but can't seem to put my hand on it.
  13. subwoofery


    ALIEN8 then
  14. subwoofery

    The Times They Are A-Changing...

    Tahiti is 100% behind SS as well
  15. subwoofery


    Just wondering, US only have 6 digits - mix of numbers and letters? If not, something along those lines would be: DSINTGR8 INCNER8 I don't know, just thinking out loud
  16. subwoofery

    Audison's new website

    www.audison.com or www.audison.eu Enjoy! Kelvin
  17. subwoofery

    Different port length

    I haven't been in Car Audio for very long but I do like browing forums. LOVE CAR AUDIO... fun but expensive lol Wanted to try a sealed/ported setup because I came by a man that did it and stated that it sounds good... Not sure how good, but not crap, heh Here's a pic of his box: So, what do you guyz think?
  18. subwoofery

    Different port length

    Hello, I was wondering whether it was possible to use two different port length on a same box: For example I need 31.5 inch of port length total for 2 x 3" round ports. Can I make one 14" and the other 17.5"??? It's just that it is quite difficult for me to fit those two ports inside the box, outside would be possible but aestethically wouldn't be good. Thanks guyz, Kelvin
  19. subwoofery

    Different port length

    humm... I guess I have to rethink about the built then... Thanks I was actually wondering how you did your box: being only .65 So you used an external slot port?
  20. subwoofery

    Different port length

    So you think I would be better off using some external ports?
  21. subwoofery

    Different port length

    Actually, I was thinking of using the exact same sub that you have: 2 x RL-i8s. Website's recommend for car use if I remember correctly 0.5 cuft sealed and 0.3 cuft tuned to 35Hz ported. I thought that 1 cuft sealed and ported was doable...
  22. subwoofery

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    Not sure if anyone know about this but hey... 12v Cooler / warmer: # Cools to 20-25 Degrees C Below Ambient Temperature # Warms to +65 Degrees C # Hot/Cold, On/Off Switch # Red/Green LEDs Indicate Warming # Power Consumption: 48 Watts # Non-Wearing Thermo Electric (Peltier System) # Handle Recess When Not In Use # Equipped with 1 Pc Long Life Brushless Motors (30,000 Hours) for Heat Dissipation to Outside # Convenient-Plug Into Any 12 Volt Cigarette Lighter In Car, Boat or Plugs into Safe Adapter Indoors # 9 ft. Detachable Power Cord # Full Polyurethane-Foam Lining Without CFC # Cap. Two 355mi Bottles Can Stand Upright # Operates On DC 12V, AC-110V or 220V If you put one or two of those in the boot + the aircon in the cabin = GREAT RESULTS
  23. subwoofery

    Different port length

    Actually, I wanted to use round ports because I wanted to do be able to use some plugs. Meaning, daily driving with a sealed box and when "showing off", unplug the ports and -voil
  24. subwoofery

    Ups Came Today

    Ohh ok... Thank you for the info
  25. subwoofery

    Ups Came Today

    heh, stupid question but what program do you guyz use to make those enclosures pics? Thanks Kelvin