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Everything posted by bighitter

  1. bighitter

    A present in the mail today...

    Actually what size are the power/neg terminals? 4awg? I am not going to put it in probably until I get my new CDT ES Comps from James as he is building a set of kicks for my Titan. Will also have to get the 100.2 soon and make an amp rack on the back wall. This is going in an 04 Titan King Cab, had a mostly eD setup in previously but once I got the kicks on order everything took an upgrade.
  2. bighitter

    A present in the mail today...

    Now if I can just find someone to take this Orion HCCA 250G4 off my hands!
  3. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Congrats Andrew!
  4. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Any news on the winner?
  5. bighitter

    Sundown SPL Truck

    That is just insane! But hella cool.
  6. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    This includes if bought from a dealer also right?
  7. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Guess the Orion is going up for sale soon! I just talked to james and I will be going with 2 of the SD1s in a box that should easily hold the v2s whenever they come out. Since I have all the other sundown products I am going to get an amp for the subs as well and I guess it will be the 100.2. Maybe we can use your truck to test the SD-1 v.2 prototypes That would be sweet! What kind of power will the v2s need? Should I get the 100.4 instead and move the other one to sub duty? I don't suggest the 250.2 for sub duty without a fan cooled amp rack. They really won't require much more power than the current SD-1, although they can handle more if you have it. Should sound good on the 100.2 just like the current model does. Ok cool! Can't wait to get the new setup, should be great, first time I have ever sent more power to my front stage than my sub stage.
  8. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Guess the Orion is going up for sale soon! I just talked to james and I will be going with 2 of the SD1s in a box that should easily hold the v2s whenever they come out. Since I have all the other sundown products I am going to get an amp for the subs as well and I guess it will be the 100.2. Maybe we can use your truck to test the SD-1 v.2 prototypes That would be sweet! What kind of power will the v2s need? Should I get the 100.4 instead and move the other one to sub duty?
  9. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Guess the Orion is going up for sale soon! I just talked to james and I will be going with 2 of the SD1s in a box that should easily hold the v2s whenever they come out. Since I have all the other sundown products I am going to get an amp for the subs as well and I guess it will be the 100.2.
  10. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Well I guess if I do go with 2 of these, the Orion HCCA 250G4 won't do much on them, 100watts @ 4ohms mono. Anyone want to trade for a 1500d? lol
  11. bighitter

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    Are these all 4ohm VCs or are some DVCs or what? Sorry I mussed have missed it in the spec.
  12. bighitter

    What size Alternator?

    No pref really, I haven't done anything serious under my hood yet as far as dress up goes. Email being sent thanks!
  13. bighitter

    What size Alternator?

    04 Nissan Titan King Cab. Tech12volt is working with me on the install. I got the quote from HighOutputAlternator. I will check the other ones as well.
  14. bighitter

    What size Alternator?

    Any recommended places to purchase alts? I got a quote for mid 600s from one place so far for a 200amp alt.
  15. bighitter

    New Sub in the Works

    I am a little late to this thread, so what would the mounting depth of a 10 or 12 of the v3 design be then? I would love to have 1 killer 10 or 12 in my truck. The 10" will come in at 7" depth, 12" a bit deeper Well that definitely won't work for the titan bummer! Guess I will just stick with the CDT for now. I am working on subs with less depth, no worries. The SD-1 v.2 10" model will be 5.25" deep... and it will go LOW sealed Stay tuned for that one. Now that sounds interesting, I guess I could have all SD across the back like I currently have with eD. The CDT doesn't look like it will work either, if I build a box for a current SD-1 will the v.2 be able to drop in its place? I am actually pretty content with my dual SQ10s right now but I am trying something different since I needed a bigger amp to power my new front stage. The SD-1 v.2 10" will need about 0.75 ft^3 sealed w/ a pound of polyfill. If your box is larger, no problem, they'll be fine with more... and fine with a tad less with more polyfill. That is my current setup and I would like to do something similar it would probably only be able to work with 1 10" though.
  16. bighitter

    New Sub in the Works

    I am a little late to this thread, so what would the mounting depth of a 10 or 12 of the v3 design be then? I would love to have 1 killer 10 or 12 in my truck. The 10" will come in at 7" depth, 12" a bit deeper Well that definitely won't work for the titan bummer! Guess I will just stick with the CDT for now. I am working on subs with less depth, no worries. The SD-1 v.2 10" model will be 5.25" deep... and it will go LOW sealed Stay tuned for that one. Now that sounds interesting, I guess I could have all SD across the back like I currently have with eD. The CDT doesn't look like it will work either, if I build a box for a current SD-1 will the v.2 be able to drop in its place? I am actually pretty content with my dual SQ10s right now but I am trying something different since I needed a bigger amp to power my new front stage.
  17. bighitter

    New Sub in the Works

    I am a little late to this thread, so what would the mounting depth of a 10 or 12 of the v3 design be then? I would love to have 1 killer 10 or 12 in my truck. The 10" will come in at 7" depth, 12" a bit deeper Well that definitely won't work for the titan bummer! Guess I will just stick with the CDT for now.
  18. bighitter

    Another new guy

    Found this forum from the sundown website. I have a new system going in my titan with CDT ES Gold 3way front stage and a Sundown amp powering it for now. Undecided on subs at this point but much more for SQ than SPL. Looking forward to getting it all together. This is a 04 Nissan Titan King Cab.
  19. bighitter

    New Sub in the Works

    I am a little late to this thread, so what would the mounting depth of a 10 or 12 of the v3 design be then? I would love to have 1 killer 10 or 12 in my truck.
  20. bighitter

    New System Plans

    I would do the pair of 10s... the 10s have an F3 of 60Hz IB, and that is as low as you will run them You'll have higher efficiency and more output potential, as well as a 4 ohm load per side for midbass. Man I am impressed, you guys really do go all out! Love it.
  21. bighitter

    It's almost time for some bass

    it's actually missing 2 pieces, the gauge cluster surround was very brittle, and ended up breaking when we were taking it off. I have a new one, it's at the paint shop now. The center piece houses my center channel, and is currently still getting some fiberglass loving. Looks great man, hope my CDT ES setup looks this good when we are done!