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Everything posted by mccleery3

  1. mccleery3

    New from Nor*Cal

  2. Great new pic of lil man bro!

  3. mccleery3

    New From Florida

  4. mccleery3

    New one from Toronto

    Sorry bro
  5. mccleery3

    New one from Toronto

    Hey bro, the last time I checked, db-r had 1 SAX-50.4 left
  6. mccleery3

    New one from Toronto

  7. mccleery3

    94 Geo Metro

    Keep doin it big bro IAK!!
  8. mccleery3

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Great build and lots of good info/questions throughout
  9. mccleery3

    94 Geo Metro

    Another geo wall??? This time Team IAK
  10. mccleery3

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

    I litterally cried laughing at the MTV short video of the guy cold cocking that chick
  11. mccleery3

    Rattlebox317's new build

    Everyone must to Duran!! I'm a bad multitasker so just 2-3 tabs for me...LOL
  12. that is gonna tear the drivers head off! LMAO
  13. You should post the pics of the SA8 next to the LVL5....LOL!

  14. mccleery3

    lil man

    Now the fun really begins!!
  15. mccleery3

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Lookin foward to seeing this again shizzon , glad you're getting it worked out
  16. hmmmm, glad I caught this thread. I think one of those ebay volt meter displays may be able to custom fit into a place in my truck. Anybody have any experience with those or anything other than the stinger?
  17. mccleery3

    Hi there!

  18. mccleery3

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    If it makes you feel any better steve, I am waiting for a rebuild of my enclosure and the glass to arrive before I get to hear them. They sure do look damn sexy to sit and look at !
  19. mccleery3

    Rattlebox317's new build

    I'm running Sundown SAZ-1500D, SAX-50.4, 4-SA8's
  20. mccleery3

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    Yeah, the first pics makes you look a few times with that "wtf!" look. I had one of these sat next to a DC LVL5 12 and they looked like siblings...LOL
  21. mccleery3

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    Thanks for posting the pics brother chop I was having a serious ambien moment by the time I tried to post pics myself.....LOL!
  22. mccleery3

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    javascript:;ima00007.jpg last try and I'm off to bed. I've been up since 8 last night
  23. mccleery3

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    lol hard to do on this ambien bro-----I FAIL
  24. mccleery3

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

  25. mccleery3

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale
